It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 293 Justice Organization S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 293 Justice Organization S.H.I.E.L.D.
After Thor and the others bid farewell to Jane and Eric, and revealed their intention to leave the earth, Coulson handed over the task of commanding the frost giants to work and walked to Thor: "Donald Sir, it looks like you've been hiding a lot from us before."

"Donald" is the false identity provided by Eric when Thor was arrested for breaking into the sandcastle before and Eric took him away.Of course Coulson knew the truth, knew that Thor was really Thor, but he had to pretend not to know.The attitude shown without knowing the other party's true identity can make others more convinced.

Before human beings have the power to contend with and even defeat the alien civilization represented by Asgard, the intentions of Nick and the World Security Council behind Nick are extremely consistent—to make friends and learn from each other. Use technology to control barbarians."

Even though Chris, Natasha, Bruce, Tony, and Steve who picked up Thor's Hammer all showed considerable strength and even achieved good results, it was far from enough for those above. .The battle between civilizations does not need so few heroes, what they lack is an army.

This is why the power of the country stood behind Ross to support him and support his plan to study and advance the "Abomination Legion".Even if the quality is slightly inferior to those with different abilities, the cost of mass production is much higher.What's more, taking Tony as the best example, there are not many good children with superpowers; and hate, very obedient.

"This is not my original intention, son of Cole." Thor said seriously to Coulson who was walking this way, and had to admit that if he didn't smirk, he would still have the temperament of Thor, "I agree with your ideas, whether it is You are still the person on your head. This planet has its unique charm, and I am willing to lend a helping hand to you in order to protect it."

"Of course, 'We're all good people', aren't we?" Jane on the side seemed very vengeful, relying on Thor's backing, and ran on with what she said before.However, she didn't have too much malice, but she was still worried about Coulson taking her research report before.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Thor, Midgard will remember the friendship of Asgard. However, people here are more accustomed to calling the planet under our feet the Earth." Coulson still had that smile on his face. A friendly and iconic smile, it looks like she doesn't care about Jane's words at all.

"Earth, I like this name. I hope we can cooperate more closely in the future, coexist for mutual benefit, and work together to protect the earth. Asgard welcomes allies and is more willing to make a friend." Thor said here, suddenly Turning around again, he pointed to Jane beside him, "But there is a basic premise for all of this."

"Son of Cole, you should plan all the research reports you have taken from this beautiful lady in the name of borrowing."

Eric chimed in: "And my notebook."

"Yes, and a notebook."

"And my iPod." Daisy quickly added, "I only have [-] songs in it, and they are all brand new."

"Okay, there are i, i and d." Thor didn't seem to remember the words Daisy said just now, and looked at Coulson seriously.But Coulson did not feel any pressure or hesitation because of this, and still said with a smile: "This is also one of the purposes of my coming."

"Sending Mr. Thor away from Earth is one of my missions, but I have another mission, which is to send an invitation to Miss Jane Foster and Dr. Eric Shayeg—— Would you like to join our S.H.I.E.L.D. research team?"

"Suddenly invite us to your mysterious secret service organization? What is your plan? Could it be that you want to use Eric and me to threaten Thor?" Jane asked with some doubts. In her opinion, SHIELD It is understandable to recruit a weapon expert like Stark, but what is the purpose of finding two astronomers?Draw a star map, is the goal the sea of ​​stars?
Jane's random guessing even inadvertently exposed one of SHIELD's ideas, but Coulson is a senior agent after all, and despite his strong psychological quality, he still did not change his expression: "Miss Foster, you also saw us just now. Rescue operations for ordinary people, we are good people."

He can even take Jane's previous run on and explain his harmlessness indifferently, coupled with his own strong affinity and communication skills, even Jane's attitude has improved a little bit, and he has also changed his opinion: "Well...Ai Rick, what do you think?" Jane was a little uncertain and asked Eric.

"I think we can join them. We have been working alone for so long, and you can feel our own limitations, don't you?" Eric said, "It's not just a problem with the equipment, some data we don't have time to collect at all, if we join instead , There are more people and more strength, and we can divide labor and cooperate more efficiently."

As if convinced by Eric's words, Jane finally nodded: "Well, I am willing to join your SHIELD."

"You are welcome to join, Ms. Foster and Dr. Sayeg." Coulson was only halfway through speaking, but was interrupted by Daisy: "Wait a minute, me, me, why didn't you recruit me?"

Seeing that both Jane and Eric were recruited, Daisy suddenly felt a little flustered now, and she was the only one who was separated from the communication circle.What's going on, this kind of occasion where only I can't do it.jpg.At this moment, Daisy suddenly had the urge to wipe her sweat with a handkerchief.

"Um, Ms. Daisy Louise? It's not that we have any idea of ​​exclusion or contempt for you, but according to the records of our investigation, you should be majoring in economics, and in Ms. Foster and You don't hold any position in Dr. Sayeg's research team, right?"

"No, of course I have a job. I am not only a cook, a driver, a psychological counselor, but also an experiment assistant." Daisy quickly explained, but Jane told the truth, "It should be 'helping with chores during the experiment Life Assistant' is right."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Louise. So far, our department has no need to recruit for positions such as drivers and cooks." Coulson said apologetically.But Daisy rolled her eyes, as if thinking of something, she leaned into Coulson's ear and whispered:

"Sir, I can 'that'."

"Ma'am, what do you think of me? I'm not that kind of person." Coulson's tone sounded a bit decent, as if he couldn't accept Daisy's proposal.If only he hadn't whispered the same.But at this moment, Nick's lowered voice came from Coulson's headset: "Agent Coulson, I can hear you."

"No, I am the director, you listen to my sophistry, ah, don't listen to my explanation."

"I heard, she said that she is good at making false accounts and can help you forge reimbursement vouchers and things in the future. You two are really too much." Nick said, but then he added, "Count me in, do You have to hide and don't shake me out."

"Uh, what were you talking about over there just now?" Although Daisy was close, she couldn't hear what Coulson's ear Melinick said.

Coulson responded with a smile: "No, nothing. Congratulations Miss Louise, you have been hired by us, welcome to join S.H.I.E.L.D."

 Thank you for the lazy two monthly tickets, thank you

  Thank you for my two monthly tickets today, thank you
  Thank you for the monthly pass of Erkisan, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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