Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Auditing the History of Magic

Chapter 18 Auditing the History of Magic

"Observing History of Magic?" Professor Binns looked at Ash a little strangely, and said in a drawn-out tone, "Yes, Embers."

"Thank you." Ash nodded to express his gratitude. He didn't have a class for the second class today, so he was thinking about whether to listen to other professors' classes.

In fact, he was most interested in Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Curse class, but unfortunately, she didn't have her class in the afternoon. After thinking about it, Ash thought he could come to listen to the history of magic. He just happened to be curious about the only Hogwarts Professor Ghost.

That's right, Professor Phantom, Binns is a ghost, and he was of course a living person in the past... It is said that when he woke up from the armchair one morning, he didn't realize that he was dead, and he still came to magic in the form of a ghost History classrooms do their own work.

Well, Ash felt very sorry for the students in that class, seeing his teacher emerge from the blackboard suddenly is not something everyone can bear.

After hearing about this, Ash wanted to communicate with this ghost professor. After all, in his opinion, ghosts are a kind of soul... He has done a lot of research on souls.

Soon, it was time for class, and Ash was sitting in a corner, but the fourth graders who came in still noticed him, and soon someone recognized him as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"Why is Professor Embers here?" A little badger asked curiously, looking at a little snake beside him.

The little snake rolled his eyes at him, thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because he didn't sleep well?"

That's right... Professor Binns' History of Magic is also known as the most boring class at Hogwarts. He has officially become a master hypnotist by virtue of his monotonous tone and slow speaking speed.

And he never cared about the students who were sleeping in class. In his clichéd lecture voice, the Hogwarts students spent one History of Magic class after another to recharge their batteries.

One Gryffindor student is said to have even brought a pillow to class... Suffice it to say, these rumors were a bit of an eye-opener for Ash.

Sure enough, as soon as Professor Binns opened his mouth, the students' eyes were already dizzy. Some of them fell asleep after listening to a few words without sleeping well at noon. There was even a fat little badger snoring...

Ash didn't feel sleepy, he stared at Professor Binns intently, but in fact the wand in his left hand was already quietly casting a spell.

The spy magic "Detection" from Biheim is helping Ash analyze the composition of this Professor Binns... The white Professor Binns turned into a cloud of mist in Ash's eyes.

The white mist is the soul... and Ash was right, the main structure of these ghosts is indeed the soul... But in the center of the soul, Ash saw a shining crystal...or a point of light.

What's this?Ash was a little curious, he had never seen such a thing, or maybe he had never seen such a magical thing as a ghost...

This kind of thing, which is clearly not dead, is not a curse. To be honest, Ash is a little envious, but only a little... really, just a little.

Ash took off his sunglasses and looked at this spot of light... He suddenly thought of something, he remembered the answer from someone... These ghosts are because of certain obsessions he had before he died...

Maybe this light spot is obsession?Ash decided to have a casual chat with this Professor Binns after class. Compared with those ghosts roaming around the school, this old-fashioned person is better at dealing with him.

"After the "International Statute of Secrecy" was signed into effect in [-], wizards completely went into hiding..."

Ash cut off the magic, and continued to pay attention to the history of magic's courses again. Sometimes, when he heard something "relatively" interesting, Ash would take a pen and write it down in his notebook.

He didn't know most of these things. He had only read the history of Muggles for a few days and the modern history of magic for a few days.

Ever since, a miraculous scene appeared. In the history of magic class where all the students were asleep, only one professor was listening carefully. "Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Soon, the time of one class passed quietly, and as the bell rang, these students stood up more or less sleepily, and walked away with stiff steps.

Ash came to Professor Binns with a smile.

"It's a good history of magic class." Ash said, Ash, who didn't need to sleep, finished listening to this class. To be honest, he felt that Professor Binns left the strange, hypnotic tone, and the content itself was still good. Not bad.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the textbooks are well compiled.

Professor Binns didn't smile, he just shook his head a little stiffly, well, at least it showed that he still had a little understanding of his course, at least he felt that Ash was complimenting him.

Ash couldn't help but feel a little funny when he saw Professor Binns's appearance. He handed over his notebook with a light smile and pointed to a few questions on it and asked: "You have given enough information about the origin of the International Statute of Secrecy, but I'm a little curious about the context in which this is being promoted..."

Hearing Ash's question, Binns froze for a moment. He looked at Ash's well-remembered notes and nodded slightly, then continued to explain in his calm tone.

"But if wizards are really not afraid of Muggles, why did they sign this decree?" Ash continued to ask, he was a little confused by the thinking of these wizards.

Ever since, the two of them walked, oh, sorry, one of them was walking and the other was floating and discussing in the corridor.

It aroused the curiosity of the students passing by, especially those third grade students who saw Ash's serious face and subconsciously feared that he would raise his hand and beat the history of magic teacher who gnawed on a big melon and knocked him out of his wits.

"This way we won't have to catch up on sleep..." a little lion complained.

The two chatted and came to Professor Binns' office. The door of Professor Binns' office was locked, as if it hadn't been opened for several years, and it was covered with dust.

When the two came to the door, Binns subconsciously floated in, and then he realized that Ash was not a ghost.

"Alahoo is open." Ash chanted a spell lightly, and pushed open the dusty office door.

Fortunately, there is no counter-curse on this door, otherwise Ash felt that he would use the Blasting Curse today.

Binns looked at the dust and shook his head slightly, then floated to sit on the same dusty chair, "Embers, about the most annoying person you just mentioned..."

Ash also found a stool with less dust and sat down, chatting patiently with the history of magic teacher.

I have to say that this history of magic teacher is very knowledgeable. If it weren't for that strange tone, Ash thought that the professor's situation might be very different. In fact, his own tone was somewhat similar to Binns'. He didn't have any big emotional ups and downs, and he always looked calm... But he was obviously far behind Binns in terms of hypnosis.

So in a gap in the conversation, Ash asked his own question: "Professor Binns... why don't you consider changing the way of teaching?"

Binns frowned almost subconsciously. He was an old-fashioned person, and he was also an unchanging person... This is true before death, and it is also the same after death... "I don't think it is necessary... Embers."

He said proudly, as if it was just the students who didn't know how to count.

"But I thought we had an interesting discussion, didn't we?" Ash said.

"But that's how I was taught before I died..." Binns muttered subconsciously, "It should be the same after death."

"Teaching before you die..." Ash was stunned for a moment, "Then when you were in class before you died...were these students also like this?" Please forgive Ash's bluntness. For Ashes, pointing directly can bypass many detours.

Fortunately, Binns was quite satisfied with Ash's seriousness in class today. He thought about it and said, "It's not...they were very serious in class at that time."

No wonder... Ash nodded, no wonder this Professor Binns thought it was because of those students' problems...

So what are the variables here?Ash thought about it, and the only variable was the death of Professor Binns...and in the armchair.

He looked at the armchair, next to it was a small table filled with things including gramophones and teacups...

It can be seen that Binns was a very particular person before his death.

(End of this chapter)

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