It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 323 Pierce's Provocation

Chapter 323 Pierce's Provocation
"What do you mean?"

"Literally, you think the 'mage' I'm talking about is fake? Who gave you this blind confidence to deny the existence of magic."

The bearded man felt that his authority was offended when he heard what Chris said, but he had the idea of ​​doing something. He remembered that he was a virtual projection just like Chris. Let alone doing something, he just spit on the opposite face less than.

"Shut up if you want my help. I'm a special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D., but I'm not part of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal establishment. Even if you put pressure on S.H.I.E.L.D., I can leave at any time." Chris sneered , "I haven't settled with you for slandering me with Ross."

"Okay, okay, calm down." Pierce came out to pretend to be a peacemaker, giving the bearded man and Chris a step down, and brought the topic back to the "human-eating black hole": "So, Chris Sir, what did you find from those magicians you speak of?"

"About the maker of that black hole and his purpose, as well as the magic wand used to control those black holes." Chris walked on the road, lifted the cane in his hand, and was captured by the mobile phone, and a particle composed of particles appeared in the virtual projection. cane.

"The black hole that Coulson and I saw was not the first space tunnel. The first one was unexplorable, but it was definitely a long time ago. Its essence is just like what Coulson wrote in the report. A space tunnel linked to a parallel universe. We have no way of knowing how many visitors from other worlds have arrived in this world in the past few decades or even hundreds of years."

"Then, Mr. Chris, do you have any evidence to prove your 'hypothesis'? Or is it all just your subjective imagination and speculation? We have never found any suspected visitors from another world." It is the projection of a man with an Asian face. From his accent, it can be heard that he seems to be a Chinese, and he is also a high-ranking silver.

"No, no, you've seen it before, it's that guy, the 'Extraordinary Dragon'. It is a member from another world, and like that 'Stark', it is full of malice towards this world." Ke Rees pushed back the extraordinary dragon who heard his name and tried to crawl out of his pocket out of curiosity, without changing his face.

"Mr. Chris, to interrupt your introduction, I want to confirm one thing first." Alexander Pierce said with a hint of malice, "You just said that you have found the mastermind behind the creation of these 'black holes' Really? What did you do with him in the end. And, you did get the switch, or 'magic wand' that made these black holes right?"

"That was an old mage, who was spying on the magic power of another world, so he tried to connect the two worlds, and he also had evil intentions towards my power. I am a kind person, I didn't take his life, but just cut off his limbs It’s just the last one.” Chris paused, “As for the staff, you can see it for yourself when I return to Washington.”

Hearing Chris's reply, Pierce nodded to show that he understood. He glanced at Nick Fury standing next to him. The two looked at each other. Pierce continued: "In this case, does it mean that the world has appeared? These black holes are actually under your control?"

His words and tone seem to be very humble and respectful, and he seems to respect Chris, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., but what he said is pouring dirty water on Chris out of nothing.

The black holes that appear around the world are actually written by Chris?Everyone present was a little uncertain at first, but Pierce's logic is indeed not a problem.

Who made black holes?The one who was killed by Chris.How is he made?With the staff in his hand.Who has the staff now?Chris hands.Are black holes still appearing?Still showing up.Everyone in the World Security Council cast suspicious glances at Chris's projection, waiting for him to give the big guy an explanation.

The color of Nick's dark face changed.He doesn't recall questioning Chris in the script he previewed with Pierce.It's just that what Pierce said made sense. Chris was indeed full of doubts at the moment, and even he cast a scrutinizing look at Chris.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Chris just smiled contemptuously: "Isn't it true that some people think that only this thing in my hand can play with space? No, no, no, no. Let's not talk about each other's special abilities." People with super powers, the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D. holds the strongest space-type item."

"Chris, you just need to answer whether you made our black hole. Moreover, there are no space-based items inside S.H.I.E.L.D." Nick said firmly, but he remembered what Eric told himself not long ago One thing - the Rubik's Cube seems to be more than just a powerful energy source, it also seems to be a door.

"Of course not, is your brain stuck after eating too much marinated egg dessert?" Chris rolled his eyes.

"If you think about it carefully, you should know that I don't have the motivation and time to do such boring things. The reason for the global black hole explosion is very simple-the guy whose staff I took away created these black holes before. After the staff was taken away by me, the reserved spells were triggered uniformly."

"That is to say, the formation of this disaster was actually an accident, and no one was behind the manipulation, and we couldn't directly kill the target with heavy firepower?" Hearing Chris's answer, the almost bald white old man revealed in his speech. Full of disappointment, he is the representative of Mao Ziguo.

The blond old woman is the representative of England, the bearded is France, Pierce is the representative of the United States, plus the one from China, the five members of the World Security Council each represent a country.As we all know, Mao Ziguo, like Huaxia, has an incurable disease engraved in his DNA-phobia of insufficient firepower.

"So, Mr. Chris, since no one is behind the manipulation of the black holes, can the staff in your hand be used as the key to control them? If you don't know how to use it, Director Nick and S.H.I.E.L.D. will help you. "Pierce finally showed his true colors, and after a long time of trouble, he actually fell in love with the Yan Mo Dao in Chris's hand.

"It's meaningless. Since those space tunnels are out of control, it's not just a matter of thinking about taking them out of control." Chris sideways rejected Pierce's proposal.If it was handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D., it might not be the same as the Mind Stone after the New York War, but it was taken away by Hydera inexplicably.

As for whether Yan Mo Dao—or Vatum Staff can regain control of the black hole?who knows~
 I was irritated to visit relatives and friends again, and I just finished coding when I was free
  The update these days is really not good enough, I still hope to bear more
(End of this chapter)

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