Chapter 331 Murphy's Law
Pushed by the invisible ripples, the blue force field slowly faded out of a small opening, and the black hole inside seemed to find the hope of escape, the speed of rotation suddenly accelerated, and a traction force also followed the small opening. The gap was transmitted outward, and the bag of blueberries in Barton's hand who was closer was sucked into it instantly before he even had time to put it away.

But the moment Barton let go of the blueberries, invisible fluctuations finally touched the black hole's body, as if a large basin of water had been poured into a warehouse piled up with quicklime. There was a very special reaction between the two. , the change in the energy index on the instrument in front of Eric was unprecedentedly drastic.

"The force field wave has intervened, and the space tunnel has begun to crack." Eric ordered, "The data should not be too high at the beginning, let's reverse it with 1% strength first."

The researcher nodded, and moved his hand slightly on the knob beside him, and the pointer scale moved from 0 to 1.In the same way, the invisible force field waves emitted by the "broadcasting horn" at the front end of the huge inverter were distorted.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, the black hole has not changed at all.

"Please, although the other side is not comparable to a real black hole, it is still a space tunnel, okay? Please use a little force." Chris said loudly towards Coulson.

Hearing Chris' complaint, Coulson and Eric looked at each other with a little embarrassment. "Ahahaha, aren't we too cautious?" Eric scratched the back of his head with not much hair, and said with an awkward smile, "Let's work harder."

Coulson also nodded: "Well, doctor, your idea is very good." He said to the scientific researcher beside him: "Increase the intensity to 5%, no, try 10%."

The force field inverter was running again, and the movement from the invisible fluctuations was much more conspicuous than before. The air between the device and the black hole was distorted visible to the naked eye, and the traction force transmitted by the black hole from the gap also With the operation of the force field reverser, it is gradually canceled out.

Barton's blueberries fell to the ground just before flying to the black hole. Under the restraining effect of the inversion force field, the traction force accompanying the existence of the black hole has been weakened to the point that even a half-eaten pack of blueberries cannot be sucked away. degree.

"Uh, can I go over and pick up my blueberries now?" Barton looked at the bag of blueberries on the ground moving towards the black hole almost at the speed of a turtle with a bit of pain, "I paid for it anyway, the price It's not cheap, and I don't think this black hole is any more dangerous?"

"This is the case at the moment, but I still don't recommend you to pick blueberries. Do you know that there is a force around the black hole that speeds up the flow of time? The outer packaging of the blueberries looks good now, but the inside I'm not sure if the blueberries are rotten and rotten."

As soon as Chris finished speaking, Natasha also glanced at Barton and said, "Isn't it just a pack of blueberries? As for the pain? And whether the black hole is really under control, even Dr. Eric himself can't tell." .”

Barton shrugged indifferently: "What are you afraid of? You can see that this experiment has been carried out quite successfully. The attraction of the black hole is getting smaller and smaller. And I can see that its rotational speed has also begun to decrease."

After listening to Barton's words, Chris took a closer look, and it was true.Accompanied by the manipulation of invisible force field waves, the rotation speed of the vortex composed of endlessly rotating sand and rocks around the space tunnel has slowed down by more than 01:30. Seeing that the rotation force of the black hole seems to be forced The field waves are cancelled.

"Reducing the speed is not something to be happy about. The most difficult time is coming soon, and you can adapt accordingly." Chris paused the re-transformed cane on the ground, and several fixed stakes made of ice crystals held Barton and Na Tasha is fixed in it.

"What's so difficult about this? Could it be that it's still a borrower and repayer, can it still spit out things?" Barton said so, but he still hugged the fixed stake very honestly.Although it is made of ice crystals, it doesn't appear to be very cold, and Barton feels that it is very cool to be hugged by such an icicle on a hot day.

The value of the energy instrument in front of Eric is constantly fluctuating, sometimes higher and sometimes lower, and can never be consistent with the stable line, but the fluctuation threshold of the value becomes smaller and smaller over time.Finally, after a short period of time, the value of the energy instrument monitoring the black hole stabilized on a straight line in the center.

Eric made a decisive decision and immediately ordered: "Reversal intensity 100, open it to the maximum for me, and push it back in one breath!"

The force field wave burst out suddenly, and the moment the black hole's rotation stopped, the energy of the force field wave added a thrust to its sudden rotation that had just reached equilibrium.The original clockwise rotation of the black hole was pushed and changed to counterclockwise. At the same time, a powerful thrust replaced the previous suction force and came out of the black hole violently.

The huge reversing machine directly meets the repulsive force in the black hole, and the edge metal layer of the trumpet-shaped device on it is instantly squeezed and deformed by the powerful thrust.However, fortunately, the reversal device was the most important force field wave generator that had been strengthened in advance, so it was not destroyed immediately.

However, there are other effects brought about by the thrust. The heavy bottom of the reversing device was pushed a little by the thrust, and the force field wave generator on it also shifted slightly.

"Stabilize the generator, who can shoot!" Coulson noticed that the force field wave was slightly off target, and shouted hastily.But before the ready agents responded, a thick ice wall suddenly rose behind the device, which reversed the reverse device back to its original orientation.

"Huh, almost, I thought the force field wave was about to hit the capture device." Seeing this scene, Barton breathed a sigh of relief, "If that's really the case, wouldn't we all be done for?"

Barton has obviously never heard of Murphy's Law - "Anything that can go wrong has a high probability of going wrong." Although the force field wave returned to its original track under Chris' timely correction, the scattered fluctuations still affected the previous wave. The blue capture force field that exists.

The rotating force field wave tore a big hole in the capture force field. Under the original setting, the capture device had to overload the output energy in order to fill the huge vacancy that appeared at this moment. Overloaded, a burst of sparks burst out from the capture device closest to Chris and the others, followed by a burst of black smoke.

A capture device was overloaded and scrapped!

A large part of the capture force field that exists in the stable black hole is missing, and the other three places seem to be trying to fill it up, and then they also go to the same end-overload, and then scrapped!

The blue capture force field lost the support of the device, and disappeared around the black hole in an instant, while the black space tunnel broke free, and under the stimulation of the force field wave, it seemed to faintly shrink. It only took a blink of an eye It has shrunk from a height of five or six meters to less than five meters!

(End of this chapter)

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