It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 372 Mind control is stupid

Chapter 372 Mind control is stupid
"Heh, you can talk hard now." Loki glanced at the superstar beside him, and snorted coldly, "Hurry up, our time is precious." In his mind, Chris, who is mind-controlling Superstar As far as superstars are concerned, it is completely guaranteed.

The idea wasn't just for Loki to take out his anger on Chris.You know, under Chris's delay, Nick and Barton have evacuated from the underground laboratory with the Rubik's Cube, and they don't know where they went, and Loki can't go all over the world to find them.

You must know that without the Rubik's Cube opening the interstellar portal, Loki would have no way of bringing the Chitauri army far outside the solar system to Earth.That is the only power he can rely on to conquer and dominate the earth.

As for directly driving the fleet into the solar system?Loki has not forgotten that his annoying father, Odin, is still alive and well. Although he will enter Odin's sleep every once in a while, and it looks like he will not live soon, but Loki always feels that he is definitely pretending of.Otherwise, why did Thor get there in time when he smashed the Rainbow Bridge last time?

Moreover, without the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, I basically missed the appointment in disguise to the guy named "Thanos" who gave me the scepter.Superstars are with Loki, on the one hand, they are helping Loki to help him capture the Rubik's Cube, and on the other hand, they are also monitoring.If she judges that she is incapable of completing Thanos' mission, Loki has no doubt that she will kill him.

Therefore, the existence of Chris, who knows everything about Midgard, which is the earth, and the bald guy who escaped with the Rubik's Cube, is quite necessary.If the mind controls him, Loki can find the hidden Rubik's Cube directly under the leadership of his leading party.

"I swear, I swear my spiritual power is definitely in his mind, I swear." Just as Rocky was waiting for the superstar to brainwash Chris, the superstar suddenly spoke, with a hint of surprise in his tone, " No, what is this! No, don't come here!"

Loki quickly turned his head to look sideways, but saw the superstar's calm expression change little by little, evolving into a frightened expression.It was as if she had seen something very terrifying.

Rocky saw the strange situation of the superstar, and did not show any gentlemanly manner to support her, but raised the scepter in his hand, pointed the tip at Chris, and said loudly: "You annoying guy, what are you doing? pattern!"

In this regard, Chris, whose whole body was fixed in shackles, tried to spread his hands or shrug his shoulders, but because his body was restrained too tightly, in the end he just shook his head: "Please, Your Highness Loki, I am still caught by you, why? Could it be that I have tampered with this superstar lady?"

"Stop talking nonsense, who else would it be if it wasn't you!" Rocky noticed that the superstar had clearly exerted mind control on Chris just now, and now Chris can still communicate clearly with himself, which is really abnormal. "You guys are not controlled by her!"

Mind control is not only about interfering with people's thinking, but changing a person's mind will also affect the normal operation of the human brain.People who have been mind-controlled will more or less suffer from sequelae such as dizziness and vomiting, and there are many cases of direct brain death.So, Loki was very surprised that Chris had no effect under mind control.

"Well, don't look at me like this. In fact, I am more or less machismo. It is too difficult for me to submit to her. Unless it is a special situation, I don't want a woman to ride on top of me. "Chris had a relaxed face with dirty jokes running in his mouth, but in fact he was also relieved in his heart.

Although Chris himself's combat power is not very weak, in the final analysis he is just a mortal, and his resistance to magic is worse than having very low resistance to magic.Not to mention the relatively high-end extraordinary abilities such as mind control, even Loki's illusion can't be cracked.

The reason why his mind control in the face of the superstar can not be affected is actually thanks to the card that he has been holding firmly in his hand since the moment he knew the identity of the superstar, a follower experience card.

Loki narrowed his eyes slightly, looked into Chris's eyes, and seemed to want to see something: "Weird abilities, but it doesn't matter. Maybe you can resist the mind control of this useless woman, but you There is absolutely no way to resist this force."

He grinned grinningly, held the scepter and stretched it towards Chris's chest, the blue energy in the gem at the top of the scepter emitted a strange light, "Your friends and relatives will be troubled by how to deal with you, and I, I will get your loyalty and the Rubik's Cube."

The tip of the scepter touched Chris's chest, and the blue energy tried to pour into Chris's body along the armor, but just after reaching the surface of the armor, a layer of green energy surged slightly on the armor, unexpectedly Has the power of the scepter been cancelled?

"What's going on!" Loki tried again in disbelief, but the result was still the same. Every time the energy was about to invade Chris, it would disappear inexplicably, "How did you do that!"

"Didn't I say it before, your spells are female, but mine are male, and the female spells won't work when they meet the male ones." Chris smiled slightly.

How could he tell Loki that he actually embedded the Time Stone in the armor, even if Loki smashed the scepter, the power of the Mind Stone would not be able to penetrate Chris's body.

Thanos’s level of making containers for the Mind Stone is not good. Not only does it blind the light of the gemstone itself, but it turns the blue color of the space gemstone, and even the way of using energy is only the method used by Loki. And controlling other people's minds actually requires direct contact.What's even more outrageous is that Tony Stark can even offset it with the Ark reactor on his chest in the future.

Loki became a little annoyed, and glared at Chris fiercely. The sharp blade of the scepter moved up and pointed at the head exposed by Chris when he took off his helmet: "Mind control is invalid? What are you proud of, wizard of Midgard! I'm listening—poof!"

He was only halfway through speaking when he suddenly felt as if his stomach had been hit hard by a fist, and he flew upside down in an instant.

Chris, on the other hand, controlled the Killer Queen to touch the shackles on her body and detonate them. The smoke and dust dissipated, and he walked out of it unscathed.Seeing Rocky who was punched flying by the Killer Queen, Chris tapped his ear with his little finger:

"I'm listening, you continue?"

(End of this chapter)

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