Chapter 59 Wake Up, My Warrior
In fact, whether it is 20 years in the morning or 20 years in the evening, Pierce will be very happy to see the super soldier serum restored again.But only now is not possible. If the restoration is successful now, it will not meet Pierce's wishes at all.

In 1970, there were two consecutive energy crises in the world, resulting in a global economic recession, and even the so-called "lost decade" in the western world, which had a major impact and change on human development.

Needless to say after 2010, all the ups and downs that the earth will encounter in the future are beyond the imagination of people today.

Whether it is 20 years earlier or 20 years later, the restoration of the super soldier serum will not receive too much attention.Only now is different.

Not long after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States became the largest and only superpower in the world, and its power was extremely inflated. The US dollar also completely occupied the dominant position of the world financial system under the promotion of the government.

In such a tailwind environment, nothing can attract the attention of people walking above.Once the super soldier serum is developed, it will be strictly guarded, and there will be no room for Pierce to do anything.

With a gloomy face, Pierce poured Chris's untouched coffee into the trash can, sat back at his desk, and flipped through the report that Nick Fury and the others had just submitted.In his heart, he was planning something.

Chris Obenzed has already gone to the underground laboratory, and those gangsters can't stop him after thinking about it. He is destined to arrive at the place where Steve Rogers is refrigerated.

It seems that there is not much feasibility for manipulation. Even if the self-destruct device prepared in the laboratory is detonated, Pierce feels that Chris can still come back alive.

Furthermore, there is not only the frozen Captain Steve in the laboratory, all kinds of rare materials are placed there, including the core of the Tianma project, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Report to the World Security Council to leverage their power?Pierce is not that stupid. Since ancient times, the most miserable person has always been a whistleblower. No matter whether it is a betrayal force or a defection force, they will not let you go. The same is true in modern times.

Nominally, S.H.I.E.L.D. does come under the jurisdiction of the World Security Council.But S.H.I.E.L.D. is stationed in the United States, and the forces of the three founders were also established in the United States. At the beginning of its establishment, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ass was crooked.Therefore, although some decisions need to be under the jurisdiction of the World Security Council, SHIELD cannot be completely regarded as their subordinates.

Pierce thought for a while, and felt that the only place where he could do something was the person in charge of the serum research.It must not be a talented person, it is better to be a civilian, and it is even better if the major is not suitable.

Although the serum research will not be dominated by S.H.I.E.L.D., other forces will inevitably intervene.However, it is still possible to make trouble with Pierce's ability.

He picked up a file and flipped through it, and quickly noticed a piece of information, which was a report to monitor whether there were any abnormal behaviors among high-level people from all walks of life——

The daughter of General Ross found a boyfriend of civilian origin, who was good at radiation and ray-related subjects.

Seeing this, Pierce showed the same smile as an honest man.


Underground of the Trirotor Building.

Naturally, Chris would not care about the consequences of Steve being awakened, nor would he think about how Pierce would hinder the birth of the serum.

Holding the backs of the heads of the two guards and giving them cheek-to-cheek contact, Chris ended his stealth.

Looking at the guards lying on the ground behind him, and from time to time there were one or two who remained awake and wailed, Chris snapped his fingers and lifted the cover that blocked the entire underground.

Chris didn’t follow some life-wasting assassins to engage in some fancy stealth. Instead, he turned on the signal mask and “sneaked” into the guards. He incarnated the angel’s current source style and the iron fist in front of Anna. The sky is falling.

However, Chris didn't really make a move, but just stunned a considerable number of diehards who resisted to the end.

With no obstacles, Chris followed the map and found a gate with a round American flag printed on it.

The gate looks very solid, and there are no keyholes or identification devices around it, just a gate.

The Space Descent was activated, and Chris' body turned into nothingness, and he walked through the door to the other side.

The room seemed to be in the polar region, and the temperature was extremely low.Chris glanced at the built-in thermometer, it was already covered by a layer of frost, melted the ice on the glass, and Chris saw "-4 degrees Fahrenheit" written on it, converted, it should be minus [-] degrees, which is the same as the North Pole. The temperature is about the same.

Although it was cold, Chris didn't feel much of a difference.The three dragons of the ice barrier originally lived in the extremely cold place in the DT world, and the ice barrier coat of arms containing the power of the three dragons can easily resist the cold of only minus [-] degrees.

Due to the temperature, there are not many furnishings in the room. There are only a few metal-wrapped pipes connecting the only thing in the room—the container containing Steve.

Steve was dormant due to freezing, so it was naturally impossible to put it in a refrigerator or a freezer.The style of the container is very similar to the operating cabin used when the serum was injected at the beginning, and the ducts extend from around the cabin to discharge cold air inward.

In the front of the cabin is a glass window, revealing Steve's face, which was slightly blue from the freezing and frost-covered.

Chris walked to the main switch of the air-conditioning in the room, and after absorbing the freezing air, he turned off the main switch, and the injection of the air-conditioning in the room stopped.

With a wave of his hand, the cold air in the room was evacuated by Chris, turning into a circle of cold air visible to the naked eye and turning around Chris' left hand.

Chris became more and more sure that the container containing Steve was the original operating cabin, because the main console after defrosting was so familiar, and Chris had personally operated it before.

After pressing a few buttons, Chris turned the valve to the end, and the pipe at the top of the operating cabin automatically popped out, and the cabin slowly opened, turning into an operating table.

Steve lay on the operating table.

In 1943, Steve became Captain America. In 1945, Steve was caught in the ice.And 50 years later, Steve is about to recover from the ice.

Chris raised his hand and thought for a while, feeling that life should have a sense of ritual.

The power of ice formed into snowflakes and fell, and Chris pressed one hand on Steve's chest to absorb the cold air in his body.

"Wake up! My Warrior!"

At the same time, in the golden summoner in Chris's other hand, the power of the coming of reality is constantly acting, sending a steady stream of vitality into Steve's body.

For the first time, extremely weak fluctuations appeared on the heart rate measuring instrument built into the operating cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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