Chapter 341 MIB Four

"By the way, Coulson, have you finished selecting the resident personnel?" Chris put down the towel and turned to look at Coulson.His cane tapped lightly on the wall in front of them, and a rotating space tunnel was opened.

Following Chris into the space tunnel, Coulson said: "We have screened out a considerable number of qualified candidates based on the authority level of the agents, and then arranged according to their wishes and various conditions, and will soon be able to settle in. Finish."

The two of them walked to the end of the space tunnel, and when they walked out, it turned out to be an office, but the lights were not turned on in the office, and it was pitch black, as if no one was there.

Chris raised his hand and groped on the side wall, and soon found the switch and turned it on, and the lights in the room turned on.But with the lights appearing, a black-faced Nick Fury suddenly appeared in front of him and Coulson.He opened his one eye and looked at Chris with an unfriendly expression: "What are you doing here suddenly? It scared me a lot."

"You're the one who scares others." Chris patted his chest and stroked his breath, as if he had a heart attack from Nick's fright, "The black lights are so blind that they just stand there alone without turning on the lights." Here, still a nigga, dude I almost had a heart attack. What are you doing looking like Batman."

"Don't use questions to answer questions." Nick said, walked to his computer in the office, and turned on the computer screen again, with a black and white background game screen on it.Obviously, Nick was just playing a game here.

"Let me take a look. Heh, you pretend to wait and dare to pay? It's a good thing that the team leader is willing to take you." Chris glanced at it, and Nick was playing WOW, "Hide when you hear our movements Is it? Then what is the purpose of being timid?"

"Nonsense, I'm using Clint's account now. His game time is idle and he is idle. It's better to let me use it. But, if he sees it, even I will be ashamed." Saying so, After Chris and Coulson knew that they were using a public computer to play the game, Nick also let go a little bit, and continued playing on his own.

"I know why you always assign tasks to Barton. At first, I thought it was the kind of book-oriented development. I didn't expect you to play games."

Seeming to be annoyed by the way Chris was tucking his lips while shaking his head, Nick stopped typing in the game to apologize to the team leader, and turned his head to look at Chris, "Okay, now it's your turn to answer my question. You come What am I doing here? Those alien visitors have been dealt with."

"A little kindness, a little harshness, and a little reasonable advice, as long as they have a little brains, those guys will naturally understand that joining MIB is the best way." As if answering his own family, Ke Reese expertly removed coffee beans and a grinder from a cupboard in Nick's office.

"Mr. Chris has announced to them that if they want to stay on the earth, they have to follow the rules he has proposed." Coulson smelled the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans, and said to Nick, "However, I think even if they know the consequences of committing a crime, some people can't help it."

"Then let them do it. The law and order in New York is pretty good recently, and Bruce has a lot of free time to play with them." Chris poured the ground coffee beans into the powder bowl, and was about to start with a powder distributor. "And don't worry about them disturbing ordinary people living on the earth or destroying things. Whoever breaks something fixes it."

With one hand free, he snapped his fingers, and saw a small and illusory architectural model appear out of thin air on Nick's desk, roughly divided into seven floors, divided into storage area, production area, scientific research area, living area, Administrative area and executive area, there is also a vacant floor as a hall.

The storage area stores all kinds of materials, the production area produces food and weapons and equipment, the scientific research area is used for various research, the living area has dormitories, restaurants, bars, parks and even movie theaters, and the administrative area is responsible for personnel deployment, assignment of responsibilities, and administrative decision-making.The execution area is used for the training and departure preparation of MIB members, but it has not been used yet, after all, MIB has no manpower at all.

Coulson bent slightly and looked inside the "building model".The model that Chris built with a wave of his hand is not only exquisite, but if you look carefully, there are actually many transparent villains with clear appearances that are moving independently.

Coulson even saw the figures of Natasha and Bruce, one sitting in Chris's office receiving aliens who intend to join the MIB, one transformed into Kamen Rider W dragging two people who lost their ability to resist. Aliens go to prison.

"This is the cage you prepared for them?" Nick quit the game to cover up the embarrassment that he gave it for nothing after being resurrected in battle, and was angered by the leader, but his face was very calm.

"Don't say it so badly, I think I left a lot of space for them." Chris compacted the coffee powder in the powder bowl and put it into the coffee machine, and the scalding hot water was released from the machine. The sutra powder bowl was dyed yellow and fell into the cup prepared below.

"Space folding technology? It looks small, but there is a huge space." Coulson noticed that the size of some aliens changed after entering a certain room, "But, no matter how big the space is , and still can’t change the fact that this is a prison.”

"Aren't we in a prison?" Chris poured the frothed milk into the coffee cup, and pulled out a beautiful garland, a bunch of wheat ears, "I'm going to find a place to call this Secure the prisons at the 'headquarters', and then find a way to let them out regularly."

"It's up to you, Coulson, to assist in this matter, okay?" Nick unceremoniously took the coffee handed over by Chris, and took a sip from the edge of the ear without damaging the surface shape. Got coffee.He frowned, "You didn't put any sugar."

"No problem. Ah, thank you." Coulson also got a cup, and this time the garland was leaves, so he thanked him politely.After taking a sip of the coffee, Coulson's attitude was the opposite of Nick's, "It's so mellow."

"Let me tell you, your taste is different from others'. Eat less sugar, braised egg, your face is getting rounder and rounder, I guess even if it turns gray, you will be slower than others, and even have the time to swear." Reese also made himself a cup, but before Nick and the others could see what pattern was on the coffee cup, Chris blew the foam away.

(End of this chapter)

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