It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 220 Starting to Be a Villain Today

Chapter 220 Starting to Be a Villain Today
"What about our espionage plan? I pretend to be a villain who does all kinds of evil, join them, get information and betray?"

"It's not that simple. First of all, you have to show considerable strength, and then you must not be too stupid and ambitious. Strength is a simple matter, and Tony will provide you with equipment. The most important thing for you is to cultivate a villain temperament and confidence.”

Harry's face drooped when he heard that.Because of the pressure brought by his father in his childhood, Harry himself was a person with low self-confidence, and now he had to show an evil temperament, which really made things difficult for him.

"Everyone has the sun, the difficulty is how to make him shine." Chris nodded Harry's chest, "I can feel the unique potential in you, so I believe in you."

"I'm not happy to hear that, Chris." Harry looked at Chris speechlessly, "If I remember correctly, I should not go to Broadway or Hollywood to be an actor, but to pretend to be a super criminal That's right."

"No, no, no, not pretending to be a super criminal." Chris shook his finger, "You have to be a criminal, and you have to actually do something that can be noticed by them. Whether it's a terrorist attack on a department store, a robbery The bank or publicly stated on the Internet that the child they gave birth to will take the husband's surname, in short, you have to do something really bad."

"Did something strange get in there just now? I'm a man." Harry brushed his forehead with his hand, "If I just destroy some buildings and don't hurt people, I should be able to do it. Speaking of which, Chris Sir, if I remember correctly, some time before the Abomination, a building of Stark Industries was destroyed by you in this way?"

"Well, at that time, in order to attract the attention of the military, Tony and I played a scene where they had to come even if they saw through it. However, Tony bought that building temporarily."

"For the people I have helped in the past, because of myself and Mr. Stark's acting, they start to curse and resent you. Have you ever felt excessive, disappointed, or incomprehensible loneliness?"

"I actually expected it before I did it. Everyone has their eyes open, but not everyone is seeing the world. They are used to listening to others, so even what they see is the world described by others." Reese took a sip of the Moscow Mule, "And in a sense, I've been with Lonely for so many years, and we have a long-standing relationship."

"You know, Mr. Chris, if I hadn't met you, I might have thought you were an old man in 90s or [-]s." Harry smiled, picked up the metal glove that was the length of an ordinary person's forearm on the table, and the inside It seems to be able to reach in.

Chris picked up the brass cup and watched as Harry slipped the metal glove into his right hand and moved his fingers.On the back of the hand on the worn metal arm, there are four changing numbers in the four squares like a clock, as if telling the time.

Harry glanced at the back of the glove, "This one looks really nice."

"It was made by the fly's daughter for the devil's son. It is specially used to beat the devil. Now it belongs to you."

Harry glanced at Chris who was drinking, and recalled the Stark Exhibition half a year ago——

"Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency? What is that?" Harry Osborn looked at the man in front of him with some surprise.

"The memory is really good, Mr. Harry, you are the first person who can retell it after only listening to it once. We usually call it the abbreviation, 'SHIELD'." Chris said with a smile, "directly under the United Nations The World Security Council, charged with watching over the world, protecting people from what they don't know they shouldn't, while nipping danger in the bud."

Harry asked: "I'm very curious about how to 'eliminate danger in the bud'. As I said just now, the world is not peaceful. It seems that you have not done your duty."

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. usually doesn't join the war, especially the wars in the Middle East. It can't be killed." Chris looked helpless, "Although it belongs to the United Nations in theory, S.H.I.E.L.D. basically stays in the United States. In the country, there are also funds provided by the United States, and some of them are more or less short-handed."

"SHIELD really focuses on fighting against criminals with super powers, recruiting, supervising and executing them. For example, I know several former criminals with super powers who have been recruited. At present, the main thing to deal with is An alliance of super criminals called the Sinister Six."

"I still don't understand why you came to me. I'm not a rich man like Iron Man who can prepare a super suit for himself." Harry patted his waist, "I can even be called a business circle You are the poorest president in the village, so even if you come to me to start production, I can't command the company's funds."

With that said, he turned around and was about to leave.Chris clenched his fist with his right hand and beat the open palm of his left hand: "Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Norman Osborn is a member of this organization, at least he used to be."

"What did you say just now?" Harry turned around and looked into Chris's eyes seriously.

"Repeat, your father, the 'Green Goblin' Norman Osborn was once a member of this super-powerful criminal organization 'Sinister Six'." Chris smiled, "That's why I found him. Fucking you, Harry Osborn."

"Do you want to cause some trouble for this organization with me?"

——Harry was brought back to God by Chris.

"What are you thinking, I didn't respond to talking to you just now." Chris put the empty copper cup on the coffee table, stretched out his palm and waved it in front of Harry a few times, "Missing the girls from school? "

"No. I'm not the kind of young boy who just fell in love. I just stared blankly." Harry regained his senses, "Okay, let's quickly think about where the attack will cause the most noise and the least impact."

"Oh, you're still blushing, are you embarrassed? Don't pretend, who hasn't had a crush on someone when they were young. Tell me who is she?" Seeing Harry looking at him with a little anger, Chris hurriedly Waving his hand, "Okay, okay, if you say no, then there is no. Let's look at the map, look at the map."

The interactive virtual projection was turned on, and a [-]D model of a map of New York City was projected.Harry excluded areas that were more inconvenient and troublesome to evacuate people, as well as livelihood projects such as electrical networks, landmark buildings and hospitals.

Most of what was left were large corporations and low-rise real estate, and Harry began to pick and choose which unlucky guy the two would choose to target.Although artificial intelligence Granny has screened only a few in front of her, she still has to manually select the target.

Chris immediately fell in love with a building area government, "That's it."

"Do you and Stark have trouble with them?" Harry glanced at the position Chris pointed at.With Chris pointing, the building zoomed in quickly, and the text on the side showed its owner: "Hammer Industries".

"Since it's always going to be sabotage, why not finish something else along the way. Remember that 'cloak' from Hammer, I'm quite curious about that."

(End of this chapter)

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