It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 226 Drone "Hive"

Chapter 226 Drone "Hive"

Harry picked up the wreckage of a drone from the lawn where a lot of rubbish had piled up in front of the Hammer Industry.Afterwards, he took the wreckage and flew above the big pit he had previously made with small stones.Recalling the feeling when he used it before, Harry threw the wreckage up and started Ragtime again.

If a small stone accumulates the right amount of energy in the previous combo, it can open a passage about the size of a human head.So with the same amount of energy stored in the wreckage of a drone the size of a human head, Harry estimated that a passage the size of a person should be able to be opened.

If it is to let the "Extraordinary Dragon" pass?That might have to get on the steamroller.

As for why you want to go directly underground by breaking the ground, of course it is because things like elevators are too out of control.Not only will people know which floor you are going to, but once you are blocked at the exit of the elevator, there is not much room to dodge.Harry felt that it was better to be honest and open his own way.

Although Tony has repeatedly promised that he will help Harry remotely hack into Hammer Industries' "semi-finished artificial intelligence" to control the elevator.

The blue sphere surrounded the wreckage of the drone that was thrown into the air. Harry took a deep breath and started his combo with all his strength, even making the sound of "Ola Ola Ola" involuntarily.The tactical eyepiece analyzed the force on the wreckage at the moment, and an arrow appeared from the center of gravity of the wreckage, pointing to the direction Harry was punching at the moment.

The yellow arrow continued to elongate and turn red under Harry's continuous attacks, implying that the kinetic energy accumulated inside it was getting higher and higher waiting to be released.Under the effect of Tony's strengthening suit, Harry's boxing, which is not weak but at the level of ordinary people, can almost reach the level of a boxer.

The sphere unfolded by Ragtime can exist for a total of five seconds. The tactical eyepiece began to remind Harry that the time pause was about to end, and the gears on the edge of the sphere began to rotate faster.Harry felt that the strength had been accumulated almost, his right hand was raised high above his head, and a knife in his hand slashed at the top of the wreckage.

Time begins to flow.

The moment the sphere disappeared, the power accumulated by the wreckage being attacked for five seconds was released in one go, and shot towards the pothole that Harry attacked earlier. "Boom!" With a loud noise, the lawn of Hanmer Industry was ravaged and destroyed again. I hope Hanmer will not take this well-maintained lawn too seriously.

The smoke from the impact gradually dissipated, revealing the damage from Harry's attack.The previous pothole seemed to have been equipped with a magnifying glass, which was enlarged by at least five times. Originally, it could only pass through one person, but now even a car can get in without much problem.It's just that it's a little bit reluctant for the huge size of the extraordinary dragon.

While Chris manipulated the physical body of the extraordinary dragon, it was naturally flawed, that is, the extraordinary dragon lost the ability to freely change its size in an illusory state.

"Mr. Chris, I opened the hole. I'll go down to explore the path and see what's inside." The scan of the tactical eyepiece penetrated the isolation of the ground surface, and the thermal sensor showed that there was no one under the pothole.Out of caution, Harry first informed Chris on the channel of his next move, and then flew into the pothole.

Chris continued to control the body of the extraordinary dragon to entangle with the drone group "hive".This seems to be the strongest defense that Hanmer Industries can come up with.After all, although Hanmer Industries is an arms group, the manufacture of arms does not mean that it can hoard and hold a large amount of arms. Guns and other equipment need to be officially reported.

Hanmer Industries has a lot of equipment that has passed the report, but having equipment does not mean that it can be used to attack others, at least someone must control it.The previous pair of automatic aiming machine gun turrets was the last line of defense that Hanmer expected to come in handy.

Don't look at the pair of cannons being completely slipped by Harry, it's all because Harry's flying skateboard is too fast and flexible, otherwise even if it is replaced by vehicles on the ground, ordinary drones, helicopters, and automatic cannons They can be torn into pieces together with the people in the vehicle in minutes.

As for these "hives" of unmanned aerial vehicles, we can know from Hanmer's mouth before that this is a test product that they have not yet shown to the public in the laboratory stage. It is their next bargaining chip for the military order. Bottom of the box.The use of these drones this time was completely accidental.

With one breath, the crowd of unmanned aerial vehicles began to disperse the moment sparks escaped from the corner of the "Extraordinary Dragon". The drones that cannot dodge, and the rest of the drones continue to maintain their formation and continue to shoot at the "Extraordinary Dragon".

Whenever the "Extraordinary Dragon" wants to get close to a group of drones in a certain direction, the drones in that direction will always disperse at the first time, retreat and avoid, while the drones in other directions continue to surround the "Extraordinary Dragon" ",shooting.It feels like the drones have opened up a huge cage. Whenever the "Extraordinary Dragon" wants to break through, the defense in the corresponding direction will always disappear, making it useless.

This is why Hammer Industries is confident that it can still secure orders from the military and stand at the top of the arms industry after Stark Industries left.In the hands of skilled operators, the "hives" are like machine gunners in StarCraft, always keeping a distance from you and flying kites with you.

The two combat methods of physical ammunition and energy weapons can adapt to most combat environments, especially energy weapons can release powerful power like using "joint attack stunts".Ordinary enemies are not a one-shot enemy at all, and will be easily reduced to ashes.

In addition, its cost is more than 01:30 cheaper than other weapons, and its super protection ability for users-after all, you don’t need to carry a gun to the battlefield, you only need a computer, and one person can accurately Commanding dozens of drones—the military has no reason to refuse.

After Justin Hammer got the design drawing of the drone from the job-hopping William, made the first weaponized drone, and experimented with its power, he even doubted himself—why did he learn from history in the first place? Tucker made fancy suits?Although the power of a single unit is not comparable and the speed is much worse, in a war, weaponized drones are much more important than "steel suits".

 It's very uncomfortable to have a stuffy nose, but I don't have a fever or a cold, and I'm normal, it's just a simple stuffy nose
(End of this chapter)

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