It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 224 The Hateful Extraordinary Dragon

Chapter 224 The Hateful Extraordinary Dragon
"Boy Osborne, to be honest, my equipment is better than Chris's fancy things."

"Um, well, it's all very useful." Harry felt that he was involved in the comparison between the two immature children, what could he say?Only two not guilty.Seeing the guard on the ground holding a small pistol and firing bullets at himself in the air, Harry suddenly said confidently, "This feels a little too easy, a hundred more will be fine. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden warning in the tactical eyepiece, and hundreds of signal sources suddenly appeared behind Harry.Harry turned his head and looked - countless drones flew out from somewhere in Hammer Industry, forming a long snake and flying towards him rapidly.Not only that, a hole was opened from the bottom of the drone, and two rifles protruded from it.

This time, what Harry was facing was no longer just two bullet chains, but hundreds of drones and at least 200 real bullet screens. It was really like a torrential rain.Harry, who was still in the mood to fly around with his automatic cannon just now, was no longer in the mood to play around, and the skateboard under his feet increased the power to shake off the drone behind him.

"How do you say that? 'Bass comes out of your mouth'? Harry, hurry up, the bullet is going to hit your ass." Tony noticed the situation on Harry's end, "Chris, you better hurry up , otherwise this little lunatic might be caught when you get there."

"Mr. Stark, didn't you say that my augmented suit has bulletproof function?" Harry was chased around like a lagging dog, and a device that turned back and opened his right arm released a blue sphere, But only two or three drones were hit, and the following drones automatically avoided it.

And the drones imprisoned in the time deceleration sphere collided with each other, just like the slow motion in the movie, the flames burst from the collision place little by little, giving people a feeling of "explosion is art, and art is explosion". illusion.However, this attack only wiped out two drones, which was nothing to the hundreds of drones that attacked.

"Not only is it bulletproof, but it also has quite powerful functions such as constant temperature, insulation, and anti-cutting. But, although the bullet cannot penetrate and will not break your bones, it will definitely hurt you when it hits you." Tony It's nothing to do with yourself, "However, I always feel that these drones look very familiar."

On the ground, Justin Hammer brought Jack to the surface, looked at the wasp-like dense drone swarm out of the air, and took the headset from his ear from the security captain, and turned to the other side. Said: "Who is operating the drone! That is the work we will show to the military next time!"

"It's me, Mr. Hammer, William." A man's voice came from the other end of the headset, "Mr. Hammer, that clown in green leather has already blown up two of our cannons. To get rid of him before the big damage, we have to activate the 'hive'."

"There is also the lawn in front of the company, damn it, he must not know how much it costs to maintain the lawn!" Justin growled, took a deep breath, and continued, "William? I remember you switched from Stark Industries Come here, just do as you said, and quickly deal with that lunatic who dared to invade Hammer Industry!"

"Follow your order, Mr. Hammer." William on the other end of the channel let go of the finger on the call button, put his hands back on the keyboard, and faced the several screens in front of him showing no one Machine "hive" for micromanipulation.If Obadiah could come back from the dead and come here, he would surely recognize the man in front of him as the engineer who made the "Iron Overlord" for him.

After Obadiah's death, his property was divided up, and the fake accounts he had done were also dug out by Tony. A series of people were liquidated, including those who worked in the 16th underground area established by Obadiah , studying William of Iron Overlord.He was fired by Tony for not refusing Obadiah's order to be on the wrong team.

So, before he left, he jumped to Hammer Industries with some of the data he had stolen from the Stark Industries database.The UAV design of the "Honeycomb" was derived from a design drawing in the Stark Industries database. The uploader was Tony himself, and the date was three years ago.

The reason why Stark Industries didn't make this thing, but Hammer Industries made it with that blueprint after taking over William who was expelled, is definitely not because Stark Industries' technical level is not as high as Hammer Industries, Or this technology has no future at all.

According to common sense, this is definitely another time when Tony came up with a temporary work, and then because he wanted to have sex with the date of that night, he was forgotten by him the next day.This is by no means slander, but a very reasonable explanation combined with Tony's personality at the time.

Under William's fine command, the "Hive" began to separate and outflank. Harry didn't notice it at first, and fell into the trap set by William completely.After turning a corner, Harry stepped on the skateboard under his feet and stopped.In front of him, countless drone groups formed a sphere, surrounding him at 360 degrees without any dead ends.

"Is there no escape, little flea?"

William turned a knob on the side, and the front of the drone opened, revealing a pitch-black muzzle filled with orange beams.This is also a technology stolen from Stark Industries, a replacement for the palladium element in the Ark reactor that Tony tried, but he gave up because the conversion efficiency was not enough and it was not environmentally friendly.

"Try this, double? No, I want twice the power."

Under the expectant eyes of Hammer and Jack on the ground, William pressed a button.Harry closed his eyes nervously, and shouted through the communication channel: "Mr. Chris, use your invincible armor to think of a way!"

The energy cannons were fired, collided with each other and merged into a huge ball, emitting a dazzling light.Afterwards, the sphere of light collapsed instantly and was detonated, and gray smoke enveloped the area where Harry was before.Seeing this, Hanmer on the ground raised his fist with his right hand, "Okay! Let you bully Hanmer Industry, huh?"

Jack behind him was wearing a pair of black sunglasses, so he was not affected by the strong light just now.At the moment before the explosion, he seemed to see a huge black shadow rushing in?

"Mr. Han, Mr. Hammer!" The security captain kept paying attention to the situation of the smoke.He saw what looked like a lizard's tail hanging down from the moment--

"Roar!" Chris controlled the extraordinary dragon's body and let out a roar, flapped his wings, and swung away the smoke and dust that obstructed his vision.On his armored wings, Harry flew out unscathed.

It's not clear whether others recognize it or not, at least Hammer has engraved the appearance of the extraordinary dragon into his DNA.Seeing his nightmare roaring in the air, Hanmer's eyes widened instantly, and he roared angrily, "Damn Extraordinary Dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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