Chapter 91 Pacific Park

July 8, night.

Chris is sitting in an amusement park.Today he was going to let the gangsters in Queens live and give himself a vacation.

It is also very tiring to be a chivalrous man all day long, not to mention that recently, he has to be busy investigating Obadiah during the day.

Beside Chris, Bruce is eating ice cream.However, enjoying ice cream at this moment is out of Hulk's idea, and Banner himself doesn't really like eating sweets very much.

"Recently Hulk likes those colorful things, and he seems to want me to wear a suit and a nicer hat." Bruce confided to Chris about the difficulty of taking care of Hulk recently, just like a dad with a baby.

While it might seem weird for two men to go to an amusement park together, Chris and the others have something to do when they're here.

Entrusted by Chris, Natasha hacked into Obadiah's personal terminal investigation, but found no evidence of his contact with the Ten Rings Gang. Instead, she searched for evidence that he and another person issued a "kill Tony" commission.

The other person seems to be a middleman. In the connection between the two, he seems to be a springboard between Obadiah and the Ten Rings.Not only to accept the commission, but also to help Obadiah smuggle weapons through various channels.

The existence of the middleman is naturally not worthy of Chris's concern. What is really worth paying attention to is that the code name of the middleman is "Snakehead".

Although smugglers often look for snakeheads, a "snakehead" with such energy is rare. On the contrary, it reminds Chris of the "Sinister Six" that Norman said. One of them is called "Snakehead".

The regrettable news is that Obadiah's news is one-way, and the "snakehead" did not leave any clues or traces for Chris and the others to track down.However, the latest contact shows that the Pacific Park at the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles will be the location of their next transaction.

Chris and the two are currently in Pacific Park.The most famous thing here is its nine-story Ferris wheel, which is the world's first solar-powered Ferris wheel, and it can overlook the panoramic view of the Southern California coastline from a height of more than 130 feet.

Of course, now that it is night, it is naturally impossible to continue to use solar energy to drive, but to switch to ordinary electric energy.However, the night scene is the essence of the amusement park.The Ferris wheel is equipped with more than 16 energy-saving LED lights. At night, you can see the beautiful dynamic and shining landscape. If it is daytime, you can’t enjoy the beauty.

Chris said that he chose to build a Ferris wheel not because he wanted to enjoy the night view, but because he wanted to use the height to see what was wrong with the amusement park.Although Bruce was not interested in the Ferris wheel, Hulk was interested, so he and Chris sat on the Ferris wheel under the subtle gaze of the conductor.

The slowly rotating Ferris wheel raised the room where Chris and the others were located at a constant speed, and the bustling night scene of Los Angeles gradually revealed its whole picture to the two of them.Although Chris is not very familiar with Los Angeles, he is very familiar with Los Santos, another virtual city based on Los Angeles.

It would be nice if there was not a rough guy but a beautiful woman beside her.Chris glanced at Bruce who was talking to Hulk and talking to himself.

Although slowly, the Ferris wheel gradually approached the highest point.Chris picked up the binoculars and began to search for the most likely location in the amusement park according to the secret signal when Obadiah contacted the "snakehead".

The place they agreed on was "the tranquility under the bustling, the darkness under the light".Chris speculates that maybe the quietest place near the busiest place, such as next to the roller coaster with the largest queue, has the most expensive extra charge item in the amusement park-the amusement park restaurant.It was around six o'clock at the moment, and there were very few people in the restaurant even though it was around meal time.It is very in line with the tranquility under the bustle.

"What about the darkness under the light?" Bruce felt that the restaurant was not quite right.And again, although there are few people, there are indeed many people who are tired and hungry after a day of playing, and have to choose expensive restaurants to eat, and there is no peace.

"For example, after the amusement park closes at [-] o'clock in the evening, the sign is still on and the lights are turned off in the restaurant?" But Chris couldn't even convince himself.The two can only continue to search.

"Crazy shark, simulated surfing? No."

"Western roller coaster, bumper cars? That's not peaceful."

"Small plane on the sea, rock chair in the sky, swivel chair, Sea Dragon? It feels like none of them."

"It can't be a Pacific jumper or a frog jumper, can it?"

The two screened one by one, looking at the possible projects in the amusement park one by one.Until finally, they noticed the last project - Dracula's castle.

Although it is called a castle, it does not have an independent building, but is attached near the hypermarket at the entrance of the amusement park.Various supplies are sold in the store, such as commemorative badges, rabbit ears worn on the head, and raincoats required for some projects.In addition, there are many cute dolls, so it attracts many parents with children, which is quite prosperous.

In contrast, Dracula's castle on the side was extremely deserted, and there were not many people at the door.

After all, "Dracula's Castle" is a haunted house.

If it's daytime, it's okay, there will be some bold people going to play inside.But now it's night, and playing a haunted house at night is as exciting as watching a horror movie or playing a horror game at night.What's more, most of the people playing in the amusement park are parents with children.No matter how brave the parents are, they will not take their children to a haunted house.

The signboard of "Dracula's Castle" hangs on the door of the haunted house, and the font is lit with red lights.There are also yellow full moons and twinkling bats as decorations on the side.Under the light, the entrance of the haunted house was pitch black, like an invisible abyss.

"The tranquility under the bustling, the darkness under the light." Chris and Banner looked at each other and said the riddle.Either way, the haunted house fits the puzzle perfectly.

Unless there's also a Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles somewhere on the planet, which also happens to have a Pacific Park.Otherwise, Dracula's castle is the place where the "snakehead" traded with Obadiah's people.

It's just that Chris and Bruce can't go there just yet.If you want to ask why, of course it is because the Ferris wheel has not turned back down to let them go.

In theory, Chris and Bruce could of course transform and leave on the spot, but tomorrow the news will be that the "White Knight" and the recently rumored "Double-Face Man" will fight in Pacific Park.

Well, Bruce's nickname is "Double-Faced Man". I have to lament that the talent of the American people in naming is too outrageous, thanks to Bruce's lack of habit of flipping coins.

 According to the current estimate, No. 1 will probably be on the shelves. I feel that at my level, 1000% will hit the street.

  The most important thing is that there are almost no manuscripts.Recently, try to write more and save it, and put it on the shelf to explode.

  However, recently it is still three chapters a day, after all, it is agreed

  General ability, limited level, just give more (not)
(End of this chapter)

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