Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Let's Go Deeper 1 Point

Chapter 124 Let's Go Deeper

"Huh!" Ash flicked his wand, and he quickly transformed into a clay pot in a mist. At the same time, the surrounding environment also changed slightly with him, and the low bookshelves also turned into clay pots.

At the very least, it still looks like that... In the mist, Ash changed back again. If Rhodean was by his side, I don't know what she would mutter again.

That's right, the talkative Rhodean returned to Rodland a few days ago, probably because the eyes that served as anchors for her were exhausted. When she left, she hadn't forgotten to take a few novels, among which was " She took "King Gwen's Romance and Rhyme", which she claimed was the best among several books.

Articles that slander the gods... don't think it will be very good-looking, right?

Ash shook his head and threw out the strange thoughts. He still has a difficult task, which is to explore the deeper town of Ulasiru. He spread out the map and carefully identified the location. It looks like, This city is not small.

Ash frowned slightly and locked on his target, which was the arena in the north of the city, surrounded by a circle of tower-shaped buildings, and at the same time with a bridge leading to the outside world...or a bridge deeper.

In any case, Ash's goal was determined. He thought about putting away the map and drew out his rapier. Without Rhodean's help, he had to be more careful.

Walking out of the library, the streets outside seemed to have no changes. The outside world was made up of black moss and broken rubble. To be honest, such a chaotic terrain provided a great obstacle for Ash to recognize the map.

Thanks to the giant tree and the huge arena in the distance, Ash won't get lost on the main road.

In addition to the troubles caused by the environment, there are also troubles caused by monsters. Because of the deep town, there are walking Ulasiru residents who have been eroded by the abyss everywhere, with weird tentacles growing on their heads and tightly holding onto their hands. A stick stained with black abyss.

It must be good to bring this to Hogwarts class... Ash commented on the monster that fell on the ground, I don't know he cares about Hogwarts so much... When will Dumbledore reward him with some souls? ?
"Avada Kedavra!" Thinking, cast another Kedavra curse, which successfully preserved the body of a monster and brought back its soul to Ash. These monsters are very weak, and the provided There are so few souls that Ash is not even willing to use any soul magic.

He pierced the throat of a monster again with a sword, but it seemed to have little effect, and the monster even ran over along the blade of the sword... Ash raised his hand and cast a killing curse to kill the monster. Monsters hanging on rapiers kill.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ash felt that he was getting more and more proficient in using the Death Curse, so proficient that he formed muscle memory, and used the Death Curse on all the monsters that offended him.Occasionally, if you come across a stone colossus that doesn’t work, try changing it to “split to pieces”. Hogwarts’ spells are still very effective against such low-level monsters...but it’s probably not as good when facing stronger monsters. A little bit.

Soon, Ash came to a relatively open square, where there were some mushroom statues, etc., which seemed to be mushroom corpses... Ash felt that the mushrooms he touched were soft...

"Buzz!" A pitch-black magic ball flew out from the corner of the wall, aiming straight at Ash.

Ash raised his wand and flicked it, and the soul arrow blocked the black ball. The black ball gave him a bad feeling, a strong smell of the abyss, and Ash couldn't help frowning. He stared at In the corner, there stood a monster holding a staff. It seemed that it should be a magician before being corroded.

The long-handled staff in its hand brought Ash back to the past days in Rodland. At that time, he also held such a staff, and he had a strong sense of security, but it was too big. Every time he wanted to sneak attack Sometimes it's a bit conspicuous.

Come to think of it, the wand wasn't bad either.

"Ow!" The monster roared and threw out a black magic ball. Few people like this kind of dark magic in Biheim. Seeing this black ball, Ash couldn't help but think of his new magic ball. magic.

"Distorted Light Wall" Ashe's wand raised his head, a faint curtain of light appeared, and the black shadow technique hit it with a sizzle sound, and then quickly flew to other places, in short, it deviated from it original goal.

It was still easy to use, Ash's wand flicked and used a death curse to take away the life of the wand monster.

It's still very weak, and there's not much soul in this magic staff monster, so it's worth writing so many paragraphs for this kind of thing?

Ash walked up to the monster and looked at its staff: the long wooden product, the head of the staff, and this string of strange plants hanging from it... because it was eroded by the abyss, it could no longer see its original appearance.Take it back for research.

Ash plucked the plant, stuffed it in his pocket, and continued on toward the distant arena.

After walking a few more steps, the street in front of Ash became empty, and there were no signs of monsters appearing, and Ash also noticed that there seemed to be a soul that was not weak in front of him. It should be a relatively strong opponent, right?
As Ash approached, he could clearly see the opponent standing at the end of the street. It was a knight in black armor, not a black knight, but more like the abyssal knights Ash had seen in Rodland, holding a sword in his hand. With a huge black hammer, he was as tall as two Ashes.

Standard opponents...

Ash flicked his wand cautiously, and put a layer of powerful magic shield on himself, well, he should be able to earn back from him.

The black-armored knight also seemed to have seen Ash, but he didn't rush to attack, but looked at Ash quietly, holding the sledgehammer high in his hand, ready to turn the provocative ashes into meat paste.

But this kind of clumsy knight is still not enough for a magician like Ash.

"Avada Kedavra!" As soon as Ash raised his hand, it was the Hogwarts curse that he was best at, and it couldn't be said to be the Hogwarts curse, after all, it was a serious school.

The emerald killing curse went straight to the black-armored knight, and the knight looked completely fearless. He just watched the killing curse coming towards his chest without any resistance.

"Crack!" The Killing Curse didn't have the desired effect on him. Instead, it only slightly repelled the knight in front of him. His black armor seemed to have strong magic resistance, which completely blocked the killing spell. The attack of the curse on his soul.

This is kind of interesting... Ash looked at the black-armored knight seriously, since the Killing Curse can't solve it, then use Biheim's method?
With a flick of the wand, silver-white soul arrows shot out like raindrops.

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(End of this chapter)

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