Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 157 The Mirror of Erised and Desire (Subscribe)

Chapter 157 The Mirror of Erised and Desire (Subscribe)

Another few days passed, and Ash was calmly conducting his own research. He heard that Harry seemed to have almost been injured in Quidditch, but fortunately, he couldn't help but be fine, and he even won the game for Gryffindor .

Well, this is a good thing, at least she will be happier when she handed over the lesson plan to Professor McGonagall... and Harry also took a day off because of this... did not continue his great journey.

This allowed Ash to study more deeply.

He exchanged a lot of information with Professor Binns, and he told Ash Erris mirror maker may be Slytherin, or Ravenclaw, after all, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are unlikely the person who conducted the study.

But Ravenclaw Ash has basically been ruled out, unless she was the mirror studied before entering Urashelu... But judging from the diary, Ravenclaw should be very young when entering Urrazilu.

So... the producer should be Slytherin, right?
Insidious...cunning...blood theory...true nobility...

These are all Professor Binns' comments on him. From what he said, even the castle at Hogwarts may have been funded by Slytherin...

"But this is just a legend..." Professor Binns shrugged, and he and Ash chatted a lot in the slightly boring lullaby.

But there is one sentence that interests Ash the most: "Slytherin is said to like to play with other people's souls..."

"You know, the spell he is most proficient in is Legilimency."

"Legiliency..." Of course Ash knew about this spell, but he had never used it before... It would be a bit boring to pry into other people's minds...

It's the same as playing with the soul... Biheim's capital crime.

Maybe, the Mirror of Erised used this spell?Ash's thinking became clear... Perhaps Slytherin learned about the thoughts in the mirror's mind through Legilimency, and thus understood its most original desire.

That counts as some breakthroughs...

Ash looked at this gorgeous mirror curiously, thinking about what would happen if he used Legilimency on the mirror?
Ash blinked, and his green eyes looked at the mirror quietly... Apart from the flames, he believed he could see other things...

Gradually, he saw some strange things... some mottled symbols, some strange lines... and some strange hieroglyphs...

What is this... Ash looked at the things on the mirror and couldn't help but feel strange...

This is something he has never seen before, and it is also something that is not in the knowledge bestowed by the gods... He hurriedly began to write down these words and symbols in his notebook.

He didn't want him to forget it in a blink of an eye... After all, his memory...

He forgot to go to class yesterday morning... Fortunately, Professor Binns gave the students a "vivid" history of magic with his kind help.

Harry also fully understood why George and Fred would subconsciously doze off when they talked about the History of Magic...

Whoa, whoa, far away...

After Ash memorized the characters, he ended the state of Legilimency, but this really shocked him... This mirror is actually related to Legilimency.

Salazar Slytherin... One of the Big Four at Hogwarts, I didn't expect him to have such superb skills.

Sometimes, Ash really feels that the world is very lucky... There are so many geniuses, and none of them have fallen into madness, whether it is the Big Four or now Dumbledore...

Or Grindelwald... They are all well-deserved geniuses, even in Biheim, even Voldemort is a genius...

It seems that the gods also dote on the world...

Ash finished his thinking. It seems that if he wants to break through the Mirror of Erised, what he needs is to study these words...

Take it back and show it to Professor Binns...

As Ash was thinking, he remembered one more thing. He was going to return the magic mirror to Dumbledore tomorrow... The one-month deadline has come.

And Dumbledore reminded him a few days ago to tell Harry not to get too addicted to it.

Ash couldn't help sighing, why is he almost becoming a child-care person?

But it's okay... Thinking about killing a Death Eater just a few days ago, Ash felt a lot better.

soul!wonderful soul!

Sometimes looking at Harry, Ash can't help but want to get his soul... This kind of fetter is like a kitten, tickling Ash's heart.

For example now... He looked at Harry who was sitting there quietly, his calm and unguarded appearance moved Ash very much.

Don't get me wrong... His heart is only moved by the soul... and the fetters that invade the world.

"Professor Embers?"

Ash was rubbing his wand, Harry suddenly opened his mouth and said into the air, he always had a cold feeling, which only Ash could bring to him.

Just like Snape's bitter and penetrating eyes, Ron's enthusiastic and agile eyes, Hermione's serious and somewhat proud eyes... and Malfoy's unbeatable eyes.

But none of them were like Ash, he was the only one who felt cold even when Harry wasn't staring at him.

"Very smart." Seeing this, Ash didn't hide anything anymore, he walked out of the shadows slowly, and looked at Harry quietly.

Harry noticed the coldness, and stood up with numbness in his scalp. Even though Ash saved him a few days ago, Harry was still very afraid of Ash.

You know, he was the one who bit Snape!

In order to protect the Philosopher's Stone, the three-headed dog who wanted a human... Thinking of this, Harry became even more afraid.

"Professor Embers..." He whispered Ash's name, "Sorry..."

He was a little worried that Embers would be angry because he broke into his office, and would turn into a three-headed dog and devour his soul!
He swore that Professor Embers would definitely want to devour his soul.

Well, kind of true.

"This mirror will be returned to Dumbledore tomorrow." Ash said slowly, with some helplessness in his tone.

"So, no more Harry."

"Why?" Harry whispered, "Is this the mirror of Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"Hmm." Ash nodded, "It's will give you what you want to see the most, and then kill your soul..."

"Huh..." Harry took a deep breath, especially the cold feeling made him feel very involved.

"You have to understand that what is fake is always fake... what is true will always be true." Ash said, "Desire is a demon that devours human nature."

Seemingly frightened by Ash's words, Harry couldn't help but took a step back.

"I heard that the happiest person sees himself in the mirror." Ash said slowly, "What do you see?"

" parents..." Harry whispered.

This made Ash speechless, parents... Family love, one of the greatest emotions, who are his parents?Already forgotten by myself?
Seeing that Ash was silent, Harry thought for a while and said, "Professor, what do you see?"

Ash regained his composure, he lowered his head slightly and said.

"A great, but struggling world."

Although the voice is cold, but you can hear a little warmth...

Harry couldn't help looking at the portrait behind Ash... In his eyes, that should be what the professor really saw.

Why is this little guy staring at me?
Anna pouted slightly.

 Thank you for the three monthly tickets that I am so cute and you don't love me!Thank you Baita Little Immortal for your monthly pass!Thank you for my hot and cute tip that you don't love me!Thank you all for your votes!

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(End of this chapter)

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