Chapter 33 The Fleeing Time
New York, May 1945, 5.

"I didn't even know this place had been transformed into a telephone company." Chris opened the car door and looked at the "New York Bell Telephone Company" sign above his head.This is the place where Steve injected the serum at the beginning. Unexpectedly, things have changed over the years.

Howard walked down from the other side: "Just follow me."

Walking into it, there are busy operators on both sides, very busy wearing headphones.

Howard went to the last operator on the right. "Good morning, Rose."

"Good morning, Mr. Stark." The operator was a plump lady.She saw Chris wearing a hat following Stark: "The hat is nice."

"Colonel Chris Oppenzade." Howard indicated that Chris could be trusted.The operator nodded and flipped a switch next to the microphone.

The corner in front of Chris was originally empty, and as the operator pressed a button, a door opened, which looked like an elevator.

Howard walked in first, and after Chris walked in, the operator plugged in and unplugged a wire, and the door slowly closed again.

"Open your mouth."

"Ah~~" Chris opened his mouth obediently to the doctor in a white coat.After he said it was ok, he closed his mouth, rubbed his cheeks, and said to the other three people sitting in the room: "Am I going to the dentist?"

The doctor wrote something on a piece of paper, and after a long time, he handed it to Phillips who had been waiting for a long time: "General, after a basic test, it can be confirmed that it is Colonel Chris himself."

"General? Have you been promoted?"

"Colonel Chris." Phillips said the word "Colonel" with special emphasis. He walked to the table in front of Chris and sat down. He used the table to sort out the test reports and arrange them neatly, "According to Captain Steve From what you've said, you appear to have died with Schmidt."

"Probably. I almost died, and Schmidt is probably half dead." Thinking of Schmidt who will be bound to guard the soul gem in the future, Chris said.

Carter also came closer.It's not that she was wary of Chris, but Steve did tell her, "Chris will die with Schmidt in his arms."And the resurrection of the dead is really unimaginable. "Can you describe your situation at the time?"

Chris talked about what happened at that time. Of course, he skipped the matter of the ancient one and the old man, and it became that Schmidt was sent into space, and he was trapped inside the Rubik's Cube.

"So, isn't the essence of this thing an endless source of energy, but a mysterious space weapon without knowing the principle?" Howard carefully observed the photo of the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

The weapon batteries seized from Hydra before gave him extremely rich inspiration. With the help of those batteries, he even realized several inventions that only existed on blueprints before.Now that there are real objects to study, although it is impossible to use them as much as they did during the war, I will definitely usher in a period of inspiration.

Chris nodded.Now the relationship between the government and Howard is still in the warm period, which is the stage when the relationship is still hot. After all, Howard was the number one arms supplier and the number one patriotic businessman during the war.Howard is not yet facing a national warrant for having his vault stolen.

"Then do you know about Steve?" Carter asked eagerly. "He disappeared at the North Pole."

Chris and Howard were silent.In fact, the reason why Chris and Howard did not return to New York until nearly a month later was because of the trip to the North Pole.Chris and Howard try to dig Steve out from under the ice.

This soldier has already died once for the world.In the future world, he doesn't need to sacrifice again.

After Valkyrie's wings fell on the Arctic ice shelf, due to the melting ice and snow due to its high temperature, Steve and Steve fell into the ice.Chris and Howard were almost exhausted in finding supplies there, and they still couldn't find Valkyrie's wings.

"Sorry, Paige, all I can say is Rodgers didn't sacrifice, but we haven't been able to bring him back now."

Carter lowered his head sadly.

--------time flies--------

Time is the most elusive thing in the world.Sometimes it is so long, like waiting for the last 30 seconds of pornography to finish downloading; sometimes it is so short, like it is still daytime before picking up the phone, and it is dark when I put down the phone.

Before I knew it, more than 20 years had passed.

Phillips was old, wearing a medal on his chest that could be used as body armor, and the rank of lieutenant general, and retired.The general who managed the army retired and became a retired little old man who managed his own backyard.However, I heard that the relationship between the neighbors is not very good.

Carter and Howard rebuilt the Institute of Strategic Sciences, and research has become a secondary job. Therefore, under Chris's suggestion, the Institute of Strategic Sciences SSR was renamed the Strategic Dangerous Intervention and Espionage Logistics Department, namely: Strategic, Hazard Intervention , Espionage Logistics Directorate.

Carter is no longer the small agent after the war.Today, she has been promoted to the director, and she is in charge of strategic danger, anyway, it is the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D.She is still single now, and there are quite a few people who pursue her as an older young woman.After waiting for Steve for so many years, even Carter is now showing signs of being moved.

Howard, whom Steve was most wary of back then, had a good relationship with Carter, but it didn't exceed half a point.He found his soul mate, the prodigal son calmed down, and planned to live a good life in a down-to-earth manner.Recently, I heard that I was pregnant.Howard approached Chris and asked him to be his child's godfather.

Oh, it is worth mentioning that there was an incident in 1946, that is, Howard's vault was stolen, someone stole his weapons and sold them in other countries, and one of the stolen items was called "Night Light". invention.The Army originally wanted Howard to develop something that would keep soldiers awake for days at a time, but it fell through. "Night lights" are an accidental product of this, causing symptoms akin to sleep deprivation, anger, hallucinations, and psychosis.

Simply put, it turns people against each other.The brain-twitched military actually assaulted Howard's laboratory, and sent Air Force planes to fly over the eastern front of the battlefield, releasing gas near Fino, trying to help the Soviet armed forces destroy the German defense facilities in the area.

The obvious result of the Fino War was that 247 Soviet soldiers died in an ambush by the German army.In fact, the Germans never fired a single shot at a Soviet soldier in that war.At that time, a group of German soldiers led by Colonel Ernst Müller surveyed the area and found carnage-like bodies.They all died by killing each other.

It was the only survivor of the massacre who stole such a terrifying "night light", the Soviet accompanying military doctor, Johan Finhoff, a psychiatrist specializing in hypnotism.He not only stole the poison gas, but also tried to kidnap Howard, who was wanted by the whole country for allegedly selling military-level inventions to other countries.

Unfortunately, Howard was hiding at Chris's house at the time.While the psychiatrist's hypnotism is outrageous, Chris is an on-and-off hooker.

The specific description of the scene at that time was that the man who was killed twice by the world released the emerald splash, and Tan Zhengzong went out of print on the spot with a heartbeat crisis.

As for Chris, over the years, Chris's system is like a tortoise shrunk into its shell in danger, and there has been no movement for more than 20 years.

However, the existing power is enough for Chris to study.The magic power of the Rubik's Cube, the Aegis of Odysseus, the coat of arms of the Ice Barrier, and the coming of Odin's time.

(End of this chapter)

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