Chapter 28
Steve, whose shield was captured, and Chris, who took off his armor, were escorted to the depths of the base.Schmidt, toying with a pistol, approached a table.

On the table are Steve's shield and the helmet Chris took off.

Of course, Chris can completely control the helmet disappearing and reappearing on his head.But Schmidt and the Hydra people don't know.

"Conceit has never been a patent of the United States. But I have to admit, you two are indeed better than anyone I know." Schmidt picked up Steve's shield, imitating Steve's shield posture, Waving the shield, he muttered "It's really easy to use".

"However, even super soldiers have their own limits." Schmidt picked up Chris's helmet and walked in front of the two with his hands behind his back. "Or, Captain, Erskine told you something else?"

"He told me, you're a lunatic." Steve looked at Schmidt stubbornly even though his hands were pushed behind his back by two Hydra soldiers.

"Ah~" Schmidt nodded knowingly, "He is jealous and resentful of my divine talent, and wants to deny everything that should belong to me, and then he gave everything to you."

Schmidt didn't look at Steve anymore, but at Chris.

"This is the second time we've met, isn't it?"

"Theoretically, this should be the first time." Chris twisted his neck and made a crackling sound. "I remember your complexion was pale when we met last time. You look much better this time."

"You look bad." Schmidt pulled off Chris' collar casually, and his chest began to ooze blood again. "Oh, it looks very painful."

"I wanted to send an invitation to your captain. I appreciate your abilities very much. You are qualified to submit to me and help me dominate the future of the world." Schmidt took an American flag from the world map next to him , and threw it on the ground, "However, before I could say it, the captain refused with his iron fist."

"Now, I'll give you a chance too. Are you going to be a martyr nobody remembers, or surrender to me?"

Schmidt waved his hand, and the two Hydra soldiers released Chris.A person who has lost the only armor he relied on in the past and is still injured does not need to be particularly vigilant, not to mention that the base is heavily defended, and there are so many guns pointed at Chris.

Chris half-knelt on the ground, picked up the flag of the Stars and Stripes, and held it in his hand.After thinking for a while, he laughed and said, "Then, there is only one answer."

As he said that, with both hands, he snapped off the flagpole and threw it aside without any regard.

"I will swear allegiance to you."

Schmidt couldn't stop smiling on his ferocious skeleton face: "Hahahaha, people in America are really interesting."

"So what about you, captain, your teammates have already pledged their allegiance to me, so I can give you another chance."

Steve's face was full of anger: "Damn Schmidt! I will not join forces with evil forces like you!"

Schmidt swung Chris' helmet and hit Steve in the face, causing Steve to fall to his knees.

"Chris, what are you doing, Chris!" Steve caught a glimpse of Chris standing aside, just watching Steve being beaten, without moving, "Why are you just looking at Chris, did you really betray me?" !"

"That's right, Rogers." Chris clutched the wound on his chest, "Because of Bucky's hasty attack, my body is already broken."

"What a great play, Captain." Schmidt stood in front of Steve, looking at his drooping head. "How much longer can you hold on? Or should I let you betray me?" A friend came to beat you?"

Steve raised his head forcefully: "I'll be fine for another day."

"Of course you can, you are Captain America." Schmidt threw the helmet away and pulled out the pistol from his waist. "But I am busy ruling the world, so I don't have that much time to accompany you."

At this time, there seemed to be some noise from the snow-capped mountains outside the base window, which attracted Schmidt's attention.

The window was kicked and shattered, and members of the Roaring Commando broke into the base from the cliffs of the snow mountain along the zipline!
The team members fired on the ground and caught the Hydra troops by surprise. The roaring commando with full firepower quickly killed all the soldiers in the room.

Schmidt has only time to pull the trigger on Steve before hurriedly leaving the room.Compared to confirming whether Steve is alive or not, Steve is nothing more than an ant-like existence after the plan is successful.

Steve threw an over-the-shoulder throw to the soldier behind him, using him as a makeshift shield against Schmidt's energy pistol.

Chris put on the armor in an instant, killing an unsuspecting soldier in seconds.Once suffered a loss, Chris has already exercised an extremely fast wearing speed.

Rogers' plan was actually quite simple.If the snow-capped cliffs are used as a breakthrough point, Schmidt's people will easily find out, let alone a surprise attack with a zipline, it will only become a living target.

So, it's up to Steve and Chris to "knock on the door" and get attention.In case of a mistake, the two can cooperate with each other, as long as it can attract attention from Schmidt to the commandos.

"Go on, Rogers!" Chris picked up Steve's shield and threw it to Steve, who took it.

With members of the Howling Commandos pinning down the remaining Hydra soldiers, Steve and Chris chased in the direction Schmidt was escaping from.

"How was my improvisation just now?"

"I thought you really betrayed."

"how could be."

On the other side, Phillips, who was waiting outside the base, received the signal that the intrusion was successful, and ordered: "Assault with the whole army!"

The soldiers who had been in ambush for a long time took advantage of the Hydra soldiers to support the interior, broke through the guard's line of defense with a little sacrifice, and broke into the base.

This time, Phillips is about to catch the turtle in his urn and take down Schmidt and Hydra in one fell swoop.

"Chop off one head and grow two." A Hydra soldier pretending to be dead jumped up with a knife when Phillips passed by, and was shot in the head by Phillips with an energy shotgun.

"Let's hunt the remaining two heads."

On Schmidt's side, there were chasing soldiers behind him, and Phillips' troops gradually broke through the forces he had arranged and gradually surrounded him.

On the contrary, this "desperate situation" Schmidt did not panic.Because at this moment he is already standing under the "Wings of Valkyrie".

He ordered several pilots stationed to follow him to board the plane, and all the rest stayed in the hangar to defend the enemy to buy himself time.

Schmidt tried to close and lock the hangar door before entering the hangar. Although he couldn't block the almost indestructible energy weapons, he could at least hold back Steve and Chris who didn't carry energy weapons for a while.Also, he left a soldier with a flamethrower there.

But he didn't have time to turn around to confirm, otherwise he would have seen the shield thrown by Steve bounce off the wall of the passage a few times as if reflecting the light on a mirror, and it was only close enough to hit him, but it was closed The door is fully jammed.

"Steve, plan A!" Chris rolled on the spot, avoiding the two long lines of fire in the hands of the fire-breathing soldier, ran to the fire-breathing soldier, slapped him on the chest, and supported his shoulder He rolled over behind him and hid at the corner of the passage.

Steve hid in the corner to avoid the line of fire, picked up the gun in the hand of a Hydra soldier who fell at his feet, and pointed it towards the flame-breathing soldier's chest.

The blue spherical energy field reappeared, and the fire-breathing soldier died in an instant.

Steve drops the gun. "I don't remember anything like Plan A."

"Plan A is to adapt." Chris walked towards the door that was still stuck by the shield.

"Steve!" At another corner, Carter appeared with a large group of people.Anticipating the inevitable tenderness between the two, Chris took a step first, lowered his head, passed under the stuck shield, and entered the hangar.

(End of this chapter)

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