It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 74 Sand crocodile vs. green pheasant

Chapter 74 Sand crocodile vs. green pheasant

After hearing what Chris said, the sand that made up his body fluctuated. He raised his hand as if he was about to punch Chris. Then, as if thinking of something, he looked in the direction of the operating room and put down his hand. hand.

"Want to talk to me? Then go out and talk." As he spoke, his body collapsed, and the sand flew out of the window like migrating ants.

Chris pushed open the window, jumped directly from the second floor, and landed in a small park in the hospital for inpatients to take a walk.

"This is Barton, the sandstorm is moving!" Barton's voice came.

"This is Chris, the target is in the sandstorm, start chasing, you follow."

Natasha and Coulson also spoke successively: "This is Natasha/Kolson, heading to the first floor."

"Here is May, ready."

Without Mei's car, not everyone can bear the car driven by iron cavalry. Chris put on Aegis, and the huge wings of the ice dragon replaced the cloak and unfolded behind him.With a flap of wings, Chris soared into the air.

The old man sitting in the garden took off his sand-proof helmet and complained loudly: "Am I in Mexico or New York? Why is it so cold after a sandstorm?"

"Shut up, Stan Lee."

Flint's avatar's sandstorm moves fast, but Chris' metaphysically powered flight is even faster.Moments later, Chris catches up with Flint Malco, who has reverted to human form, at a construction site.After dispelling the armor and tidying up his clothes, he began to stand opposite the Sand Man.

Flint was wearing a tight green and dark green striped long sleeves and a prison-style cropped crop.Although the whole body seems to be in a human state, his fists and feet on the right side of his body are still in the state of sand, and he is gradually returning to a human state.

The sweeping dust storm subsided as Flint recovered.

"Flint Marco, I'm here to ask you a few questions." Chris raised his palms to Flint, signaling that he was not threatening.

"I don't care if you are the FBI or the tax bureau, if you can leave the hospital, I have achieved my goal." Flint showed a hideous smile, "I won't kill you, but you just need to be ready Spend a day in the sand!"

He struck suddenly, swinging his left fist.In an instant, his fist turned into a sand fist five or six times the size of a normal person's fist, flying towards Chris.And as an insurance, part of the sand behind him turned into several sand currents and engulfed Chris.

The flying sand all over the sky was blocked by an ice wall that suddenly appeared. Chris stood behind the transparent ice wall and looked at Flint through the gap in the sand: "You really don't talk about martial arts, come and cheat , come to sneak attack. Damn!"

Flint's right fist also turned into a sand fist. The ice wall failed to block the attack this time, but turned into ice chips, which were ground to pieces by the sand flowing like a tide: "I don't want to hear you say Some are not."

Chris put his armor back on and leaned against the boom of the crane on the construction site.The sand flow was like a doomsday flood, gradually engulfing everything it touched, and even began to swallow the crane into the ground bit by bit, and climbed up to Chris along the crane.

Chris held his left hand, and he threw out the five bombardment stars the moment they appeared. Four of them hit the sand flow under his feet, creating a thick ice surface, and the other shot at the sandman, piercing through the sandman. The position of his head freezes it.But then, the surging sand flow engulfed Flint's "corpse" and disappeared under the sea of ​​sand.

The cold air on the ice surface under the feet was still spreading and freezing, and the sand flow was also surging to grind the ice layer. Under the momentary stalemate, the ice surface remained like a lone boat on the sea.

Chris held Gungnir in his hand, not letting down his vigilance.

At this time, from behind Chris, the sandman emerged from the sea of ​​sand and punched Chris with his fists.Chris sensed the assault, jumped off the ice, and threw Gungnir where he had been before.

The sandman's punch hit the ice, and the ice was like a detonated bomb, but instead imprisoned the sandman, and Gungnir shot quickly.Flint tried to hold back by calling sand currents to form tidal walls.Gungnir, however, was like an embroidery needle, easily breaking through layers of obstacles, and hit the Sandman head-on without any sign of slowing down.

Flint repeated his old trick and disappeared under the sand flow again.Chris took this opportunity and created a large ice surface, sealing nearly one-third of the sand flow in the ice layer.

The sand stream dissipated like an ebbing tide, gathered in one place again, and changed back to Flint's human form.Different from the aggressiveness before, this time Flint clutched his chest and gasped for breath.

Part of the gravel could not return to his body anyway, which made him feel a great burden: "What the hell did you do?"

"Have you reacted yet?" Chris changed his previous panic, and grabbed a piece of ice wrapped in sand from the ice under his feet.

"The friction of the sand grinds the ice, but the ice chips don't disappear out of thin air, but are melted into water by the sand and gravel heated by your friction. The sand rich in water becomes easier to freeze."

Chris provocatively pulled out a long gun from the ice and threw it at Flint: "Don't worry big man, I won't kill you, but you are ready to stay in the ice for a day!"

He literally paid Flint back.

The ice gun arrived in no time, and Flint finally became smart enough not to confront the ice gun head-on, but turned into sand and fell down on the spot.

The ice spear stuck in the clearing.This ice gun is just an ordinary ice gun, without the special power of the three dragons.

The sand turned into a tornado and hovered over the construction site.Mixers, scaffolding, wood paint cement and even carts, etc. have all been involved.

The tornado was violently torn apart by the giant hand that popped out of it. Flint, who had turned into a sand giant, roared silently, and looked at Chris who was like an ant under his feet with contempt: "You can try again!"

Chris raised his left hand without fear.The cold air expanded wildly on the ground, and sharp ice weapons grew out of the ice.

Flint smashed down with an arm hammer, and the huge sand arm fell rapidly, as if the sky had fallen.

Chris started running, dodging the jib hammer.Along with his running, the ice weapon was thrown towards the giant sandman like bullets continuously by Chris, leaving frozen marks one after another on its huge body.But soon, these brief freezes are swallowed by surging sand currents.

The sand man opened his wall-like palms, grabbed the fleeing Chris, and lifted him in front of him.

"Damn guy, you can't escape my palm."

Chris put on a look that would rather die than surrender: "I am a special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D. I have participated in the Roaring Commando and fought alongside Captain America. I have the honor of a soldier on me. I have no words, so hurry up." point."

Sandman realized something, and turned around to see a tall water tower on the construction site.Natasha installed bombs on the pillars of the water tower, and detonated three of them after escaping.

The last pillar could not support the water tower at all, and the water tower fell heavily.Unlike the previous sand flow, the real flood appeared briefly, and the huge sand man was instantly washed away.

"It still depends on me, doesn't it?" Natasha said triumphantly in the communication channel.

"Actually, I can solve it myself." The torrent receded, and the construction site was in a mess. Chris dispersed the ice cube that sealed him, and walked to the sand man lying on the ground.

Now Flint has completely become a clay figurine, no matter how he raises his body, he will turn into mud and fall to the ground. He gradually gave up struggling and stared blankly at the sky.

The last thing he saw was Chris with his hands on his chest, the ice gradually spreading over him until it finally covered his head. "Big man, I'll do what I say."

(End of this chapter)

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