It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 54 I Like To Say No To Self-Righteous People

Chapter 54 I Like To Say No To Self-Righteous People

"However, I refuse."

Pierce didn't seem to react, and he didn't seem to hear clearly: "What did you just say?"

"One of my favorite things, Chris Oppenzeid, is to say 'no' to those who think they are planning things for the benefit of the masses." Chris took a sip of coffee, although the sweetness was rich taste, but after all, I still can't drink black coffee, and frowned slightly.

"Alexander Pierce, huh? You say you're for the people and the world, but you're a complete self-righteous idiot. The people don't need force, only violence needs violence." Put down coffee, Chris Take the curtain cloth and wipe your mouth.

"Guard the whole world? Then use love and justice. If love and justice don't work, then double the amount of love and justice. There is no dispute in the world that love and justice can't solve. If there is, it must be your love and justice." Insufficient confidence." Chris was full of great truths, standing on the commanding heights of morality and pointing.

"Pierce, you really let me down. I thought that you, the second director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who took over Carter's responsibilities, must have his own opinions on world peace, love and justice. I didn't expect you It’s just a person whose mind is full of violence and oppression, completely forgetting the essence of peace, who can’t even be independent, yet dares to ask me for help.”

Chris shook his head and squinted his eyes, showing a disappointed expression, looking very embarrassed: "I've never seen such a brazen person!"

After categorically rejecting Pierce, Chris walked out of Pierce's office haughtily like a victorious general after insulting him verbally.

Just after he walked out of the office, a black agent walked towards him. Chris had a strong sense of déjà vu when he saw him the first time, as if he was going to say hello Fake the next moment.

"Nick Fury?"

"I am. You are?" Because Chris was wearing his own casual clothes, and he didn't have a passport or other identification items on him, Nick didn't guess that Chris was his own.And the possibility of Chris being a member of the government is not high, because his age is too young.

In the United States, you are embarrassed to be a leader if you are younger than 50 or [-] years old. On the contrary, the older you are, the easier it is to become a leader. Qualifications are really important.

"I'm meeting you for the first time. My name is Chris, a special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D."

Chris stretched out his hand, and Nick hurried to shake Chris's hand. He didn't look as scheming as he was in the future, but instead looked a bit like Coulson saw Steve Rogers.

"Mr. Chris, you are Mr. Chris, right! I am your fan."

Hearing this, Chris couldn't help squinting his eyes, glanced at the door of Pierce's office that he had just closed by himself, and thought: Do you both like to say that you are someone else's fan so much?

The two chatted.Unexpectedly, it seems that Nick really is his fan?

Not only is he familiar with his performance during World War II, but he also listed his contributions to S.H.I.E.L.D., and even took out a photo of himself from his arms and wanted his autograph.

However, because the photo was a black-and-white photo taken during World War II, Chris felt panicked after seeing it, and refused to sign it.However, Chris promised that Nick would sign the color photo in the future.

Although Nick showed no flaws, Chris still felt that Nick Fury did not admire himself.The root cause is that Nick Fury is not a person with idols at all, and his nickname is "King of Agents".Even if he is not as tried and tested as he will be in the future, he is already in his early forties, he is not considered a young boy, and he should more or less have a tendency to develop like he will in the future.

And the best quality of an agent is that he has no emotion.

Chris was escorted out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. building by Nick Fury.Unexpectedly, after Chris disappeared from view, Nick's expression quickly calmed down and he returned to Pierce's office.With his indifferent expression and that black face, he looked like a tough guy.

"How is your situation?" Pierce picked up a cup of coffee and asked Nick who was sitting in front of him.

Nick's qualifications are not too old in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., but he and Pierce have a good personal relationship, and Nick is indeed very capable, and others will not say that Nick is a back door.

"Oil and salt are not allowed. And he seems to know me very well, calling out my name at a glance." Nick also picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip, feeling that the sweetness of the coffee was just to his taste.

Pierce glanced at Nick's chest. He didn't wear a badge with his name on it like everyone else today.

"And based on his demeanor, I don't think he believes that I'm his fan, even though I took out his photo and asked him to sign it."

After hearing Fu Rui's words, Pierce murmured in his heart that there was another trick: "Then do you think it is really suitable for him to come back?"

"Whether it's appropriate or not, he's back." Nick put down his coffee, and took out a stack of documents from his pocket, "And according to our analysis, the story of the 'Pale Knight' that has recently begun to spread in Queens is very It's possible he did it all by himself."

"As soon as we came back, he left us a mess, which is exactly the same as Mrs. Carter's evaluation." Pierce rubbed his forehead.

"'I prefer to see other people's jokes more than to do good things, and I prefer to make jokes than to do serious things.' I very much agree with this." Fury spread out the file and handed it to Pierce. "But we have to deal with this first." thing, Pierce."

"It was revealed that a Stark Industries employee was selling weapons-grade plutonium to Russia."

Pierce took the document and didn't have time to read it. He looked at Fu Rui suspiciously: "It sounds like this should be done by the FBI. Why did we receive this report?"

"But this report was indeed voted to us, anonymously. All our network personnel dispatched to trace the source of the other party, but finally found it back to the former base in New Jersey." Nick clicked on the file, "We can currently The result of the analysis is that the other party knows about S.H.I.E.L.D., and even knows that S.H.I.E.L.D.’s former base is in New Jersey, but his information is a bit outdated and has not been updated.”

"I know about S.H.I.E.L.D., I know about the base in New Jersey, but I don't know that it has moved. Could it be!"

Nick nodded: "Although he has never shown this ability before, Chris Openzed is indeed our first suspect."

The document lists a number of suspects who are more likely, and Chris's profile picture is at the top.

(End of this chapter)

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