Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Where's Embers

Chapter 121 Where's Embers
"Good morning, Gugu!" Phil stood happily on the bird stand early in the morning, facing Anna.

"Hey..." Anna sighed, "I'm a little strange... aren't you an owl?"

"Why don't you sleep every day?"

Phil froze for a moment, and said in a timid voice: "Yes, it was arranged by the author..."

Don't talk nonsense!The author hastened to delete the above words.

"Cuckoo, sleep during the day? You humans are so weird!" Phil said puzzled.

"..." Anna was silent for a while, she picked up the coffee on the table helplessly, "To be honest, sometimes I really wonder why Ash would buy such a stupid bird like you."

"Stupid bird? Cuckoo?" Phil pecked his feathers dissatisfied. "Have you ever seen a talking stupid bird? Cuckoo?"

"I've never seen it before." The voice that came out was not Anna's cold voice, but a generous old man's voice.

"Goo! ━=()!" Phil turned his head and saw a gray-haired old man sitting on a chair in the dormitory, holding a zizi honey candy in his hand.

"Cuckoo? Are you an old man with a white beard? Cuckoo?" Phil recognized who came, it seems to be the master's... the master's... the master's master, right?
"Principal Dumbledore?" Anna's eyes were scrutinizing. She had heard the name of the principal a lot... This is not an ordinary role, and she looked at Dumbledore warily.

"Miss Anna...good morning." Dumbledore also greeted Anna, and he waved the honey candy in his hand, looking unassuming.

"Cuckoo, what's that? Cuckoo?" Phil looked at Honey Tang's two sesame-like eyes with an inexplicable light, "Phil hasn't seen it before, Cuckoo!"

Fart... You're stealing food tomorrow... Anna didn't expose Phil's lie, she watched Dumbledore carefully break a bit of the honey candy and hand it to Phil... Well, I didn't expect you to be so stingy...

"Has Ash been back these two days?" Dumbledore asked casually, as if asking what the weather was like today, and he held a honey candy in his other hand as if to tempt Phil.

Obviously, he also saw Anna's sense of vigilance, and he was going to attack Phil... well, an owl.

Maybe it's because he saw that Phil is a stupid bird?
Anna was about to speak out to stop Dumbledore, but Phil's bird's beak ordered to say everything that should be said and should not be said.

"Cuckoo?" Phil looked at Dumbledore strangely, "has the master come back these two days? Cuckoo?" It looked at Anna with a strange face, as if it didn't understand the meaning of the past two days.

"These two days are just... just a modal particle." Dumbledore said after thinking for a while.

"What are the modal particles? Goo-gu?" Phil continued to ask, looking at Dumbledore curiously, "Goo-goo, the master never taught me the modal particles, coo-goo!"

"It's just..." Dumbledore wanted to explain subconsciously, and then he sighed as if he had realized it. Unexpectedly, he was explaining this to an owl.

He had to look at Anna and asked, "Has Miss Anna met Ash?"

Anna frowned slightly, "Yes." She nodded, "But at that time he was still a professor at Hogwarts." Her words were filled with inexplicable sarcasm, "I didn't expect that Hogwarts would suspend a professor." Professor against Death Eaters."

"Besides, you are the headmaster of Hogwarts."

Anna's words were full of sarcasm. She wasn't worried that Dumbledore would do anything to her. If the person in front of her was Voldemort, she wouldn't fart, but Dumbledore... as the leader of order, he would not destroy it himself. own rules.

Sure enough, Anna's words dimmed Dumbledore's eyes for a few seconds, but soon Dumbledore said, "This is the decision of the Hogwarts board members... I have no right to interfere."

"Then you are still worried about where "Professor" Embers is now?" Anna said, "After all, he has been suspended, hasn't he?"

"I have something to give him here." Dumbledore said, and he took out a small parcel bag from behind him. "This is his Christmas present."

"Christmas gift?" Anna muttered, she thought Dumbledore was here to find out about Ash's whereabouts... Wait, this gift must be a cover-up, right?
"Gift? Googoo?" Phil happily flew to Dumbledore's shoulder, "Phil likes gifts! Googoo! Thank you, old man with white beard!"

"It's okay, it's easy to do." Dumbledore smiled and put the gift package on the sofa.

It's impossible for you to come here to give a gift, right?Anna looked at Dumbledore secretly thinking, and she picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

"It's already February, if we can't contact Ash..." Dumbledore thought for a while and said, "I can only find a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Hogwarts cannot be without a professor. "

Heh, Anna sneered a few times in her heart, so what should I do?Are you going to feed a professor for nothing?Or fire Ash?If you really want to be fired, will you come and tell us?Anna saw Dumbledore's curiosity about Ash.

"Then Ash can also serve as a professor of the history of magic." Anna said casually, "I believe Professor Binns will agree."

Binns... Anna didn't know, her words reminded Dumbledore, Dumbledore remembered that there was a ghost professor in his school, and this professor had a good relationship with Ash...

Dumbledore nodded with an idea in his mind, and he handed the last honey candy to Phil, "Then I should go ask Professor Binns."

After that, he stood up slowly, "Thank you for your help, if you need can come to the principal's office to find me." Dumbledore waved his hand kindly, and then left on his own, Just like a real old man.

"Googoo, the old man with the white beard is really a good person, GOOGOO!" Phil finished eating the honey candy, and he happily jumped on the gift, "I don't know what they gave you? GOOGOO?"

"It's a gift from Ash, you'd better not move it," Anna reminded.

She also realized that she seemed to have pointed out a clear way for Dumbledore, but to be honest... What if she told Dumbledore that Ash was back?But why don't I want to say...

strange heart...

"Cuckoo! Do you think there will be a gift from Phil? Cuckoo?" Phil asked happily, "I must have a gift, right? Cuckoo? Phil wants a big jar of nuts!"

"Oh." Anna sneered, "What a stupid bird."

"Goo! Anna! Your gift is gone! Goo!" Phil yelled dissatisfied.

It seems that even though Ash is not here, Hogwarts is still very lively~
(End of this chapter)

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