Chapter 233 Cataclysm

On the ground, tanks and armored vehicles were fighting with Chris in the "Extraordinary Dragon" vest, and in the air, Harry and Tony were not lazy, and they played with each other very seriously.Harry turns around and shoots, Tony turns around and shoots back, you attack each other one after another, demonstrating the essence of "turn-based".

At the same time, their mouths still didn’t listen——

"Damn Tony, I would be where I am today without you, you took everything from me!" Harry's mask obviously didn't fluctuate, but the voice did come from him.At the same time, he also pulled out the high-temperature chopping knife, sliced ​​through the anti-gravity blaster fired by Tony, and rushed towards Tony on the Green Goblin skateboard.

The rectifying panel on the back of Tony's steel suit opened, and the whole person's flying movement in the air came to a standstill, pulling a distance away from Harry who was rushing forward. A pair of foldable long knives popped out from the back of his hand and hit Harry's hand. On the side blade of the high-temperature chopping knife that has not changed color: "What are you talking about? I don't even know you."

"You will remember, Stark, use your pain to engrave my hatred, use your blood to wash away your crime!" Harry pulled the trigger towards Tony.Judging by his posture, he clearly regarded Tony as an enemy.The bullet directly interrupted the blade extended from the back of Tony's hand, and flew off to nowhere after grazing Tony's visor.

Even if Chris, who knew about it in advance and even arranged for this performance, saw the fight between the two of them here, he would probably mistakenly think that there is indeed some kind of irresolvable hatred between the two, which is what they call the effect that needs to be achieved.All the above content, from attacking to talking, are all pre-rehearsed.

Not to mention anything else, Tony's anti-gravity blaster is more than enough to knock Harry into the air, how could Harry cut him open with a knife so easily?He is not some big eagle super soldier, nor is he a sword master who has honed his sword skills for decades.Although it doesn't look special, Tony's anti-gravity blaster is the minimum output, and theoretically it can't even break the glass.

And Harry and the others clearly didn't move their mouths, but they were able to speak so fluently at high altitude, and their articulation was not unclear without the high-speed airflow. Of course, it was because these words were actually synthesized by Tony in the later stage.The lines of the two were designed by Chris, and then Tony tuned and produced it. Harry also knew why Tony collected his own sound source before he came out.

While listening to the synthesized voice of himself coming out of the tactical eyepiece, Harry adjusted the position of the headset under the mask, and said, "Mr. Stark, is it okay if we do this?"

"Wait, it's too noisy, wait a minute." Tony switched the settings of the sound recording and acquisition system, temporarily isolated the input of external sounds, and blocked the sound of synthesized audio, "Now, what did you just say, now It can be repeated."

"It's okay for us to talk about it now. Wait a minute and I will make some noise to attack the people below. Mr. Stark, you can rescue me and I can get away." Harry repeated, and expressed his thoughts, "But Ke' is extraordinary Where is the dragon? He is now surrounded by the army, and I think the army will not let him go easily."

"Harry, I want to tell you one thing first." Tony said sternly, "To be honest, you said you were going to mess around with old Chris, I think you are brave as a lunatic, especially your father really In the case of a lunatic."

"Are you praising me for being brave?"

"Of course, of course I'm complimenting you." Tony went on to say, "I just want to tell you that this old Chris has nothing else. There are really many crooked ideas and weird tricks. Instead of worrying about him when the time comes How to escape, we might as well think about how to make the 'performance' more smooth and reasonable, and look forward to what new jobs he can do."

"Uh, Mr. Stark, I think Mr. Chris looks to be in his twenties. Why do you always call him an old man? Is he a reverse growth like Benjamin Button? He looks 20 years old , in fact, he is already 60 or [-] years old."

"Son, I'm only 39 this year. Believe me, this old man is more than old enough to be your grandfather, not to mention your father. Let's see what kind of crooked he is this time." Tony said badly He smiled and said, suddenly, he received a prompt from Jarvis, and turned his gaze to the ground, "Here, look, he has an idea."

On the ground, Chris turned into an extraordinary dragon, stretched out his claws and pierced into an unmanned armored vehicle, tearing the roof of the vehicle with his fingers.The surrounding soldiers followed the commander's order to evacuate away from the extraordinary dragon in batches, while raising their guns and keeping firing.

However, the bullets were completely ineffective. Even if there were a few bullets that directly hit Fei Feilong's eyeballs, they couldn't even damage its nictitating membrane.At the moment of impact, the entire metal warhead shattered and collapsed like a piece of jelly smashed on an iron plate, without leaving even a trace.

The so-called "nictitating membrane" is actually the third eyelid commonly known as the third eyelid. It is commonly found in tailless amphibians such as frogs, reptiles and birds. It is the body structure that they use to cover the cornea and moisten the eyeball.Some hammerhead sharks also have nictitating membrane structures.It is actually a layer of translucent film, which can protect the eyeballs from wind, sand and mudstone when flying at high altitude or swimming in water.

As an extraterrestrial life, the extraordinary dragon also has the ability to fly at high speed, so it is quite reasonable to have such a body structure.

"My name is Extraordinary Dragon, and I am Deathwing!" Roaring up to the sky, Chris set off a strong wind with his huge wings.Between the gaps between the vehicles on the ground, the high-speed airflow overturned many soldiers who couldn't hold on to something, causing them to fall on their backs.

"I am the Destroyer of Destiny, the Terminator of all things, unstoppable and irreversible." He raised his hands above his head and smashed down hard, deforming the two armored vehicles whose carriers had already evacuated, even the ground It was also smashed out of two sunken pits.The next moment, the fuel tank exploded, and under the flames, the ferocious appearance of "Extraordinary Dragon" looked like a demon.

"I am the Cataclysm!" Chris roared in the direction of the troops.

Under this roar, many soldiers were almost frightened.

——I can’t beat it, it’s a monster.

- It's too strong.

—our weapons cannot break even its skin.

——Anyone is welcome, come and help us.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of the dark pattern flower, thank you
  By the way, I think of a sigh, there should not be many people like me who have more monthly tickets than recommended.

(End of this chapter)

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