It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 31 My name is Gu 1, not Li

Chapter 31 My name is Gu Yi, not Li
"How long are you going to sleep?" A female voice came into Chris' ears.

Chris stretched his waist and got up from the ground: "Please, Master Gu Yi, I just sacrificed for the whole world, just rest for a while."

"In fact, you didn't sacrifice, did you?" Gu Yi stretched out his foot to touch the ground, and the whole world folded and flipped like a kaleidoscope. Chris and Gu Yi stood in the air, "At the moment when the Rubik's Cube sent you, I intercepted about you."

"Even the supreme mage won't be able to intercept the transmission of the Rubik's Cube in an instant." Chris scratched his head, "Sure enough, I have been monitored by you."

"I am the supreme mage, and it is my basic duty to monitor visitors of your type." Gu Yi walked in front with his hands behind his back, and Chris followed behind her.

"You should also know that one of the responsibilities of the Supreme Mage is to protect the earth from the dimension, and Asgard, who claims to be the guardian of the nine worlds, will do such things as defending the universe."

"That's why I'm a little bit more sensitive to dimensional travel." Gu Yi compared the universe with his fingertips.

"So you noticed me as soon as I came to this world?"

"Not really, the person behind you is really powerful. I didn't discover you until I was involved in a super-large-scale memory tampering." Gu nodded his forehead, "I have archived my own memory , will update the memory regularly. That's why I realized that I actually left an outsider as an ordinary person."

Chris knew that it was probably the effect of "proof of identity".

"So now, are you going to expel me and let me get out of this world?"

"Then why should I cut you off from the Rubik's Cube?" Gu Yi shook his finger, "On the contrary, I welcome you and the person behind you very much."

"From just now I wanted to ask, what does 'the one behind me' mean, it sounds like the ass is a little tight."

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head: "That's the next topic, I think we have enough time to talk slowly now."

"As you know, I hold the time gem, and I can see the development of the future world until the day I die. And no matter which world line it is, the development of our world will generally never change." Ancient One With a wave of your hand, multiple images are revealed from the void—Tony Stark puts on the steel armor, Thor, the God of Thunder, raises the hammer again in the light of thunder, the first generation members of the Women's Federation surround Loki, and so on.

"Well, with all due respect, aren't these futures pretty good?" Chris was a little puzzled.Gu Yi shook his head and said nothing, pulled his hand, and started to play other pictures.

In order to buy time for Tony Stark to put on the armor, Ethan died in random shooting; Coulson used his own death to unite the original Avengers.
"A doomed future not only means doomed victory, but also doomed sacrifice and failure." Gu Yi's words made Chris think of Infinity War, "so... readers' expectations for our world will weaken in their hearts."

The first sentence of Gu Yi was quite serious, but after listening to the second half of the sentence, Chris felt that his world view was collapsing.

Did this guy just say "reader" or something?

"Why are you so nervous, you should know about Wade's existence?"

"Deadpool's talker? Is he also in this universe?"

"According to what he said in the future, it seems that this world is some kind of place where copyrights are concentrated. 'Reader', it is called this word, I also learned it from other places." Gu Yi said, and took out a piece of future newspaper, the headline reads "Avengers, Heroes or Vandals?" "

"But as I said just now, readers will not be interested in an identical story, and there is no need for two identical worlds to exist in the world." Gu Yi shook his hand and turned, "So this world needs You, bring ripples to a pool of stagnant water."

In front of Chris, the development of the world after he left starts to play:

Steve apologizes to Carter on the comm channel, driving the "Valkyrie Wing" into the Arctic ice shelf.

Carter and Howard reformed the Institute of Strategic Science and established the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Carter married a man other than Steve, and Howard married a woman who was not as beautiful as the newsgirl but whom he loved the most.

Bucky was "assassinated" by Hydra spies within the government, and turned from light to dark with Hydra.

"Master Gu Yi, as you can see, I don't seem to have changed anything."

Gu Yi shook his head: "It's like a precision machine missing a gear, and you before that lacked the key to change the future. Now you have got it."

Chris thought of something and turned on the system.

[Achievements: World Famous Paintings, achieve a world famous painting once. 】

Reward: Golden Summoner
Chris took out a tin rod called "Golden Summoner" from the [warehouse].It comes from "Kamen Rider Dragon Knight", and it is the weapon of the final boss Odin.

However, when the bird-shaped decoration on the top of the tin rod was opened, the three card slots that were originally used to hold survival cards were empty.

"Is this what you said?"

Gu Yi pointed to the Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest.The trinket opens to reveal the Time Gem inside.

The time gem shot a green light, which shone on the blank card slot, and a card was generated out of thin air.Card depicts a clock and reads "Time Vent".

Chris took off the time-advent card, held it in his hand and turned it over to observe.

This is one of the most powerful abilities of Kamen Rider Odin. Even among all knights, only a few have the strongest ability, time ability.

Odin's operation of time ability relies on this "Time Vent", which is not limited to time suspension, but also can close the time loop to reverse time and create eternal reincarnation.

Gu Yi closed the Eye of Agamotto again: "This card communicates the passage to the Time Stone, and you can freely use the power of the Time Stone through this card."

"Although you were accepted by the world before, you were like a sinking stone, and the river of fate has not changed because of you. But now, you already have the ability to divert the river."

"However, unfortunately, you can't use it to travel to the time before you got it."

Gu Yi pointed to an image, people were holding newspapers, throwing hats and other things excitedly, cheering.The time is May 1945, 5, two months after Chris and Steve's mission.

On this day, Nazi Germany, who had already lost irretrievably, announced its unconditional surrender.From this day onwards, the fighting in the European battlefield of World War II came to an end.Later generations designated this day as Victory in Europe Day in World War II.

With a swipe of Gu Yi's fingers, the scene turned to the Arctic Ocean on the same day. Howard Stark's scientific research ship sent a robot to salvage something from the seabed.

"The earliest time I can help you teleport is here." Gu Xiaoli stood behind Chris, "I think you have something to say? I'll go first."

Chris looked behind him, and an old man with white hair and white clothes looked at Chris with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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