It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 203 You Don't Even Want to Call Me Godfather

Chapter 203 You Don't Even Want to Call Me Godfather

The audience was in an uproar.Although the audience didn't understand what the experiment was doing just now, Otto had already given them the answer - "The perpetual motion machine is real".

"Do you know what you're talking about? Dr. Otto Gunther Otavios!" Hammer strode up to Dr. Otto with a very excited expression, almost spraying his saliva on Dr. Otto's face face.

And in the earphone worn by Dr. Otto, there was also a voice from the background: "Otto, you idiot! Don't you want to do it, don't forget who has been supporting your research!" Otto is quite familiar with that voice , a shareholder in the Osborne Group, the only one willing to pay for his research.

Otto's research is to create a tritium reactor, once successful, it can produce nearly infinite energy.This means that once successful, fame and fortune will roll in.But Otto himself is also very clear that although he has calculated almost every statistic, the chance of success is always so slim.

The analogy is that in a card pool where equipment and characters are mixed and matched, no more than 1% of the characters with the highest rarity for a limited period can be drawn in one round.It only takes a hundred experiments to succeed once, which doesn't sound too low, right?But this is not an experiment with potato bulbs, and each experiment costs no less than a billion dollars.

One hundred times, that's 1000 billion.What's more, the success rate will not be converted like that. With a 1% chance, it may be successful the first time, or it may be a thousand times without any hope of success.In such a situation where the probability is clearly stated, almost no one is willing to invest money in the bottomless pit of Otto's experiment.

The only shareholder who was willing to invest money did not invest money lavishly, but invested tens of thousands at a time, so that Otto could maintain his experimental site and calculations.But this investor is not out of kindness. Every time he invests [-] US dollars, [-] will go into his pocket. Otto is just a black money process for him.

Before taking the stage, just in case, the shareholder told Otto on behalf of the Osborne Group, "Although things like perpetual motion machines are just a dream, even if Stark really did it, you have to fake it." proof that he was lying."It's not just the Osborne Group. Since they also want to release products in the energy field, Stark Industries, which is the leader, naturally becomes the pressure to force the Osborne Group and Hammer Industries to join forces.

As long as false testimony proves that Stark is nothing but a liar, he can easily be refuted.Afterwards, even if their company really has a large energy supply, it only needs to arrange a few more expert public relations to deceive the public into skepticism about Stark Industries' energy.The number one in the energy field, but it can no longer be its.

Afterwards, the competition between Hanmer Industries and Osborne Group will be based on their own abilities.

Glancing at the data on the dashboard that was not facing the audience, Otto took a deep breath, and amidst the investor's "If you don't want me to withdraw, correct me immediately" and cursing in the earphones, he said to the bottom of the stage: "The first , I swear by my dignity as a scientist and my personality, what I just said is entirely based on accurate experimental data and my judgment of years of knowledge. Anthony Edward Stark has created an infinite energy device."

"Second, my name is Octavius, not Octavious." He looked at Hammer in front of him, ignored the voice from the earphones, took off the earphones, and The words paused.

Tony glanced at Hammer, who had a very ugly face, and set his sights on Dr. Otto: "Totally exceeded my expectations, Dr. Otto, I thought you would let Gaston say that Woolen cloth."

"I don't believe that the clever Mr. Stark would just step into a pit like this. Let me guess, you must have prepared a record of their call, big hacker." Dr. Otto relaxed as if he had let go of some pressure In a calm tone, he said to Tony, "Also, Gaston is the villain in "Beauty and the Beast". His name is Justin."

"Let's not bother with unimportant names. You see, I've been smart enough to just call you Dr. Otto so I don't miss you. Uh, what's your name Otto Arthur?"

"Otto Gunther Octavius, or Otto Gunther Octavian, whatever, Mr. Stark." Dr. Otto held the Comic bottle from Hammer in his hand, It's about to pass it to Tony.

"Jarvis." Tony said, stretched out a mechanical arm from the mechanism that opened under the stage, and took the bottle instead of Tony, "I can't take things from others, it's a physiological problem. I apologize for any offense." Tony shook hands with Dr. Otto.

Because Chris was trying to peek into his privacy, Natasha was watching Chris playing with his mobile phone: "They have already settled it." She glanced at the development on the stage and said.

Chris took out his mobile phone generously, but it was not the smart phone Tony gave him, but the clamshell phone he used in the car: "It seems that Stark Industries will release a new phone starting tomorrow. energy?"

"It's not that simple." Pepper also turned on the phone and called Tony, who went backstage and gave the stage to Dr. Otto. He has not connected yet, "Even the perpetual motion machine has to find a way Just a few. As far as I know, a few on stage is all Tony has accomplished."

"Don't you know what he made?" "That's true, but at least I know how much he made. I also have news after Tony handed things over to Jarvis."

Happy, who had been teasing the boy named "Parker" in the back seat, turned his head: "Well, why can't we just use the perpetual motion machine?"

"If I have to describe it, you got a wheel that rotates forever, and it can rotate forever without being affected by external forces other than the fundamental force. What can you do with it?" The light ball in Chris's hand is different from other people's , still exists.He manipulated the light sphere very skillfully to change into what he described.

"Oh, I totally understand." Happy nodded half-understanding, "But why do you still have that ball of light?"

"That's right, big brother, why do you still have this?" The little boy wearing an Iron Man mask playfully tapped Chris's shoulder.Hearing the phrase "big brother", Chris looked at Natasha with a little regret and said, "Oh, you never wanted to get close to me when you were young, and you didn't even want to call me 'Father', I mean 'Brother'."

Natasha replied to him with a very gentle smile: "Go away."

(End of this chapter)

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