Chapter 61 A Group of Fake Fans
"Welcome to the Smithsonian Museum, the Tourist Information Office is on the second floor." The announcement in the museum sounded.

Although today is Monday, there are still many people in the museum, and many people are visiting all kinds of novelties.

Coulson is Steve's tour guide arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D., responsible for helping him find accommodation, arrange entertainment, understand the surrounding terrain, and so on.However, it seems that Coulson himself asked for it.

"Captain Rogers, this way." Steve was just looking at a 1:1 scale fighter jet model hanging at the height of the second floor. Fighters in 1945 didn't look like this.

For others, it's actually a pretty retro place.But for Steve, the exhibits here are so novel.

Chris held two Snowtop coffees in his hand, handed one to Coulson, and kept the other for himself.Steve's words, in his words, were "I've been buried in the snow for years," so Chris just bought him a mocha.

The three of them came to a special section in the pavilion.This exhibition area has just opened today, and the name is clear at a glance: "Welcome back, Captain".

Combined with Coulson's unusual anticipation, it goes without saying that this is the Captain America Memorial.There is probably nothing more interesting than taking Captain America to the Captain America Memorial to visit Captain America.

"He is a symbol of the country and a hero of the world." The entrance of the memorial hall was full of people, and many reporters raised their guns and short cannons, and the flashing lights clicked.It looked like it was holding an opening ceremony or something.

"Excuse me." The three of them squeezed through the crowd of onlookers and came to a place slightly in front.

"My father and Captain America were close comrades-in-arms, I hope they can get along happily in heaven." Chris saw that the person on the podium was none other than Tony Stark.

Anyway, my father didn't die, and he cunningly lost the company to himself and took his wife to travel around the world. Tony also let go of his bad mouth, all kinds of "hope there is no car accident in heaven", "rest in peace" and so on.Anyway, in the eyes of others, Tony will still feel that Tony is a dutiful son.

Tony also saw Chris squeezed into the front row with sharp eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched, trying to calm down and continue his speech.It's okay in front of other people, but in front of Chris, he keeps saying "I adore Captain America" ​​and "Captain America is my goal in life" and other empty words, and Tony feels that he will be very embarrassed.

Steve wears a peaked cap like Superman with his glasses, and a bunch of fake fans can't recognize him just like that.Standing one position behind Chris, Steve asked, "Is this guy Howard's son?"

"Anthony Edward Stark, born in 1970, his father is Howard Stark, his mother is Maria Stark, both of whom have passed away." Coulson showed his profound professionalism.

"It's the same arrogance and confidence, isn't it?" Chris took a sip from the snow top through a straw.

"When I woke up, I felt that the whole world had changed. The world was changing with each passing day, and the people I knew passed away one after another." Steve sighed a little when he heard the news of Howard's "death".

Chris turned his head and showed a smiling face: "What are you worrying about, I'm still alive."

"My metabolism has almost stagnated due to being frozen, which I can understand." Steve paused, "Chris, what's your situation? You should be over 70 this year, right?"

"Hey, it's hard to give up on a natural beauty, and I don't want to." With a face in his twenties, Chris expressed helplessness and deserved a beating.

Tony has finished his speech at this moment and stepped off the stage.He didn't come directly to Chris. After all, he was too much attention. He didn't want to admit that he had something to do with Chris in public, for fear that Chris's whole life would affect his reputation.

Tony seemed confident in his own judgment.However, the media has already made a thorough understanding of Tony.

The first two years were fine. Tony was still worried that his father had just "died", so he restrained himself very much, and just seriously ran the company and invented things.

But soon, Tony returned to his playboy nature. The monthly magazine "Playboy" was a page girl for twelve months, and he slept for eleven months, one of which was a pair of twins.

Tony's speech is over, but the opening ceremony of the new museum is not over yet.The projector began to play a video, which was an interview with Steve's comrades in arms.All of the Howling Commandos are in it, except Chris and Bucky.

The projector also marked their dates of birth and death one by one.

The roaring commando team that once dominated the world has been disbanded, and even the members have passed away. Only Steve, Chris, and Bucky are left.

At the end of the video, there are interviews with Howard, Phillips and Carter.

"The biggest regret in my life is not being able to bring the captain back." Howard stood in front of a wide park model with shame on his face.

Trembling, Phillips took off his reading glasses and wiped them with a cloth: "Steve? Ah, Rogers. When he joined the army, he was no thicker than my arm. By the way, who were you talking about just now? Reese?"

"Once, our troops were surrounded by German soldiers in a world of ice and snow. We ran out of ammunition and food. It was Captain Rogers who saved the lives of thousands of us." Carter turned his face to the camera, but his eyes showed that his mind was not here "Among them, there was someone who later became my husband. Even after the death of Steve and Captain Rogers, they still have an impact on our lives."

When Steve saw Carter, he fell silent for a long time.

"Carter is 74 years old this year," Chris said.

"Carter. Is she married? That's fine." Steve's tone was indescribably low.

The ceremony finally came to an end.With Tony cutting the ribbon, the ribbon-cutting ceremony came to an end.The long-awaited crowd poured into the museum like a school of released fish.

Chris and Steve meet a waiting Tony in a room.

"Let me guess this one, Steve Rogers? Incredible," Tony said flirtatiously, reminding Steve of seeing Howard for the first time on stage in 1943.

"You look exactly like your father."

"Oh, I'm sorry you guessed wrong. In fact, it was the opposite. My father raised me to use you as a role model. God, I almost thought you were my brother." Tony recalled, stroking his beard under his chin.

Steve recalled something, and suddenly apologized to Tony: "I'm sorry, Tony, I reminded you of something sad."

"?" Tony was a little puzzled, then realized what Steve was talking about, and looked at Chris with a strange expression, "Didn't you tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Steve also looked at Chris.

Chris spread his hands: "Howard is not dead yet."

(End of this chapter)

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