Chapter 37 Back to the Future
Steve, Carter, Tony, and Howard all wait for Chris to explain.

"Why can I know the future?"

"Why do I know about the development of parallel worlds?"

"Why is there no me in your world?"

Chris took a sip of his coffee: "There is only one answer, Anthony Edward Stark."

"I am the first future person in the world to travel to other parallel worlds through the quantum realm."

Chris doesn't change his face when he tells a lie.And the lie is well-founded.

Traveling to other parallel worlds through the Quantum Realm sounds like crap, but Tony and Steve have both experienced it.

Know the development of the parallel world, because he is a person from the future, just like Tony knows the development of the future.

It is better to understand other worlds without his existence.Because there is no him who traveled to the past in other worlds, of course Chris only exists in this world, which explains why Steve didn't know the characters who were supposed to be at the same time as him.

"Shuttle independently?" Tony was very interested.You must know that the battle suits worn by the two of them today are the crystallization of the wisdom of digital geniuses. The geniuses who specialize in various fields have concentrated their energy on one work and debugged it for an unknown number of times before it is completed.

"It's just an accident. Just like Scott was accidentally locked in the quantum realm, I was also accidentally teleported to the past."

"And how do you solve the problem of surviving in the quantum realm?"

"There are subtle differences between parallel worlds, and the differences accumulated in the future will naturally lead to different bifurcations in the world. This is why I ask you if you understand the butterfly effect." Chris's right hand alone manifested Aegis' gauntlet , and his left hand condensed into ice crystals out of thin air, "This is the guarantee of my survival in the quantum realm."

Tony and Steve had already seen mythology, superpowers, and magic, and they were familiar with this little scene and completely understood it.Carter's curiosity was not that heavy, although he was surprised, when did this guy Chris live normally?Howard, a researcher, fell into another addiction. He took out a hammer from his pocket and planned to knock a few pieces of ice, but was held down by Tony.

"How far into the future are you from? You seem to know what we are going to do." Tony played with his glasses.

Chris added a cube of sugar to the coffee, stirred it with a spoon, and said without looking up: "I've seen everything about the development of the plot, but not as many times as Dr. Strange. In the end, I think that even Both good and bad."

"Did we get everyone back?" Steve pressed.Under the snap of Thanos' fingers in 2018, both Bucky and Falcon turned to dust.

"You did gather all six cosmic stones, and Bruce snapped his fingers to bring back everyone who died five years ago, but then Thanos attacked you."

Tony made a pause with his palm: "Excuse me, maybe the development of our world is a little different? Because Thanos in our world was beheaded by a fat man who hasn't gotten fat five years ago."

"Thanos in 2018 was indeed beheaded by Thor, but it was Thanos in 2014 who attacked you."

"2014?! What happened."

"A brief summary is that Nebula was captured by the past Thanos, and then the past Nebula came to your world instead of Nebula, and opened the passage in 2014 to release Thanos' spaceship while you relaxed your vigilance."

"The specific situation is very complicated. In short, after a hard battle, Thanos snatched the gloves you made. Because you snapped your fingers again and resurrected everyone, he changed his mind and planned to destroy the entire universe and start from scratch."

Tony hurriedly stood up: "We are the future of failure?!"

"No, you successfully prevented him from snapping his fingers." Chris looked at Tony with a complicated expression, "You made your gloves, so you transferred the gem from the gloves to your hands while Thanos was not paying attention. It's up to you to snap your fingers and destroy Thanos' army."

"Thanos was half dead after snapping his fingers, and Bruce almost lost half of his hand because of snapping his fingers. They are so powerful that they can't withstand the power of gems, let alone you. The price of snapping your fingers is your life."

The three looked at Tony. Tony sat down blankly, but shook his head: "This is... the only way."

"Can't we stop Nebula from the past early? We now know she's not the Nebula we knew." Steve asked Howard.

"Brother, when you choose to stop that Nebula, it means that your future will go to another branch."

"For example, when Bruce snapped his fingers, he thought of other things and failed to save the people five years ago, such as you who were attacked by forces other than Thanos to seize the original stone."

"The only possibility that Strange said is Tony's sacrifice? I can't accept it!" Steve hammered the table, and the wooden table was knocked out of cracks.

"Hey hey, I just got a new desk." Chris's coffee cup was also knocked down by Steve, but luckily he had already finished it before. "Well, in my opinion, it's not the only way. In fact, as long as Tony snaps his fingers and nothing happens?"

Tony shook his head: "As you said, neither Bruce nor Thanos' physique can withstand the power of the rough stone. I'm just a mortal."

"At present, there are three implementation methods. The first is to make Tony's physique surpass that of Bruce and Thanos until he can withstand the radiation; the second is to make Tony's vitality stronger, and he can recover even after snapping his fingers. The third one." Howard and Carter looked at each other and asked uncertainly, "Chris, are you sure you can succeed?"

"Aren't you the most confident in yourself, why are you starting to lose confidence in your son?" Chris laughed.

"The method is very simple, that is, I will go to your world with you."

Ignoring the surprised faces of Tony and Steve, Chris stood up, took out the golden summoner from the [warehouse] and held it in his hand.The bird-shaped decorative wings on the top of the summoning machine sank and opened to the sides, revealing two cards in it.

One depicts a clock, the other a spinning black hole.The former is the time gem power "Descent of Time" bestowed by Ancient One.The latter is the incarnation of the power of the space gem obtained by Chris with the convenience of having free access to the Rubik's Cube - "Space Descending".

"Wow, that's cool." Tony exclaimed.The golden color of the golden summoner fits Tony's "low-key" color preference.

Chris dons the Aegis armor.Since the original Red Skull was slightly damaged, Aegis has evolved by a blessing in disguise, from the original black armor to white, with more edges and corners on the helmet and body, and even a cloak that symbolizes power. It's like Kamen Rider.

"Let's go now."

"Uh, so urgent?" Steve handed the Pym Particles to Tony, and put them on himself.

"Let's go early and return early, you two just prepare yourself, I will follow you back." Chris put on the helmet.

"Actually, I didn't want to take care of the future of your world at first. After all, there are too many worlds that are going to tragedy, and I can't save them." After putting on the helmet, Chris's voice sounded a little cold, "I just want to Let Howard see what his son looks like as a grown-up, and let Carter know that Steve will be fine when he recovers in the future."

"Who knew that the two of them spoke well when they agreed, and they did follow the script to the end. As a result, tsk, I can't leave you alone now." Chris spread his hands helplessly.

Steve and Tony adjusted the timepiece on their wrists, tapped the button, and a white battle suit with a little red was unfolded and worn on the two of them.The two will press the button to return to the future world.

"Wait!" Peggy interrupted Steve's movement, and flew into Steve's arms.

Their lips touched.

"Don't think that a kiss can pay off what you owe me all these years." The two parted, blushing.After Carter finished speaking, he ran out of the room as if fleeing for his life.

"I think of one thing: In theory, the captain of this world and the captain of our world are two people, right? Does this count as greening yourself?"

"Hey, I won't be sleepy if you say this." Chris's excitement could be felt through the helmet.

 There are only three chapters today, um

  Then enter the parallel world later to help
  After all, there are still so many years away from the modern times with intensive plots, I have to find something for the protagonist to do, so that I don’t just leap 30 years in one go (oh, I’ve passed it, it’s okay)
(End of this chapter)

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