Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 196 The Lonely Island in the Arctic Ocean (Subscribe)

Chapter 196 The Lonely Island in the Arctic Ocean (Subscribe)

The cold wind howled and rolled up the stormy waves. The rough waves are already frequent visitors to the North Atlantic Ocean, and this is especially true for the North Sea.

Ash rode a broom across the North Sea, and there was an island on the horizon in the distance. It was the Faroe Islands, and it was the only place related to Extis.

Soon, amidst the rolling thunder and pouring rain, Ash landed on this small island.

He raised his wand, which formed a transparent umbrella that shielded him from the rain.

Although the Faroe Islands are an archipelago, the islands are actually not huge in size, and this is not a wild place. Danes from Muggle countries live here.

Ash was walking on the streets of the Faroe Islands. He didn't know what the terrible black wizard Extis had left here, but he knew very well that the first thing he needed was to learn about the situation from the locals.

Although it was storming outside, the bar on the corner of the street was still buzzing with people. This is not a trendy metropolis, but simple villagers who come here to have a chat.

"Hey, have you heard?" A middle-aged uncle held his friend's arm, "After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, thousands of atomic bombs were revealed..."

Ash walked right past him, and it wasn't these Muggle world news he wanted to know.

"Good evening, friend." said the bartender, and fortunately Ash knew Danish, otherwise he might be doomed to come for nothing today.

"Good evening." Ash said while sitting in front of the bar. He looked at the menu and ordered a glass of wine casually. "Unlucky, I was here for sightseeing."

"Oh, it's always like that in the North Atlantic," said the bartender, pouring him a glass of wine. "British?"

"Hmm..." Ash nodded, taking a symbolic sip of his drink, "This kind of weather always makes people think of something bad."

Ash's words resonated with the two drunks, and one of them patted Ash's shoulder with a smile and said, "You, you have to be careful!"

"Also, someone always said that in the old church, inside..." He hiccupped, and his friend quickly patted him on the back, which made him feel much better.

"Some people always say that there are ghosts in the old church!" He opened his mouth as if he had discovered something, "Little Nick said he saw a ghost!"

"You've had too much, old Wood," said the bartender. "We all know that's Nick Jr.'s excuse for peeing his pants."

The bartender's words made the other drinkers laugh, and Ash also chuckled a few times. Then, he stood up silently and left. The drunkard's words made Ash feel a little better.

He rode his broom back into the air, and soon, he found a dilapidated church in the air, standing on the cliff by the sea.

Under the storm, the dilapidated church looked even more dilapidated, the broken windows were covered with cobwebs, and even the straight tables and chairs were covered with unknown moss plants.

It fits the weird places in Ash's mind...or something related to dark wizards.

There is a small monument in the church, which says the donors of the church.

Ash glanced at it, and found something that made him curious. Among the dozen or so donors of the church, the name of Alex Tees was impressively written.

This church is actually related to him?

Ash stretched out his hand and touched the wall of the church. Through the analysis of detection magic, he was surprised to find that this church has a history of thousands of years...

This is almost impossible to do in the Muggle world...

The reason is very simple, here is the help of magic.

And most likely it was that Extes.

Ash looked at the church. He was almost sure that this church must be related to that dark wizard. Is this his experimental site?What about other places?
But these are not enough... Ash doesn't think that Extis donated money to build a church out of sudden interest, he must have his own purpose.

It's just that Ash has no clue now... After all, this place is really like a dilapidated church, except for the occasional haunting...


That’s right, for Muggles, it’s possible that what they see is a ghost, or it may be a soul... You must know that this Extis is a wizard who transformed a dementor, he must be like Slytherin, yes Ghosts have a different kind of research of their own.

Ash thought of this and flicked his wand, "Twisting the wall of light."

Under the faint white light, the dilapidated church has not changed in any way... That's good, Ash ruled out the possibility of hallucinations, and next, he needs to do his own work.

Ash flicked his wand lightly, and a silver-blue soul floated out of his mind, like a strand of fine hair floating in the air.

In the dilapidated church, something seems to be attracting this ray of soul, making it involuntarily fly towards the dilapidated statue in the center of the church.

Ash didn't control the soul, he let the soul float to the statue and slowly inject it.

Then... something happened that surprised Ash. He was amazed to see a small opening slowly appearing in the statue, which looked like some kind of mechanism, and the gap in the middle seemed to be some kind of prop that needed to be placed in it. .

What does it mean?
Is it possible that I need any proof?
Ash was stunned, he didn't expect that he would be stuck here, an inconspicuous small groove successfully prevented Ash's actions from continuing...

He held his wand and walked around the statue a few times. He was almost sure that something similar to a circle was needed to open the mechanism of the statue.

But what exactly is this circle?

Wait... Ash suddenly felt that the circle matched the shape of his pocket watch...

But this is too fake, right?
The pocket watch is estimated to be only a few hundred years old...but this statue...wait, the church is thousands of years old, but that doesn't mean the statue is also thousands of years old.

In other words, someone came here later, and left a statue of a mechanism here... Ashe put his pocket watch on it, and as expected, the statue made a clacking sound, and it spun, leaving a down the stairs.


so weird...

Ash felt that sense of coincidence for the first time, as if someone knew that he would come here with a pocket watch, could it be... a prophetic Magus?
Ash's first thought was this. He knew that Grindelwald was the most powerful prophecy Magus in the world... Could it be that there was also a prophecy Magus hundreds or thousands of years ago, who prophesied In the future, someone will open the secret passage under this statue?

But what is this for?

Ash looked at the dark basement, feeling endless curiosity.

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(End of this chapter)

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