Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Take care of yourself!

Chapter 12 Take care of yourself!

Soon the day passed quickly, Ash read the book for a day and a night, and by the time he realized it, it was already noon the next day.

He put on sunglasses and walked out in that blue and white robe, walking around the campus as he pleases, he has already reflected on himself last night, he can no longer be so impulsive, who knows if these portraits will affect what he did Tell Dumbledore.

Fortunately, Carrot is a timid elf. Ash thought that he would not tell Dumbledore what he had done, but he still severely reprimanded himself, reminding himself that it is better to find someone to do the experiment. Timing... For example, Christmas is good, most people have left, can't you do whatever you want when you are down?

After thinking about it for a few months, he would be able to "dissect" these portraits properly, and Ash felt faintly excited.

"Professor Embers..." A cold voice came, and Ash turned his head and saw Snape standing behind him.

Looking at his cold expression, Ash was a little strange, "What's the matter, Professor Snape?"

Snape wrapped his pitch-black robe tightly, like a big black bat... Ash felt that if there was such a creature in Rodland, it must be the most dangerous kind.

"Are you cold?" Ash asked subconsciously.

As soon as Snape opened his mouth, Ash choked him back. He shook his head with an ugly face, and then said, "Dumbledore told you to tidy up. Tonight is the entrance ceremony for new students."

"Why didn't you let the radish come?" Ash was a little surprised.

Snape was stunned when he heard the turnip, he didn't seem to remember who it was, but soon he realized that it was the name of a house elf, so, thinking of the frightened elf yesterday, he smiled sarcastically Laughing, "Maybe it's because there is madness in the eyes of a certain professor?"

Hearing Snape's taunting and full-bodied start, Ash knew that Carrot should have told Dumbledore about himself...but he couldn't show anything on the surface, so he smiled, "I Wearing it's not me, right?" After speaking, he glanced at Snape's black robe, as if to say that you are the one who is crazy...

"..." Snape's expression froze, and he said in a colder voice, "You'd better communicate with that Professor Som again." After speaking, he walked away quickly as if he had completed some mission. It seemed that he really didn't like Ash very much.

But the way he gritted his teeth when he said Thom... maybe he hated all the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors?

Ash didn't blame this strange person. You know, there are many people who are weirder than him in Rodland. It's just a basic skill to speak sarcasticly...

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that except for Elizabeth and a few people, there were not many guys in armor who were not like this... always very dark, full of hatred for everything.

Ash began to think about whether to persuade this Professor Snape... You must know that the more hatred you have, the more likely you will be turned into a living corpse...

While thinking, Ash came to the auditorium, where he met his colleague, Som... Well, although he has a lot of soul, he really only remembered half of his name.

"Oh..." Som saw Ash, he smiled gently, and then asked Ash to sit beside him.

"Have you had breakfast?" Thom asked casually, still holding a fork in his hand, "Hogwarts breakfast is always good."

Ash nodded to indicate that he had eaten, and then said what Snape had told him.

"Oh..." Thom ate one of the chips, "I see...a house elf told me this morning."

Why is he a house-elf?I want house elves too...

Ash muttered a word, and then went on to scribble out his syllabus.

When Ash criticized the three books, Thom also laughed, "Actually, I agree with your point of view..." He paused, "Students should be allowed to experience those black magic..."

Ash nodded, "So you support me?"

"Oh..." Som thought for a while with a slight headache, "I don't think it's better not to show it in front of junior's too dangerous."

"You mean you can do it in the senior grades?" Ash didn't say this, although Dumbledore also suggested that he should not show this in front of the students... But Ash still didn't decide to give up, this is the idea s difference.

And it seems that there is still a big gap between the educational philosophy here and Biheim.

Chatting with this Professor Som again, Ash felt that this professor gave him a good sense, at least he talked more than the Potions professor, and he also had a very powerful soul... The attitude was also very good. Very gentle.

It made Ash feel good to work with someone like that.

After breakfast, Ash walked around the Black Lake again, took a notebook and wrote down the magical animals he saw, and then returned to the staff dormitory.

Not long after sitting there, someone knocked on the door.

Ash closed his notebook and opened the door, and what he saw was Professor Som, whom he had only met for a while.

"Embers...Dumbledore asked me to give you this robe, and he asked me to remind you not to wear sunglasses when you meet the freshmen at night."

Looking at the gentle Som, Ash nodded, and then took the brown gold-trimmed robe, "Thank you." After speaking, he subconsciously prepared to close the door.

Are you going to invite me in for a sit down?Som was still a little worried about this mysterious colleague, fearing that he would affect his plan, but he didn't expect that his overtures seemed to be of no use, and this Mr. Embers was still in a bad mood. look.

Looking at Ash who was closing the door, Som smiled, and didn't force anything, but reminded him to remember to go to the auditorium on time at night.

"Well, I see."

Seeing Ash's slightly perfunctory answer, Som felt his smile stiffen...

" you really think this looks good?" Ash stared at the young man in a brown robe in the mirror and asked casually. After removing his sunglasses, he revealed a pair of deep emerald green eyes, and the brown gold-trimmed robe Putting it on him unexpectedly gives people a shrewd and capable feeling.

With Phil's help, Ash also tidied up his hairstyle. His neat black hair was neatly arranged, matching Ash's fair skin and slightly sad eyes.

Just like a melancholy prince...Of course, Ash would not say such vulgar words, he is already an adult and he is not ashamed to call himself a prince...You must know that Ash has met a real prince ...

A real prince must first be good at using a two-handed sword... It is best to know something like a flame knife, and finally match it with a story of depression or tragedy...

Well, that Lorian is indeed a qualified prince in Ash's eyes, but it's a pity that his younger brother is a salary king... Thinking of the past, Ash stood quietly, and Phil, who had seen too much, didn't bother Instead, he stood quietly on his shoulders.

 This week’s double update starts today~

  In the future, there will be one update on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and two updates from Monday to Thursday

   o(*≧▽≦)ツ~Let me feel everyone's recommended tickets and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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