It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 187 If the Bomb Fails to Solve the Problem

Chapter 187 If the Bomb Fails to Solve the Problem
"Hulk, does this guy take damage from the fire attack?" With a piece of ice attached to the armor's boots, Chris ran on the wall, avoiding Samuel's continuous blows.Others are a radish and a hole, and Samuel is a fist and a hole. In terms of demolition ability, Hulk may not be as good as Samuel.

When the third floor leaked before, Chris had already reinforced it with ice in advance, and the third floor itself was the floor where the troops were stationed. Although it was not as good as the second floor that needed to deal with experimental accidents, it had additional layers of protection, but it was still durable. .If not, he would have already collapsed under Samuel's "continuous ordinary punches".

Hulk heard what Chris said and asked Banner: "Banner, is the flame useful?"

"I don't know too much, but looking at the performance of the abominations in the past, although it is not confirmed that the flame is their nemesis and weakness, at least they do not have a strong resistance to the damage of the flame type. Perhaps it is because the nature of the flame is mostly high temperature The plasma state, which has the properties of both physical and chemical phenomena at the same time?"

Banner talked a lot to himself as a scientist, and then he noticed that the Hulk didn't understand at all: "Anyway, the flame is very likely to be useful."

Now Hulk understood, and said loudly to Chris: "Banner said, flames are useful."

"That's good." Chris flipped to the ground, watching Samuel crashing into the wall because he failed to brake the car too fast.I saw that Chris had already held a golden scepter in his hand at some point, which was the golden summoning machine.

"To deal with you, it's better to use this card." Although the six Advent Cards from the Cosmic Raw Stone were almost exhausted, only the Reality Advent that could be used a few times remained.But besides those six cards, he still has a new one in his hand.Inserting a card with a soaring dragon pattern into the card slot of the summoner, Chris shouted: "The dragon is coming!"

"Dragon Vent!" The phoenix-shaped switch on the top of the golden summoner opened its wings and issued a mechanically synthesized sound.

A golden dragon transformed from an illusion into a reality, and it uppercuted from the bottom up, catching Samuel by surprise.The extraterrestrial life form from the parallel world, Extraterrestrial Dragon, see above.But Samuel is also a heavyweight player after all, and he quickly recovered from the sneak attack of the extraordinary dragon who didn't talk about martial arts.

Two huge monsters collided fiercely in the gap between the opened second and third floors. If you punch me, I will return your claw.Moreover, the bodies of both sides were almost the same level of strength, and they also had the ability to heal themselves. For a moment, neither of them could do anything to the other. Their claws and fists were clenched together, and the two sides stalemate and began to wrestle.

"Damn, the space here is too small, I can't even open my wings." Feifanlong complained, it habitually wanted to spread its wings and fly in order to gain an advantage in the wrestling, but found that the small space There is only room for your own body.

Ever since it was sealed in Arrival Kari by Chris last time, it has gained the ability to change size freely.Although the second and third floors were opened due to the damage caused by Samuel before, it was still too small for Extraordinary Dragon.As a last resort, it can only appear as a five-meter-tall image.

"You're an extraordinary dragon!" Samuel's body has changed, but his mind is quite clear. Except for the change in size, the extraordinary dragon is basically the same as his previous appearance, the same metal armor, the same giant wings and sharp claws , "You actually betrayed us and joined Chris!"

As he said that, he broke free from the claws of the extraordinary dragon that grabbed his fist, and the sharp claws rubbed against the bone plate, making a noise like nails scraping a blackboard.Taking the opportunity, Fei Feilong grabbed a piece of flesh in his abdomen with his claws. Samuel traded his injury for injury, and punched Fei Feilong's helmeted face heavily.

"Cao, you think I think so. Why does your voice sound so familiar to me?" Fei Feilong is not the one who will swallow it when he suffers a disadvantage. Flames burned on Samuel's gray body.Compared with the previous bombs, the dragon's breath of the extraordinary dragon is much stronger. Samuel, who was hit by a set of fangs and almost hollowed out his abdomen, cried out in pain at this moment because of the flames of the extraordinary dragon. .

Even the bone plate gauntlets that covered his chest and limbs showed a distorted feeling as if they were about to melt due to the high temperature of the flames.

Take advantage of its illness and kill it!Because of Banner's influence, the fighting style is getting older and more aggressive. Hulk ended his edge OB and pulled the Tactical Horn on the fang memory at his waist three times in a row. The sharp blade on the head of the right foot on the fang side extended For a machete.

With a kick on the cracked ice, Hulk jumped up to the height of Samuel's head, twisted his waist and kicked a roundabout kick.A white crescent rose in the air, and Samuel, suffering from the flames, only had time to swing his left fist to try to block it.

But if it was before, it’s okay to say that the softened bone plate at this moment has no effect at all, and was hit directly by Hulk’s killing blow in the state of the fangs ace-Fang Straizer, and a huge giant appeared on his left arm. The letter "F" exploded violently.

Landing on the ground, Hulk just wanted to get up to see what happened to Samuel after he was hit by his own kill, but the fang memory in his waist suddenly jumped out, and the transformation state was also released. "I c..." Banner was a little confused, and fell unconscious on the ground halfway through his words.

Before he turned into the Tusk Ace, he had already exhausted his physical strength due to the battle with Ross, and released a kill.And after entering the state of the huge fangs ace for such a period of time, he released another kill.If it continues, even Banner, who has been injected with serum, will most likely die suddenly due to the one-time release of accumulated fatigue.

Fang's most basic principle of action is to protect the "Cyclone", the Hulk who has the same body as Banner.Banner's physical condition is also within the protection range of the fangs.For Banner's sake, the fang automatically canceled the transformation.

"Grind it into a pulp for me, Bruce!" However, it's not the right time for Banner to be unconscious now.From the explosion, Samuel actually survived, and he raised his fist in the direction of Banner who fell to the ground, and was about to smash it down.In the nick of time, the extraordinary dragon who had just evaded the Hulk's ultimatum knocked Samuel out with a shoulder bump.

Breaking away from the smoke and dust, Samuel exposed the left arm that had just been directly hit by Fang Ace's kick.On the left side of the waist from the collarbone, Samuel was almost destroyed by Hulk's final blow.

(End of this chapter)

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