It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 255 Your research results are awesome, but now they are ours

Chapter 255 Your research results are awesome, but now they are ours

Eric calmed down the impulsive Jane, stopped her behind him, took a step forward, and said to Coulson as calmly as possible: "Mr. Coulson? I know I really failed to achieve it last night. If you want to see Aurora, I can refund you the money, and I can also give you some compensation. You don’t need to find someone to destroy this place.”

"I think you have misunderstood, Dr. Eric. We are actually quite satisfied with the strange beauty we witnessed last night." Coulson shook his head, still smiling his trademark, "We are investigating a security Threat, Dr. Eric and Ms. Foster, your research materials and records have been of great help to us, and we have to embezzle it."

As he said that, he glanced at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were watching him waiting for instructions, raised his hand and waved, and said in a loud voice: "Take away those useful things, and be careful not to cause unnecessary damage and harm to the three of you." trouble."

"Misappropriation? You are acting like robbers! You are our biggest trouble! What are you going to do!" Jane shook off Daisy's hand, who was holding her, and ran to Coulson's It seemed that he wanted to hold him in front of him, but he was held back by Eric.Eric whispered in her ear, "Stop it, Jane, there are SHIELD outside."

Azu, no, Jane said angrily: "These researches are my life! Doctor, what are you doing!"

"Don't ask, Jane, it's not as simple as you think, please, let it go."

"It's you who should let go!" With Jane's temper, it's no wonder that she and Thor are a couple.Eric, who broke free, took her hand and ran to an agent who was loading the equipment on a cart and was about to leave, trying to stop him.But when she stopped the agent, others pushed several carts to push away the records and self-made instruments that Jane had accumulated over the years, and loaded them into the trunk of the pickup truck.

Coulson walked up to Jane, blocked her view, and said to her, "I'm sorry, Miss Foster, please don't interfere with our work."

"Who is interfering with whose work, you find out for me, you bald man!" Jane scolded.

"I'm not bald, it's just that my hairline is very ambitious and wants to climb higher." Coulson smiled calmly.

When Coulson distracted Jane, the agent who was stopped by Jane had already circled around and pushed the cart out of the house from a distance from Jane. When Jane noticed, it was too late to stop him .She turned her head and stared at Coulson angrily: "Safety threat? What kind of threat made you not consider your own threat to others at all?"

"Sorry, Miss Foster, this is a confidential matter, and you have no right to know the details." Coulson smiled, took out another check, and handed it to Jane, "This is what we have done to you. A small compensation for trouble, and I hope you will forgive us."

Without even looking at the numbers on the check, Jane grabbed the check, crumpled it up, and threw it on Coulson's chest: "To make up for it with money? I made all those devices myself! I spent so much money on the photos and data." It has been accumulated little by little over the years, do you know how much effort it took me? This cannot be measured by money at all!"

"Then we can only hope that you will make another copy. Goodbye, gentlemen."


Facing the excited Jane, Coulson was quite calm from beginning to end.After speaking, he turned his back to Jane and the others.

"Forget it Jane, forget it." Eric wanted to appease the excited Jane, but where could Jane listen to him?She was about to lose her mind at this moment, "I can be sure that I will definitely report you! I will sue you for violating human rights and violating my constitutional protection rights!"

"Don't say that, Ms. Foster, we are not bad people, everything is for righteousness." Coulson said sincerely, he opened the car door, and was about to get in the car and leave.

"I'm not a bad person, why did you treat me like this!" Jane almost cried, "I just want to solve some unknown strange mysteries, just for an answer. I won't cause anything to the world harm, and once I succeed, everything I prove will surpass everything recorded in various books."

As she said that, she also took out her notebook, on which was her mental journey over the years. She broke through no matter how many ups and downs and bottlenecks. Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to the answer, she was directly beaten back just one step away. How can this keep her from breaking down, she even cried when she spoke just now.

The hard-hearted Coulson seemed to be moved by her, and jumped out of the car again, staring into Jane's eyes, "Miss Foster, you"

"These records are not only the fruits of my labor, Mr. Coulson, they are all my hard work." Jane showed a pitiful expression, "I put everything into the laboratory and notebooks, so please, Ke Mister Wilson, please don't take them?"

After listening to Jane's words, Coulson shook his head up and down slightly, as if he was about to nod his head in agreement. Jane felt a little hope.But at the next moment, Coulson said to one of the agents who hadn't evacuated cleanly: "Don't forget to take this notebook, too."

In Jane's unexpected expression, an agent took advantage of his height, stretched out his hand from the top of Jane's head before Jane could react, and snatched the book that Jane was holding. The notebook was put into a box containing materials and photos, and was thrown in the trunk of the pickup.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Coulson returned to the car, looked at Jane who was controlled by Eric and Daisy to prevent her from doing stupid things, and said with a smile.After finishing speaking, he closed the car door, and the convoy drove off, leaving Eric and the three in front of the house that was almost emptied.

Jane still looked like she was about to cry just now, and she "poohed" in the direction of Coulson's departure: "Damn, I didn't fall for it, I'm not tempted to pretend to be pitiful, can this guy be crooked? "

"Maybe it will be useful if I come, Jane, you may not be good-looking enough." Daisy sighed, and turned to look at the almost empty first floor, "Those bastards are really clean, we don't want to look for them." Find out what's left?"

Eric leaned over and picked up the check on the ground, flattening it as much as possible: "There is still this check, we can't stop those guys, just take some money and forget it."

"I don't want these dirty money, it's my hard work!" Jane was still angry, but when she turned her head, she found that Eric, who had flattened the check, looked at the numbers on the check and his eyes were about to pop out. , "What's wrong, doctor?"


"What 50?"

"They left us a check of 50." Eric swallowed and said in disbelief.Although I know there will be compensation, but the amount of compensation is a bit too big, right?

Jane snatched the check from Eric in one fell swoop, and also stared at the number on the check.She noticed the way Eric and Daisy looked at her, and quickly explained: "You guys, don't get me wrong, I just, I just don't want those guys to take my information without paying any money."

"Yes yes yes, we understand, we understand."

(End of this chapter)

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