Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 139 Great Magic

Chapter 139 Great Magic

"Rowena Ravenclaw..." Ash whispered the name, of course he knew this lady, one of the four founders of Hogwarts, and also a famous master of spells.

Unexpectedly, the pioneer was actually her...

"Cuckoo? Ravenclaw? Cuckoo? Will Hogwarts houses still write letters?" Phil stood on Ash's shoulder with a puzzled expression on his face. As an owl that will write, no Knowing Ravenclaw is understandable.

Ash ignored Phil's muttering, and he focused all his attention on Ravenclaw's words, "Wizards are not humans, but magical creatures... Draw magic into your heart..."

I have to say that although this Ravenclaw lady's explanation was very straightforward, Ash still felt like a riddle for a while.

Channeling the magic into his heart... He watched as the words faded away and no new words appeared... It seemed that these were all the messages left by Ravenclaw.

Naturally, it was impossible for Ash to conduct experiments here. He put away his wand and lifted the spell, and then gently knocked on the door of the collection room.

"Have you finished your visit, Mr. Embers?" An official of the association pushed open the wooden door.

Ash nodded, and then left without too much fuss. He didn't have time to be courteous to them. As a "student", he couldn't wait to return to the Burrow to conduct his own research.

With a flick of his wand, Ash quickly returned to the Burrow with the help of "Apparition". He opened the door and walked straight to his temporary bedroom without saying anything to the children who were playing in the living room.

"What's wrong with Professor Embers?" Ron asked curiously, "It's like Percy when school was about to start."

"I don't know." Ginny shook her head, "Why don't we go and have a look?"

Ron's eyes lit up, he put down the chicken leg in his hand, and sneaked up the stairs.

"Ron, Ginny, don't bother me." Ash heard Ron's movement, he had to open the door and said, "I want to conduct a research."

"Sorry, Professor Embers..." Ron said, shrugging and jumping down the stairs helplessly, "It looks like we have no chance, if we still die."

Ginny also pouted, and ran back to the living room feeling bored.

"Would you like a game of wizard chess?" Ron asked, and as he spoke, he tore open a box of chocolate frogs.

"It's Dumbledore again..." He muttered and put the card into the drawer.

And Ginny has already sat next to the wizard chess and walked one square.


"Guide the magic power into the heart..." Ash inspected himself, on his chest was a black ring branded by the gods and a huge amount of souls...

Is it too dangerous to infuse magic into it?

Ash couldn't help but become cautious. He flicked his wand slightly, and at the same time he said the spell in Ravenclaw's notebook.

"The devil manifests itself."

As the spell was uttered, Ash could clearly feel a touch of magic power appearing on the tip of the wand. This invisible substance was invisible and intangible...but as a half-wizard, Ash could sense it.

Phil also seemed to understand that Ash seemed to be doing something important, and it consciously stood on the corridor outside the bedroom to prevent the Weasley children from disturbing Ash.

Ash guided the magic power gently on his chest, and used his magic wand to make them float there... like a cloud of invisible air floating there.

In other words, this magic power is more similar to a group of invisible soul blocks.

According to Ravenclaw... just guide the magic power into the heart... the origin of the world will help the wizard construct the spell...

Ash thought about injecting a touch of magic power into his chest, followed by a slow pain... Pain came from his chest, and Ash felt a strange thing surging in his heart for a moment...

The magic power and the soul collided together, but did not produce the confrontation Ash thought, but merged with each other like different liquids... In an instant, Ash's soul even took on a light blue color.

As Ash felt a slight pain, Skeeter, who was far away at home, also suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her brain. She suddenly rolled over from the bed and lay on the ground, her body began to tremble abnormally.

The severe pain made her start to scream, howling like a pig.

Thestral Keke at Hogwarts knelt down violently, her black body began to emit an inexplicable light blue luster slowly, becoming more and more magnificent as if evolving.

It seems that Ash's transformation of himself also affects those creatures with which his soul is connected.

After bursts of tingling pain, Ash felt as if he was in a sea...a wonderful feeling...

Some inexplicable factors bewitched Ash to read a spell from his mouth.

"Soul arrow shooting..."

Ash muttered these words almost ravingly... At the same time, he suddenly saw an inexplicable shadow in his vision... a silver-white scaleless giant dragon...

White Dragon Heath...

Ash murmured and rubbed his eyes, the phantom in front of him disappeared, replaced by Phil standing in front of him, Bird's face was full of worry.

"Cuckoo? Are you okay? Cuckoo?"

"It's okay..." Ashe said, he got up and picked up the wand on the ground.

"Soulshot" he flicked his wand and said the spell.

Sure enough, a bunch of light blue light arrows shot out from the magic wand. Its shape and size were no different from the soul arrows. The soul arrows hit the window and shattered it.

The "cracking" sound successfully attracted the attention of the children downstairs and Molly.

"Ash?" Molly called. "Is there anything wrong?"

Ash shook his head and opened the door and said, "It's okay."

Looking at the wand in his hand and the shattered window, he couldn't help smiling...Although he was still consuming his soul...but he might have already walked ahead of Biheim.

He also walked ahead of his own teacher.

The road ahead of me... seems to be different.

After all, he could feel that the soul in him seemed to have evolved... Is this the way King Gewen saw?

Or, is this the path that Bailongxis saw?

"Good afternoon, Ash!" Hagrid waved to Ash.

"How are you preparing for the opening ceremony tonight?" Hagrid said as he handed Ash a cup of tea.

Ash looked at the smiling giant, and couldn't help feeling that he seemed to have done something extraordinary just now.

"Cuckoo? What were you doing just now?" Phil asked curiously.

"Hey..." Hagrid chuckled, and he pointed to a motorcycle outside the hut.

"I just went to see Harry Potter!"

Although his voice was deliberately suppressed, he could still hear the joy.

"Harry Potter?" Phil looked at Ash strangely.

"The child who survived the catastrophe." Ash said casually, he was also very curious about this Mr. Potter.

 There seems to be no detailed setting for the part about creating spells in the original book, so this book uses the latest one!The superlative way to create!That's the author's way of thinking!

  By the way, ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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