Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 193 Harry's Miserable Holiday (Subscribe)

Chapter 193 Harry's Miserable Holiday (Subscribe)
"Good morning, Harry!" said fat Dudley, pushing past Harry, not caring that Harry was brushing his teeth, and even, all he wished was for Harry to drop the toothpaste on his face. On the only dress.

"Good morning, Dudley," whispered Harry, not in a very good mood.

It's been a month since he was on vacation, and he hasn't received any letters from Hermione, Ron, or other friends, and no one has written to him.

This put him in a bad mood, especially today, Uncle Vernon was going to take their family to the zoo, um, their family.

Harry could only spend one day at Mrs. Figg's house next door, which made him even more upset.

However, think about it, at least, I can let Hedwig go out to play for a while...

"Are you ready? Honey, it's time for us to go." Outside, Harry heard the voice of his aunt, who was calling her little pig affectionately.

"Harry Potter!" Uncle's voice came, and he yelled to get Harry out, "You should go Harry, take your stupid bird and stay at Mrs. Figg's next door for a day. "

Dudley looked at Harry with a smile and said, "And I'm going to London to enjoy a fish and chips feast!"

"Don't forget the specials, look up at the stars, dear." Auntie patted Dudley's chubby face, making Harry look cold.


"Please, Mrs. Figg." Uncle said with a smile, he started the car, and then rolled down the window clumsily.

"If I were you, Harry," he said, "I'd take good care of my own birds. You know, Mrs. Figg has a lot of cats..."

"They'll eat your stupid birds hahahaha!" came Dudley's voice, making Harry want to pass out.

"Beep." The horn sounded, and the Dursley family's car staggered onto the road and drove towards the distance.

"Good morning, Mrs. Figg." Harry gloomily greeted the old lady who lived next door to him, and by the way, he also greeted Figg's four cats.

They are called Kick, Cher, Mr. Paw, and Momo.

I have to say that after hearing this, Ash said that he still knows how to choose a name.

"Good morning, Harry." Figella opened the door to let Harry in. Her home was unremarkable, with ill-fitting pillowcases draped behind chairs and overturned trinkets everywhere. Occasionally, Harry didn't Be careful of stepping on any cat toys.

"Be careful, Harry," she reminded, and then took out some cat food from her shopping net bag and handed it to Harry, "Feed the cat for me, please?"

"No problem." Harry nodded, he hung Hedwig on the coat hanger, and put the picture book he was holding on the table on the table.

"Oh, what's this?" asked Fig, as she brought Harry a piece of chocolate cake.

"My parents." Harry whispered, but his reaction was quick. He knew he couldn't show a moving picture to a Muggle like Mrs. Figg.

With cat food in one hand and a spoon in the other, he wanted to try the cake.

"Ouch..." He vomited a little. This cake seemed to have been stored for a long time, and it tasted like a strange smell. At the same time, it was also full of the smell of Mrs. Figg's house, the smell of cats, or it was rotten. cabbage.

All in all, it was the worst cake Harry had ever eaten.

"Harry, I heard you went to school far away, didn't you?" asked Mrs. Figg, stroking the cat on her lap, perhaps kicking it?Or Mr. Paw.

"Yeah." Harry nodded and said, "It's far away."

"Did they treat you well?" Fig asked, "or rather, how did they treat you?"

"They're all very nice, but..." Harry couldn't help thinking how sad they hadn't written to him so far.

"That would be great," whispered Figg, but Harry couldn't catch her muttering.

"Bang bang bang." Suddenly, someone knocked on Mrs. Figg's door, which surprised both people in the room.

"Stand in the back, Harry..." Figg said, holding up the shopping bag in her hand, "No one usually comes to find an old lady who lives alone."

Harry slowly pulled out the wand from his waist. He stood behind Mrs. Figg. Once something happened, he would choose to wave his wand.

Fig carefully glanced through the cat's eyes, and she saw a man in a black robe. The man's emerald green eyes seemed to see Mrs. Figg through the cat's eyes.

"Bang bang."

"Is Mr. Potter there?" Hearing the cold voice, Harry froze for a moment, looked at Mrs. Figg and said, "It's my professor."

"Professor?" Mrs. Figg was stunned, and she said to Harry, "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Harry said, "It's Professor Embers."

Mrs. Feige nodded, and she slowly opened the door, allowing the man standing outside the door to poke his head out.

"Good morning, Mr. Potter." Ash said, then he glanced at Mrs. Figg, and just nodded his head.

"Professor Embers!" Harry was very surprised. He didn't expect that Professor Embers would come to him, which made him complain even more about his two good friends, who didn't even have a letter.

"I have something for you, Mr. Potter." Ash glanced at Mrs. Figg and said, "You are Harry's aunt, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not." Fig shook his head, "but I'm Harry's guardian."

"She's not a bad person." Harry said, "My uncle and aunt went to the zoo, and they asked me to stay with Mrs. Figg first."

"Alright then." Ash nodded, he didn't care about this, he walked into the room and stretched out his right hand to Harry.

This made Harry stunned.

"My pocket watch, Mr. Potter." Ash said, "You haven't forgotten my pocket watch, have you?"

Speaking of pocket watches, Harry had some impressions. He did take a pair of pocket watches from the mechanism of the Philosopher's Stone, but he didn't expect it to be from Professor Embers.

He nodded and said: "The pocket watch is at my house, but there is no one at home now."

"I understand." Ash nodded. He looked at Mrs. Figg and said, "Mr. Potter, leave for a while, is that okay?"

"No problem." Mrs. Figg recognized Ash, and she was very calm.

So Ash and Harry walked out of Mrs. Figg's house side by side.

"You said that Ron and Hermione didn't write to you?" Ash was taken aback for a moment, and he recalled carefully. He had seen Ron write a lot of letters.

"Ron wrote you a letter." Ash confirmed, "At least I saw it."

But he didn't care about these, the purpose of his coming here was indeed for his pocket watch, which was engraved with soul magic, and Ash didn't want Harry to spoil him.

"They're not home," said Harry, pointing to the locked door.

"It's very simple." Ash took out his wand, and there were no other Muggles around him.

"Alahoo is open." He flicked his wand lightly, and as he waved the wand, the wooden door made a clacking sound.

"We're wizards, aren't we?"

 Thank you Xuanming`Beidou for your monthly ticket support, and thank you for your recommendation ticket support! ─=≡Σ(((つ3 )つ宝
(End of this chapter)

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