It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 3 Unturned buttocks and unfrozen pawns

Chapter 3 Unturned buttocks and unfrozen pawns

Walking out of the alley holding Steve by the shoulders, Chris was going to help him sit somewhere for a while.

Just as he was walking out of the alley, a man in military uniform and a military cap slanted walked towards him, with a rather uninhibited demeanor.

He saw Steve, who was beaten black and blue at a glance, and then glanced at Chris, who was about the same height as him: "You beat him?"

"I don't want to bully a little guy when I bully anyone," Chris held Rogers with his left hand and spread his right hand, "He had a conflict with someone in the movie theater, and I didn't feel good about the guy who hit him, so I helped him out." Bundle."

The man in the uniform knew that he had misunderstood, apologized to Chris with a smile, and held out his hand: "James Barnes, I am this guy's friend, just call me Bucky."

Chris stretched out his hand and shook it: "Chris Obenzed, just passing by."

Immediately, Bucky looked at Steve: "Sometimes I really don't know if you like fighting or not."

Bucky grew up with Steve, so he naturally knew that his friends didn't like to use violence to solve problems.But the problem is that, since he was a child, Steve has fought with people a lot.Moreover, 100% of the people who were beaten badly were him.

"I don't want to use violence to solve the problem." Steve also knew that he had fought with others since he was a child, but being short and easy to be bullied was not something he could choose.

Bucky saw the kraft paper protruding from the pocket of Steve's coat at a glance, took it casually, opened it, and it turned out that his friend forged information to participate in the military inspection again.

The law clearly stipulates that forging information is not allowed to participate in military inspections, and requires a seek truth from facts.Although the law is to prevent someone from impersonating or escaping military service, Steve's purpose is to participate in the service no matter what.However, the law is the law. If something happens, Steve will definitely face legal sanctions.

Because of this, Bucky glanced at Chris.After all, they are just acquainted, and they don't have an accurate understanding of the other's character.Although the other party is brave, but there is no guarantee that the other party will help Steve hide the "fake information", Bucky just looked at the "4F" on Steve's military inspection form - the lowest grade in the US military evaluation - — put the brown paper back in Steve's pocket.

"Have you received your enlistment notice?" Because he had been beaten on the head many times just now, Steve was somewhat delirious and didn't react for a while.Now that he has more or less recovered, he looks at the military uniform on Bucky with envy in his eyes.

When Bucky heard this, he raised his head with a little pride, and looked down at Rogers: "107th Division, Sergeant James Barnes. Tomorrow morning, leave for England."

Hearing the news that his friend was drafted into the army, Steve was both happy and lonely, and lowered his head slightly: "I should have gone too."

"Hey, watch out bro," Chris patted Steve on the shoulder, causing him to stagger, "If you don't get hired, after tonight, you'll be the last reliable man in New York, behind 350 million girls They are yours."

"That's right. And this is my last night in the back," Bucky also put a hand on Steve's shoulder, and patted Steve's slightly hunched back by the way, "I must put you Things are done."

Seeing that Chris and Bucky seemed to be suggesting where to go at the same time, and only he didn't know, Steve was slightly puzzled: "Why? Where are we going?"

Bucky passed the newspaper as he walked.

"To the future," Chris added.

—————————The system will be launched soon—————————

【System loading——90%】

【System loading——95%】

【System loading——99%】

[The system loads 100%, and the loading is complete]

[The task system is activated, the warehouse system is activated, the logic system is activated, the reward system is activated, and the support system is restarted]

[Full system restart]

[The whole system restart is complete, welcome to use the system]

[There are rewards to be received]

Chris looked natural, glanced at Steve on the other side of the bench who was also waiting for Bucky to return after buying the ticket, and used his mind to operate the system.

The main interface of the system is unpretentious, with only [Warehouse] and [Task] two buttons that seem to be pressable.

[Warehouse] As expected, there is nothing in it, and probably only the things of the system can be stored.Because Chris experimentally wanted to put the newspaper in his hand with the report of "Tomorrow's World Expo in 1943" into the warehouse, and the display was [Unable to Income].It's not always a matter of not having enough space.

If you can't even fit a newspaper, the space is too small.

In the end, Chris clicked into the [task] that had prompted [rewards to be collected] before.

This module is subdivided into two - [Achievement] and [Opportunity]

Looking at the description, the [Achievement] task seems to directly reward the finished product, but most of the achievement tasks require long-term hard work or coincidence; chance tasks are much more than achievement tasks, but basically only reward some exchange points, which need to be accumulated Only then can you go to [Exchange] to exchange for rewards.Correspondingly, chance tasks are easier to complete.

Opportunity tasks will be automatically generated by the system according to the various situations Chris faces, while the conditions for accomplishing tasks are fixed.

At this time, there is already a red dot on the [Achievement] option. If you guessed correctly, the reward that was prompted before means that you have completed a certain [Achievement]

But after clicking on it, Chris found that not one achievement was completed but two——

[Opening Offer: System Enablement (Completed)]

Reward: Novice Gift Pack (Note: It will be distributed to [Warehouse] after receiving)
[The first two: Get to know the Captain America who has not yet become Captain America and the Winter Soldier who has not become the Winter Soldier (completed)]

Reward: Shield of Perseus (Note: It will be distributed to [Warehouse] after receiving)
Unable to check what the reward is, and thinking that he would not be able to see the tricks of the reward just by looking at it, Chris felt that he had to claim it first.

After returning to the [Warehouse], Chris found that he could now check the details of the reward items.The novice gift pack will be opened when you have time, let’s take a look at the "Perseus Shield" first

"Shield of Perseus", level B, while defending, it can detect enemies in a way similar to sonar and radar, from "Fate/Prototype".

Chris thought about it, and remembered that there seemed to be such a fate, which seemed to be the prototype of FSN, and one of the job agents was Rider's servant, and he was Perseus.In the myth, Athena gave him a bronze shield. Through the reflection of the bronze shield, Perseus was able to observe and kill the basilisk Medusa who could petrify people with sight.

However, in the Greek mythology of the moon world, even the Greek gods have become starships from aliens, and a bronze shield has become a detection shield that combines sonar and radar. Well, it makes sense.

 Although I know the three chapters of gold, but knowing it doesn't mean I can use it, um, isn't it a bit long-winded?
(End of this chapter)

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