It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 316 Your XX is awesome, but now it's mine

Chapter 316 Your XX is awesome, but now it's mine

The broken Vatum staff was recovered, and a thick blue light shot up into the sky, directly smashing the different space where Chris and Xindu were located.Large pieces of space debris were scattered like snowflakes, and the figures of the two appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Xin has been immersed in space magic for many years. It can be said that almost all the magic he has learned is foreshadowing space magic.If it wasn't for this guy's bad conduct, he would be worthy of the title of "Master".

The space that Chris broke into before was a space crack that he found by using the astrology as a deduction. Xin Du took the Vatum staff he held as the core and relied on the naturally formed space crack. Such a space that he completely mastered was constructed only under the attainment of magic.

After Chris released the Noble Phantasm, his will in the space was replaced by the mighty power of the sun, and the core of the different space—half of Vatum's staff was combined into one, and the different space was completely disintegrated. Can't sustain it either.

Chris opened his eyes and felt the cheers of the complete Vatum staff in his hand, but he just shook his hand seriously: "Noisy! What an ugly look!"

Vatum's staff is ruthlessly covered by the magic power from Caster Archimedes, and the magical double-headed demon shape is replaced by sci-fi gears, and the overall shape changes for a while.The blue magic power was released under the magic transformation, gradually extending and bending.

In the end, the staff once used by the supreme mage and the magic weapon that countless people regarded as treasures were transformed into the shape of a Japanese samurai sword under Chris' disgusted eyes.

Oval-shaped sword collar, black and white two-color serrated hilt, and a golden dragon pattern relief on one end of the hilt.A sharp blade is contained in the pitch-black scabbard, the yellow ribbon swings with the airflow, and at the lowest end are two symmetrical bright golden lightning-like reliefs on both sides.

"Speaking of blue and space, my first impression is indeed this." He pulled out the long knife and waved it casually a few times, the space where the tip of the knife crossed seemed to be cut open.Will be transformed into Yan Mo knife plastic art Vatum wand retracted the scabbard, Chris had the heart to look around.

Chris, who left from the different space, did not answer the place he entered before, but was in an open area that looked extremely desolate.Several mountain peaks surrounded a piece of sand like a barrier, and the dark clouds above the sky were a strange dark red, with thunder flashing from time to time.

Chris was standing in the sand at the moment, while Xindu grabbed the broken arm and stuffed it at the break, releasing a healing spell.Although it is not yet sharp, Xindu's hand has returned to its original position, as if time has flown back to before he was successfully attacked by Chris, except for the transformed and unrecognizable Vatum staff that can no longer return to his hand.

"How did you just do that!" He glared at Chris.

"I didn't do it. I also want to know why I'm here." Chris didn't care about Xindu's dislike for him at all, and bent down to grab a handful of sand.The color of the sand was dark red as if it had been soaked in blood, and it was also mixed with white particles like bone slag, which was very scary.

"No, I'm asking you, how do you use my space tunnel! That's the magic I developed!" Xin Du's just healed right hand hangs down, while his left hand is raised, and a purple magic circle appears in his hand.

"I began to suspect that this place is not on the earth." Sighing, Chris stood up on the sand with Yan Modao, turned and looked at Xindu, "You developed it? That's really good, I think it's better than the ancient one The hanging ring they use is much more convenient. However, it will belong to me from now on."

As a person who lived in the magical age in the history of the moon, Archimedes naturally continued his "genius" setting, and he also had a strong talent for magic. 【Explanation of Art: EX】It is a technology that can interpret all the formulas called art formulas and repair them.Even in the era when magic actually existed, it was regarded as a secret and rare skill among secrets.

Generally speaking, the existence of this ability will not be of any use in the Holy Grail War in the Fate world.Archimedes is the role of Caster, unless there are servants who use magic among the participants in the same class, such as the skills are all for living dogs or assassins who use light cannons to open flying fortresses.

[Technical understanding] More is just used to repair the magic circuit of the master who summoned Archimedes.But in the hands of Chris, [Technical Understanding] can be said to be the first time to prove that his "EX" rating is not for nothing.

Just now, Chris used this ability to analyze the black hole-like space tunnel that Sindu used many times, and then used the same source of Vatum's staff to restore this spell, and only then did he achieve the "sneak attack" and "snatch the staff" ".

"You bastard, give me back my baby!" Xin Du was annoyed, and pushed the magic ball in the center of the magic circle in his hand to Chris, who was in good condition, but there was an appearance in front of Chris that was the same as before. He is very similar to a space barrier.

Plagiarism is a bad habit, but Chris can't seem to quit.

The cherished staff was taken away, his hand was cut off, and his painstakingly studied spells were prostituted for nothing. Under the multiple rages, Xin couldn't bear it any longer. But he was kicked back to the spot by Chris.

"It's a little too ugly, Xindu, if you do this again, my temper will have a limit." Chris didn't actually intend to kill Xindu if it wasn't necessary.Although it is true that he wants to kill himself, and it is also true that he wantonly disrupts the order of the universe, he still has great use value.

He took out a stack of cards from his pocket, ignoring the maliciousness of the extraordinary dragon, and Chris pulled out a blank advent card that had a strong reaction at the beginning.Because the time is close, Chris still remembers that this card is the arrival of reality that was exhausted in the last battle with Laufey-at least it used to be.

At some point, a layer of red miasma filled the other side of the towering mountain not far away, as if attracted by the noise made by Chris and Xin, it spread over little by little.No matter how violent the wind on the desert was, the blood-red mist seemed to have no waves like an illusion.

In just a few minutes, the red mist had gradually approached where both Chris and Xin were.

Looking at Xindu, who was sitting helplessly and furiously on the ground, Chris clapped his hands expressionlessly: "I have to admit that your knowledge of space magic is really powerful, and there are still a few years before the thousand-year Nine Realms series, but you can Peeping into the hidden cracks. No, think about it further, maybe the time you built your own small world will be longer?"

Chris already had his own guess about the space they were in at the moment.

 Thank you for the starting point coin 100 rewarded by black hidden shadow book friends, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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