Chapter 96 Character decides fate
The final result of the battle was a draw.

Chris' physical strength is almost exhausted, and Tony's reactor power is also consumed to only about 15% left.The melee combat methods of the two are steady and steady, and neither of them has any decisive means to win.

Of course, Tony can be ruthless and use the miniature individual anti-tank missile on his right arm, and Chris can also be ruthless and use the power of Binaka.

Among the three dragons in the ice barrier, the strongest is the trident dragon based on the trident of Shiva, the god of destruction in Indian mythology, and the best way to use the power of the trident dragon is to make The weapon that symbolizes its power itself, the trident pinaka.

In addition to the basic ability to freeze, Gungnir has extremely strong penetrating power, and the five-star bombardment can spread and automatically track, while Binaka's power is a very unreasonable erasure ability.It is also difficult to describe specifically, as long as it is understood that the damage it causes is unstoppable and unrecoverable.

Just like Tony did not use long-range weapons in order to exercise the melee level of the test body, Chris just made two guns to play his strongest melee level.Otherwise, he could have directly stabbed Tony to death with Gungnir.However, it's all for learning, why should I kill Tony for victory?
Returning to Tony's villa one by one, Chris lifted the armor on his body directly, revealing the casual clothes he was wearing before, leaned on the sofa casually and poured himself a glass of wine.Tony had to go back to the dressing table for the battle suit, relying on Jarvis to control the mechanical arms and help him slowly dismantle the armor on his body little by little.

"Ahh, ahhh." "It's a body-fitting design, sir." "Take it lightly! My hair!" "Sir, I suggest you don't resist, it will only hurt more."

Tony stood on the dressing table, his hands and feet were not honest at all, he moved around, and from time to time he screamed in pain because his hair was caught by the gap in the armor.After a while, he finally took off his last armor, stepped off the dressing table, picked up the empty wine glass in front of Chris and poured himself a glass.Maybe this is "tired of dressing handsomely and undressing"?

"Why can you make your armor disappear all at once?" Tony said angrily. After confirming that Chris didn't take Lao Bai out, but a bottle of ordinary brandy, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

It is also a steel battle suit, why Chris can wear it at any time and move freely.Tony murmured in his heart that he would also find a way to get dressed quickly in the future.

"Because what I wear is actually not a real substance, but a strange existence made of magic power. I can freely control its appearance and disappearance by controlling the magic power in it."

"Here again, you are not old enough to be fooled by some cult." Tony is like the president of a certain poker world, no matter what fantasy things appear in front of him, he is superstitious about science, "You Do you want to boil some medieval herbal soup to treat people?"

Chris was reminded by Tony, and looked at the chest that Tony had just taken off his tights, where the device that helped Tony continue his life, the Ark Reactor, was located.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I just put it on." Tony smiled. After all, the miniaturization of the Ark reactor is a big technical problem. Even Tony is proud of himself for being able to break through this level that has stumped countless people.

"Beautiful, yet deadly." Chris tapped Tony's chest, "Have you ever tested for palladium poisoning in your body?"

Hearing what Chris said, Tony was about to shake his head when he suddenly realized something, rummaged around the room in a panic, took out a blood collection device, and collected some blood from his fingertips.After getting the blood analyzer, Tony began to analyze the data in his blood.

I have to sigh that Tony's house really has everything, after all, even he himself doesn't know where his next inspiration will come from.

Blood analysis came out soon.In Tony's blood, the concentration of palladium has reached 5%, and you know, Tony has just replaced his third ark reactor.

Palladium element is a kind of heavy metal. Since the human body absorbs little palladium element, palladium element will be excreted through the urinary system when it enters the human body. Usually, the concentration of 5% cannot be reached unless the dosage is extremely large.

And there is one and only one channel for Tony to have close contact with the palladium element, and that is the Ark reactor with his life hanging on his chest.Normally, the consumption of the palladium element inside the Ark reactor should be maintained at a normal level. Even after Tony died, he would not be invaded by the palladium element to this concentration.

But the Ark Reactor is not only responsible for escorting Tony's heart, it is also responsible for the power supply of the Iron Suit.It is precisely because of this that the consumption rate of the palladium element has been greatly increased, which will increase the concentration in Tony's blood to this level.

"Isn't it ridiculous that life-saving things are gradually killing me?" Tony slumped on the chair, leaning back against the back of the chair, and took a sip of wine.

Jarvis reminded Tony: "Sir, drinking egg white or milk can effectively detoxify palladium poisoning. However, if you continue to use Mark III, the degree of poisoning will only continue to deepen."

Chris asked, "Are you going to try to give up your Iron suit?"

Tony raised the corner of his mouth: "It's no wonder, this kind of little difficulty wants to stump Mr. Stark? Since the palladium element is harmful to my body, I will find a more suitable element to replace it."

Chris nodded.He didn't ask Tony why he didn't try to put the Ark reactor on the suit itself, and use clean energy directly from his chest.

In the original book, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assessment of Tony's character is: obsessive-compulsive disorder, self-destructive tendency, and typical narcissism.

He could make circuit boards at the age of four, build engines at the age of six, graduated from MIT at the age of 17, and became the CEO of Stark Industries at the age of 21.Create smart weapons, advanced satellites, satellite positioning.

As long as Tony thinks about it, he will definitely succeed. He has the capital of narcissism.And narcissism is very similar to self-confidence in many ways.

Believe in your own abilities, think you can control your life, think highly of yourself, look forward to the future, etc.However, once the narcissist understands that his failure is inevitable, he can easily go down the road of self-destruction.

Because of palladium poisoning caused by using the ark reactor designed by himself, he believed that he could solve the problem perfectly, but after trying everything, he realized that as long as he continued to insist on his own ideas, death was inevitable.So Tony fell completely, not only ran away Pepper in anger, gave the Mark II to Rhodes, but also crazily destroyed his "Iron Man" image.

If Tony is not a narcissistic person, he naturally has countless solutions to problems.But his narcissism dictates that he has only one choice, the only way out is to create something stronger than the palladium-powered Ark reactor.Ditch the ark reactor for something like a lithium battery and put the ark reactor on the armor?There is no such compromise option in Tony's world.

This may be the so-called, "Character determines destiny".

(End of this chapter)

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