Chapter 51 Ivan Vanke
A luxury car drove into Stark Industries and stopped in front of the headquarters building.

"This is Stark Industries, All America, First Group." Tony got out of the car, looked at the towering building and said to Chris.

"And it's the number one arms dealer and the number one scientific and technological company in the United States." Tony's new bodyguard was named Happy Hogan, who was said to have met Tony during a car race, and seemed to be a boxer before.

"It sounds very good." Chris threw a metal ball in his hand and then played with it. "As far as I know, Stark Industries will become the largest clean energy company in the future."

"Your information is really well-informed. That will be a direction of our future development." Walking out of the building, a middle-aged man with a burly figure but a little thinning hair was Obadiah when he was young.

Obadiah walked up to Tony and hugged him: "Tony, you must cheer up."

"Well, I will, Oba." While blaming his irresponsible father in his heart, while trying to put on a sad expression, Tony felt very tired.

"By the way, Tony, you haven't introduced this one yet?" Obadiah looked at Chris.

"Hello, Mr. Obadiah, I'm a friend of Tony's and my name is Chris, Chris Obenzed."

"It sounds like your parents admired the hero of World War II." Obadiah showed a gentle face, "Let's stop standing outside in the cold wind, let's go in and talk."

The time has come to the spring of 1992.Although it has already entered spring, the residual cold of winter has not dissipated, and the wind blowing on the face will still make people shiver a few times.Several people also entered the Stark Industries building.

Obadiah took out his ID card from the inside pocket of his suit and swiped it, and the electronic lock of the door opened.At the first sight of entering the building, Chris saw the huge Ark reactor.Inside the circular glass cover, a sophisticated mechanical group rotates at a high speed carrying blue light, using metal palladium to generate huge energy, which is sent to various places through connected pipes.

Thanks to its existence, Stark Industries does not need external power supply. This large Ark reactor alone is enough to provide all the power consumption used by the entire company, and there is even a surplus.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel very shocked." Happy glanced at the Ark reactor, and closed the door behind Chris and the others.His workplace was not in the building, so he was not followed in.

"I really like this tone, Tony, you have to vigorously develop this in the future."

"Come on." Tony waved his hand disdainfully, "This is just to open everyone's eyes. I made this thing just to shut up troublemakers."

"Uh, Tony?" Obadiah looked at Tony so nonchalantly revealing the bottom line in front of Chris, and called out to Tony.

"It's okay, Oba, Chris is one of our own." Tony looked at Obadiah, "Actually, I came today to find a lawyer to sign a share transfer. I plan to transfer the shares inherited from my father Hand over Chris part."

"Tony, are you serious?" Obadiah was a little annoyed.Although Tony seems to be able to control everything based on his mood, which makes Obadiah a little happy, but just transferring a part of the shares of Stark Industries to other people will not only hurt his own interests. , but the interests of the entire company.

"Don't worry too much, Mr. Obadiah. Tony just wants to pass on my 10% dividend."

Tony nodded: "That's it, Oba, I'm not so stupid as to give away the shares directly."

Chris' explanation gave a sigh of relief to the tense Obadiah. A 10% stake means that Chris will become a member of the shareholders' meeting and will directly participate in the company's decision-making.But the 10% dividend is just a way to get money. Compared with the important decision-making qualifications, the dividend is not worth mentioning. The loss is only Tony and will not affect the entire company.

Tony said that he disliked Chris for being a prostitute in his house, but in fact he was really grateful to Chris in his heart.Howard told him that if it wasn't for Chris, the couple would have died, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Chris had a great favor with the Stark family.Tony didn't know how to express it, so he could only give Chris the most money he could.Even so, every time Tony sees Chris lying on the sofa watching TV, he still gets angry and his mouth stinks.

As a technology-driven company, the most valuable thing about Stark Industries is not their market value, but their creativity.Therefore, Stark Industries spends a lot of money every year on their group's exclusive team of lawyers.They can handle such things as refuting plagiarized companies in court, let alone drafting a share dividend transfer contract.

Soon, as Chris and Tony signed and stamped the contract, the contract took effect and began to have legal effects.

Obadiah had something to do, and left after witnessing the signing.Although Tony has been busy for a long time to take over Stark Industries, but on the eve of taking office, he was free and accompanied Chris to visit Stark Industries, and by the way, he was familiar with his company in advance.

Although Stark Industries is constantly expanding into new fields, its main energy is still on arms.Guns and ammunition, artillery tanks and even aircraft missiles are all within the business scope of Stark Industries.Moreover, Stark Industries is also the chief arms supplier of the military. The American military, known as the "world police", consumes a lot of guns every year because of the frequent exercises and battles. There is no need to worry about the arms not being sold.

Moreover, although the price of Stark Industries' weapons is a little higher than the conventional ones, it has never happened that every piece of high-quality and inferior products has been delivered to customers.Compared with the Hammer Industries weapons, which are much cheaper but of lower quality, the military will of course prefer the more cost-effective Stark Industries weapons.

"So I have always wondered whether what the Wanda brothers and sisters saw was produced by Stark Industries." Chris and Tony left the missile production line.

"What did you just say?" "It's nothing, just talking to yourself."

The two had almost visited the factory and came to the laboratory.

Stark Industries' laboratories are the departments with the highest investment. The salaries of researchers are just a small part, while the consumables used in experiments, laboratory safety measures, etc. are the big ones.Just when Chris followed Tony into the laboratory, someone behind Chris pushed him in Maozi, as if he was dissatisfied with the two people blocking his way.

Chris doesn't know much Mao, but only a few words such as "Ula" and "Suka Bulie", which he learned online, can be recognized as Maozi.

Chris turned around and looked at the person coming from behind. He was quite tall, with extremely heavy hair, and smelled of alcohol all over his body.

Tony frowned: "Who is this bum-like guy?"

Hearing the voice, the person in charge of the laboratory saw Tony Stark, the big boss who was about to take the stage, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Mr. Stark, this man turned out to be a scientist from the Soviet Union. He just joined Stark Industries."

"Soviet scientist?" Chris thought of someone, "Is he called Vanke?"

Chris remembers that in the plot of Iron Man 2, the villain code-named "Whiplash" launched revenge on Tony, who had become Iron Man, because of his father's death.And his father seems to be exiled by Howard because he first left the Soviet Union to join the United States, and then wanted to use the Rubik's Cube for profit.

And "Whiplash" himself seems to have been sentenced to 15 years in prison for selling weapons-grade plutonium elements to Russia.It is precisely because he was sentenced that no one could support his father. Not long after he was released from prison, his father died when Tony announced to the world that he was Iron Man.

Both father and son are not good people, but the "whip" is to think that the Stark family caused his father's death, just to get revenge on Tony, and even use the information about the ark reactor stolen by his father to imitate Tony and build a small ark Reactor, put on the armor disgusting Tony.

"Uh, yes. His name is Ivan Vanke."

(End of this chapter)

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