Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 101 Thank you, Carl

Chapter 101 Thank you, Carl
It is indeed here... Ash knelt on one knee by the lake. There are even traces of seeping from the abyss on the land in this area, and the color of the soil is even darker.

He dipped a little dirt with his fingers, and then silently took out a small bottle and put it in. These things eroded by the abyss can be good research materials.

Ash had seen a magician who turned one of his arms into a tentacle in Biheim. Ash could only say that sometimes being too open is not a good thing.

The entrance is right here, but how do you get in?Ash couldn't help being a little puzzled, no wonder no one has been able to enter it for so many years... It turned out that the entrance could not be found for some reason.

The reason for detecting magic is also unclear, and Biheim's magic is not omnipotent.

How did the members of the Florens family get in... Could it be that something has changed over the years?That's not right, according to what Professor Binns said, there were many wizards looking for the entrance at that time.

It seems that the problem should be the first entrant of the Florens family... Unfortunately, there is no information about this family. They were too secretive, and then gradually disappeared.

Ash sighed, then stood up, he was going to return to Hogwarts, Anna was the only one who knew about the Florens family so far... Maybe he could ask her.

Ash thinks that entering Urasilu must require some means, such as a medal?Or a ring or something... No matter how bad it is, you should have to walk three laps on the river beach at the door.

Ash summoned Phil who was flying around in the air, and then gently shook his wand with his left hand. He left an anchor point in the Hogwarts staff quarters for a quick return to Hogwarts if necessary.

The blue vortex sucked Ash into it like a washing machine. Under the surprised eyes of the old man, Ash disappeared in just a few breaths.

"Phew!" Ash appeared in the faculty dormitory.

"Goo! I'm so dizzy! Cuckoo!" Phil covered his bird face with one wing, and supported Ash's shoulder with the other.

"Ash?" Anna, who was hanging on the wall of the dormitory, opened her eyes, "I thought you wouldn't be back in a short time." As she spoke, she looked at Phil in surprise, "I didn't expect this stupid bird Also there."

"Cuckoo! Phil is not a stupid bird! You are! Cuckoo!" Phil said in dissatisfaction, "No! You are a stupid picture! Cuckoo!"

"Oh, stupid bird..."

"I have something to ask you." Ash interrupted the bickering between the two "persons", "How much do you know about the Florens family?"

"I only know that my surname is Florent..." Anna said slowly, frowning slightly, "I can't remember anything else."

"Who was your first master?" Ash admitted that he didn't remember the answer to this question clearly.

"A stammering boy..." Anna thought for a while and continued, "He likes to open the window and look at the sea."

"Sea..." Ash muttered, explaining that this wizard lives by the sea...

"And then?" Ash continued to ask, he took out his notebook and wrote down Anna's answers smartly, these were key information, he didn't want to forget them.

"Then..." Anna recalled, she scratched her neatly combed bangs... "There seems to be a white light on the other side of the sea..."

"White light?" Ash was stunned. Is there such a magical thing in this world... He couldn't help thinking about who he had heard about the white light.

"Cuckoo? White light?" Phil said suspiciously, "Phil has heard of it! Cuckoo!"

"Where is it?" Ash looked at Phil in surprise. He thought that this owl would be of no use except to make trouble for nothing...

"An owl friend, Goo Goo." Phil scratched his feathers, "It's at Hogwarts! Goo Goo!"

"Can I trouble you to bring it?" Ash said, his appearance at Hogwarts will cause unnecessary attention and trouble... If he meets any student, there will inevitably be a long conversation.

Ash didn't want his precious time wasted here.

"Okay! Goo!" Phil imitated the human manner and saluted Ash, then flapped his wings and flew out of the window from Ash's shoulder.

"What does that mean?" Ash asked, looking at Anna.

"Salute?" Anna asked strangely.


"Well, salute."


Within a few minutes, Phil flew back, and there was a piebald owl behind it. Seeing this owl, Ash suddenly felt that there was something remarkable about Phil. It can be regarded as naive... although it is not as good as gemstone crystal worms.

This was the most beautiful animal Ash had ever seen... He admitted that he thought of the gem crystal worm he kept in the cellar.

"Goo, it's Carl, Goo!" Phil patted the fat owl beside him.


"Goo! Don't be afraid, my master will ask you some questions! Goo, he'll give you some coo." Phil patted Carl's head, even though it was only half the size of his own.

"Where did you see the white light you mentioned?" One thing to say, Ash doesn't have any hope for the owl... This white light may just be a lighthouse, or the glass reflection of a tall building.

"Coo? Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo!" Carl muffled twice, its voice was a bit hoarse, so Ash didn't understand it very well.

So he looked at Phil, the owl language master.

"I didn't expect that we were actually interrogating an owl..." Anna muttered angrily.

"Goo, it said, Goo Goo, I saw Goo Goo on the way to Carol's house." Phil answered Ash's doubts intermittently.

"Carol?" Ash paused, a Hogwarts student?

"A little French wizard, Goo Goo."

To be honest, author, are you counting the words of Gu Gu Shui?
"France..." Ash thought for a while, so that piece of sea should be the English Channel?His geography is not bad... mainly because Professor Binns likes to have some insignificant things in class.

That white shouldn't be a lighthouse, after all, if you can see the sea, you must open the window during the day.

white light...

"Could it be the White Cliff of Dover?" Anna suddenly said softly, looking at Ash's puzzled look, she continued to explain, "The White Cliff of Dover is just on the edge of the English Channel, and it is said that when the weather is good, it can be separated from the English Channel." Saw it from France... Muggles seem to love that place."

It's possible... Ash nodded. He looked at Anna and nodded slightly. Although he didn't know what this white cliff was, it sounded like it should be very famous.

Then my next goal is France... Denver White Cliffs... or Dover White Cliffs... The boy's home should be on the opposite side of this White Cliffs.

Ash thought about it and passed some nuts to Phil's friend Carl, and the owl helped a little.

"Cuckoo." Carl ate the nuts with satisfaction, and didn't forget to share some with Phil.

Phil flew onto Ash's shoulder and pecked his shoulder, "Cuckoo, say it, thank you Karl! Cuckoo!"

 Thank you for the monthly pass for Qingfeng Jiyue, Pan De's Prophecy 1, thank you for your support~(=^▽^=)
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket~ The author will finish the exam soon~ Resume two updates immediately!no sooner said than done!

  \( ̄︶ ̄)/

(End of this chapter)

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