Chapter 78 White Knight


Anthony Edward Stark, known as Tony to those who are familiar with him, is the president of the first-class American group and Stark Industries.He was a genius, a veritable genius.At the age of 15, he entered the undergraduate division of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated with the highest grades. At the age of 21, bearing the pain of losing his parents, he inherited his father's company.

Stark Industries is a technology company in name, and its main direction is physics and energy.The physics in this actually refers to munitions.

Tony Stark's brain beyond mortals has an extremely terrifying talent in the field of physics research, and can easily overcome various problems that have stumped countless people.Under his leadership, Stark Industries rapidly grew bigger and stronger with endless and highly efficient weapons.These high-tech weapons were purchased by the US military and used on various battlefields to shine.

He can even say that he has surpassed his father's talent and has become a leader in the American arms industry.

And this leader, recently got another good idea, that is the mother-in-child missile.

The mother missile is used to transport the sub-missiles to the predetermined attack location, and then the sub-missiles are released from the mother missile like rain.A guidance and intelligent locking system is added to the propulsion of the sub-missile, so that launching a single missile can accurately and efficiently destroy a large area of ​​targets.

It only needs to be fired once to effectively pose a threat.Tony even thought of the name of this missile, it's called Jericho.

One of the earliest settlements in the world, Jericho is located in Pakistan.Tony chose this name because Jericho was also a gathering place for hunters of the Natu culture.The mother missile, Jericho, transports a large number of sub-missiles like a bloodthirsty hunter to accurately hit the prey.Tony was intoxicated by this charming name and admired his talent.

The bottom of Tony's villa was transformed by himself and became his large laboratory.In the lab, Tony took off his goggles, wiped his sweaty brow, and took a sip of the Coke with rocks on the side to cool off.The research has been carried out to the last juncture. As long as the integration of the guidance device and the miniaturized circuit of the intelligent enemy tracking system can be completed, the Jericho missile is considered complete and can be put into production and ready for sale.

"Jarvis, some upbeat music."

"Okay sir. Playing it for you right away."

Just one morning a few years ago, Jarvis, the old steward of the Stark family, passed away peacefully.The old man went there after taking a leisurely breakfast and taking a nap while sitting in a chair. He walked peacefully.

Even Howard approached Chris and asked him to help disguise himself and attend Jarvis' funeral.It's interesting to say that Jarvis's body is so much stronger than Howard's. Howard even thought that he would die earlier than Jarvis when he squandered his capital when he was young, but he didn't expect Jarvis to leave first.

Tony's current smart housekeeper is a program compiled by himself, named after Jarvis to commemorate the old man.

The smart butler Jarvis faithfully carried out Tony's order, found a suitable song in Tony's favorite music library, connected the stereo in the room and started playing music.

Accompanied by the cheerful music, Tony's heart, which was a little tired because of research, was also a little happy. Along with the beat, he patted his thigh and looked at the smoothness of the test bench simulation circuit in front of him.

Through simulation, you can directly know the usage status of the circuit board, whether there will be conflicts in the program, and the like.Because the enemy tracking system uses thermal energy to track the enemy, the heat caused by the missile's own propulsion needs to be eliminated first, and then the temperature of the human body in the building needs to be accurately screened.After the enemy search is completed, the guidance system will take effect and send the sub-missile to the target position.

Tony had finished all the practical operations, picked up the cold hamburger and threw it into the microwave to heat it up.He had been busy all morning, and he had almost finished Jericho.He didn't even come to eat lunch in a hurry, and he didn't feel it when he was busy, but now his stomach is growling.

Idle is also idle, Tony told Jarvis: "Is there anything new recently? Find something interesting, don't always mention such gossip." Things to eat melons, Tony can even sleep with two top stars.

"Sir, the 'White Knight' of Queens will certainly interest you."

"Sounds like a drama actor, let's watch it on air."

Jarvis played the news with an interactive projection designed by Tony himself.Tony leaned back on the shelf next to the microwave, watching the news.

"There is a rumor in Queens that it is the 'Pale Knight'. According to legend, he is the messenger of death and the partner of justice."

As soon as the news started, Tony was amused when the reporter was still introducing.Partners in justice, there is nothing more interesting than that.It is estimated that only children under the age of [-] will play this kind of play house.

"When night falls, the White Knights appear where there is conflict in Queens to bring justice."

"This rumor has been circulating in Queens for nearly ten years, and no one has ever witnessed the real body of the Pale Knight."

Tony pulled out the cheeseburger.While it definitely doesn't taste as good reheated after cooling as it does freshly made, Tony just loves cheeseburgers.

"Heh, the guy who hides his head and shows his tail, if he really wants justice, he should do it openly." Tony commented vaguely with his mouth full of bread.Regardless of everyone else, if Tony becomes a superhero, he won't hide his identity.And in fact, Tony also has some yearning in his heart-compared with geniuses and rich people, the superhero is obviously cooler.

He did not consider whether the family would be retaliated against if justice was served, nor did he consider the significance of the mask.It can only be said that today's Tony has not experienced enough hardships.

"And just this morning, someone witnessed the white knight walking into a resident in Queens and never reappearing." The camera moved away from the reporter and focused on a person on the side who was subdued by two police officers.

According to what he said, he was a thief, and he got up so early in the morning to "go to work" to make money. Unexpectedly, he saw a white shadow on the road all the way. He thought it was a ghost, and quickly hid in the alley. Pretending to be a bum and pretending to sleep.But Bai Ying walked by his side, and he realized that it was a person wearing white armor.

The thief used to work in Brooklyn, and only recently came to Queens to test the waters when business was down.But he's also heard of the "White Knights" in Queens from quite a few of his peers.Although the thief had always thought that the white knight was just a legend, his companions just made up an outrageous reason for being caught to cover up their incompetence.But after seeing it with his own eyes, the thief believed the rumors to be true.

The white knight didn't notice the thief in the alley, he just walked to a house on his own, looked around and found no one - after all, it was only four o'clock in the morning - and walked into the house.The thief secretly took a picture of the white knight with his old mobile phone and fled the scene in a panic.

But on the way to escape, he met a basketball star who just got up to exercise at four o'clock in the morning and a social animal who just got off work. He moved his hands under itching, but was caught by the police.He explained everything in detail, even including secretly taking photos of the White Knight.

(End of this chapter)

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