It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 209 Power Generation Device - "Cloak"

Chapter 209 Power Generation Device - "Cloak"

Hammer embarrassingly led his men to put the object covered by the gray cloth in place. Chris, Harry and the others didn't have any idea of ​​what Hammer Industry would show later, so they brought the finished equipment left the backstage.

"Mr. Hammer, why don't we do it? He's just a little reporter." Directing the employees to connect the cables of the stage system with the exhibits brought by their own group, one of Hammer's subordinates asked Justin Hammer Mo asked, he was one of Hammer's capable men.

Hammer recalled the ice in Morocco, and the warning to him from the mysterious organization that claimed to be the Homeland Bureau. He didn't talk too much with his subordinates, but just shook his head.At that time, the agent from what bureau was holding his own gun against his forehead, and his fingers were only 0.01 centimeters away from pulling the trigger.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was somewhat of a public figure and had a military platform behind him, he would have been forcibly given a special drug to lose his memory like the female reporter Christine who interviewed him.He can't reveal more, not only because he is afraid of the natural disaster-like power of the "white devil", but also because he is afraid that the military will not be able to keep himself from leaking secrets

"Leave him alone, this matter is over." Hammer wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, and pushed some slightly scratched gold-rimmed glasses with the knuckle of his right index finger.In fact, Hammer doesn't need the glasses. He doesn't have vision problems like myopia. The reason why he wears glasses is purely because he feels that they are more elegant.

He folded the handkerchief and stuffed it back into the pocket of the suit collar, sorted out his appearance, and made sure that he would not show any embarrassing side when he went on stage.Today is his extremely important counterattack day, a counterattack against Tony Stark and "Iron Man".

"How's the preparation going?" he asked.

Several accompanying researchers were constantly typing something on their own computers, the sound of "click" and "click" on the keyboard was uninterrupted, and a group of laymen had no idea what data was scrolling rapidly on the computer screen.They're confirming the status of what's internally codenamed "Frame" and putting the finishing touches on it.

"Basically ready, Mr. Hammer, the activity is 100%, the balance and stability system is operating normally, and you can go on stage at any time." Hit Enter, and a line of "running normally" code is inserted after multiple data lines, showing that a leader seems to be The grizzled researcher at Justin Hammer said.But he asked with some uncertainty, "But Mr. Hammer, the 'frame' may not be suitable as an item displayed in the exhibition."

"Not suitable for an exhibition?! Very good, then please tell me, what is suitable to be a display work of Hanmer Industry!" Today is the second time that Hanmer feels very upset because of being deflated. Hearing himself The leader of his research team said this, which just gave him a direction to vent.

"Mr. Han, Mr. Hammer, I, I don't know." The old researcher was taken aback by the excited Hammer. He didn't understand why Mr. President was so excited.Being held by the collar by Hammer, he faltered, he squeezed out such a sentence like squeezing toothpaste.

"I don't know, of course you don't know, you're just a researcher." Hammer let go of the researcher's collar, turned around, and looked at the huge square object whose gray cloth had been uncovered.Without any cover, the object that Hammer placed high hopes on was completely exposed to everyone in the background.

It was a blue-gray cubic column, about two meters high, and its width was about the shoulder width of an adult man.It has been removed from the trolley and placed on the reserved lifting table.At the bottom of it are connected several cables.Several researchers who knew the basics were about to check the connection status, but they were too scared to move because of Hammer's anger.

Holding his hand on the side, Hammer looked at the column code-named "Frame" internally, and said through gritted teeth: "I want to prove my ability, Tony Stark, I must surpass him, I want to prove that I am not inferior to him , I am also a genius! I will not lose in the weapons industry, and the same is true in the energy industry!"

Justin Hammer, for all his air, his elegance, and his success, has to admit he's a pretty capable guy.Unlike Stark Industries, which Tony inherited from his father Howard, Hammer pulled out such a research and development team from scratch, and became the second largest arms company in the United States.

And he is not just a guy who knows how to operate. Like Stark Industries, the most important part of the research and development team is also the president of the company. Justin Hammer is also the core figure in the research team of Hammer Industries. Anyone who is like Hammer Hammer has participated in the works that are available in the industry, and often occupies a major position.

However, he was really too attached to Tony.After all, it is also an arms company, and it was also named a genius since childhood. The name "Anthony Stark" is like a mountain pressing on his head, covering him in the shadows.He has a very strong competitive spirit and always wants to compete with Tony.

It is also for this reason that the weapons of Hammer Industries always have some defects in some inexplicable places.Hammer is eager to compete with Tony's works of the same type every time, which is the biggest factor in the problem.Including his "ex-wife" micro-missile, the experimental mecha that paralyzed an experimenter from the waist down last time.

However, this time is different.Hammer stared at the pillar in front of him.This column can safely and stably provide enough clean energy to maintain the entire New York City, and has undergone countless experiments by their R&D team, just to ensure that there is nothing wrong with this exhibition.

Moreover, Hammer is also quite aware of how irreproducible the part of this "framework" that is actually responsible for power supply is.It's not that Tony's Ark reactor can't be made even if you give others the blueprint. The bigger reason is that the core that makes up the "frame" is unique.

Speaking of it, I would like to thank Tony Stark and the "white devil". Hammer almost died in the last Morocco event, but he got that thing by a blessing in disguise and was able to complete this cross-age invention.Although it is difficult for most people, including the research team, to accept the true principles of this "framework", for Hammer, as long as he can beat Tony, he can accept anything.

"Mr. Hammer, well, I think the code name 'Frame' is not suitable for introducing to the public." One of Hammer's confidantes boldly asked.

Hammer was silent for a while, straightened his suit with both hands, took a deep breath, and said, "It's called 'cloak', yes, 'cloak'."

(End of this chapter)

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