Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 207 Slughorn and the Chamber of Secrets (Subscribe)

Chapter 207 Slughorn and the Chamber of Secrets (Subscribe)

"Good evening, Mr. Embers." Across from Ash sat a broad and fat old man with a round figure, holding a glass of yellow-orange mead in his hand.

"Good evening, Mr. Slughorn." Ash shook his hand.

"I used to teach at Hogwarts, too," said Slughorn, looking quite proud. "That was the happiest time of my life. I was the head of Slytherin."

Ash nodded knowingly, and he said, "Professor Snape should be familiar with you, right?"

"Snape?" Slughorn nodded. "He used to be one of my students, one of my favorite students."

"But I know, you didn't come here because of this, right?" Slughorn said, looking at the blue wand on Ash's waist, he nodded and said, "You are a friend of Mr. Malfoy, he Say you are very capable."

"And worthy of your price."

Slughorn took another swig of mead as he spoke.

"En." Ash nodded, and he signaled the fat old man to continue.

"I need your help here with a little favor," said Slughorn. "A trivial favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"It's related to Hogwarts." Slughorn thought for a while and said, "And Dumbledore can't let Dumbledore know..."

Ash frowned, he didn't want to arouse Dumbledore's hostility, he had just gained his trust.

"Don't rush to refuse," Slughorn said. "This matter can only be good for Hogwarts."

"Only benefits?" Ash was a little strange. Since it is good for Hogwarts, what are you planning?

Slughorn ignored Ash's doubts, and he continued on his own: "I heard a news from my friend... a dangerous news."

"Never mind that friend," Slughorn warned.

"He told me You-Know-Who isn't dead, right?" Slughorn said slowly.

Ash was a little surprised for a moment, he didn't expect this old man with a big belly to know about Voldemort, and he knew it in such detail.

Seeing Ash's surprised expression, Slughorn laughed: "That's the benefit of being able to discern money...those students will always help me."

Ash nodded knowingly, and he said, "Voldemort is indeed not dead."

"This is a big event..." Slughorn nodded, and he continued: "And this matter is about him."

"what's up?"

"The Chamber of Secrets..." Slughorn said slowly, "A Chamber of Secrets."

"Hogwarts has hundreds of secret rooms." Ash said slowly, "If there are no special features, this is looking for a needle in a haystack."

"That chamber of secrets is different from all chambers of secrets," said Slughorn, showing a look of panic. "That's Slytherin's chamber of secrets!"

"Slytherin?" Ash was a little surprised, he had never heard anyone say this before.

"That's right, it's the founder of Hogwarts." Slughorn took a sip of the mead to suppress his uneasiness, and he continued, considering his words, "I also heard it from a few friends. "

"Slytherin built a chamber of secrets at Hogwarts where all his knowledge and wealth are hidden."

Ash shook his head when he heard this. He had heard this kind of story countless times in Rodland. Either there was treasure at the end of the path, or the endless wealth guarded by the dragon.

"Legends hold that it was the place where Slytherin conducted his terrible experiments, where he bred unknown monsters, and when his heir came to Hogwarts, the Chamber of Secrets would be opened."

"Then kill all the half-blood wizards..."

Hearing this, Ash shrugged his shoulders, well, the story is more and more in line with those rumors.

But he was still interested in hearing Slughorn go on.

"The most important thing is..." Slughorn said after a pause, "Perhaps the mysterious man has been there before, and left an incredible thing there."

"Unbelievable thing?" Ash was stunned, he was a little surprised, how did Slughorn know such a thing.

"I used to be his professor, too," Slughorn said, but his expression was a little sombre, not as boastful as he was about the other students.

"I've had a lot of conversations with him," Slughorn continued, "including about the Chamber of Secrets."

"Have you found the Chamber of Secrets?"

"No." Slughorn shook his head. "I just mentioned that he was very interested."

"It doesn't mean anything." Ash shook his head, being interested and finding out are two different things, "Could it be that he is the heir of Slytherin?"

"No one knows about it... He went back to Hogwarts later," Slughorn said. "He wanted to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"But Dumbledore turned him down." Slughorn went on to say, "He came to see me that afternoon, and we talked for a while..."

"He mentioned the Chamber of Secrets again."

"Then he left and never came back," Slughorn recalled.

"What do you think he hid in the secret room?" Ash asked slowly, "Or what did he find in the secret room?"

"This is your commission, Mr. Embers." Slughorn said: "The content of my commission is that I hope you can find the secret room and tell me what he put XZ in there."

"It's a bit difficult." Ash said honestly, "Finding a needle in a haystack."

"Your reward will not be small, I will pay you three hundred Galleons." Slughorn said: "And I can see that you are a promising wizard, so I give you a promise , you can ask me to do anything."

"Hehe." Ash dismissed his compliment, he stood up slowly and said, "Three hundred Galleons is not enough, the promise is quite interesting, and I think you know a lot about Voldemort."

"I've said almost everything." Slughorn spread his hands. Although he pretended to be indifferent, Ash could still see that he was actually hiding something.

Ash originally wanted to use Legilimency to take a look, but after careful consideration, he still felt that it was inappropriate. After all, Slughorn is also a professor, so he must have mastered the means of protecting memory.

He shook his head and said, "I hope to hear more when I complete the commission."

"Of course, of course." Slughorn nodded. "You can hear all you want, Mr. Embers."


When the door was closed, Slughorn sighed. He did have many things about Voldemort that he didn't tell Ash, and this included the most critical one, which was also the one he was most worried about...

"I hope he is as reliable as you said, Mr. Malfoy." Slughorn muttered and stood up, and he drank the mead in one gulp...

"Merlin, I wish I could drink till I die."

 Thank you Big Moon Bear for the monthly pass!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket~ Everyone can also comment! (=^▽^=)
(End of this chapter)

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