It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 182 Everyone's Action 6

Chapter 182 Everyone's Actions Part [-]
When the author of "Young People Don't Tell Fives" crossed five to six, Patton was still on the run.

As an agent, especially a senior agent, Barton was able to return without missing a limb or a leg in so many annihilation missions evolved from espionage missions over the years, thanks to two points.

One is that he dares to fight, is willing to fight, and can fight.There will inevitably be battles when performing missions. Barton himself is not only good at sniping and bows, but also good at melee combat and weapon warfare. He may not be able to defeat a hundred with one enemy, but it is not a big problem to fight ten opponents who are not too strong. of.After winning the battle, he can also be ruthless, and will not let him go because of the kindness of a woman who sees others as pitiful.

The second is his other specialty besides being a sniper - escape.Although in the past few years, because of the battles he encountered, he was the only one who chased and killed others and no one else chased and killed him. Many people, including the new interns recruited by SHIELD, didn't know that Barton had parkour skills. Unique skills.

As a sniper, the most important thing is to change a place with one shot. Those idiots who stay in one place and do not move to expose themselves in film and television dramas have used their lives to prove that they do not change places and stay where they are. What a stupid thing to do.

It is actually quite difficult and complicated for snipers to move their nests.If it's a sniper mission in the wild, it's okay to say that the suitable sniper spots are often in the woods.And for sniper missions in an urban environment, you can't just pull out a gun on the ground and assemble it.Therefore, there is often a need for a place where the target's action can be clearly seen, and at the same time it is not easy to be noticed, and that kind of place is often a high-rise building or a rooftop.

It is not so easy to shoot a shot on the rooftop and change places. After all, we know that the guy who was sniped cannot stay in any residential area, and there is only an alley between the buildings.In places like commercial districts, the distance between the rooftops can often be as high as more than ten meters, which is no longer a distance that normal people can cross by speeding up.Button, on the other hand, can use his unique parkour skills to cover such a long distance.

"Shielding words! Where are you all? I'm about to be overtaken." Using the corner to insert two arrows, Barton made a turn. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the gap between the hateful soldiers who were chasing after him and him. There are only a dozen meters left in the distance, he shouted in the communication channel.

"Don't rush, don't rush, I'm going up the stairs. Really, why did you provoke so many people by being so reckless." Barton was a little annoyed by Chris's leisurely voice in the headset, and he clenched his teeth.Hard and hard, fist hard.

"Didn't you ask Barton to join you in the joint attack just now? Where are you guys?" Tony came out to uphold justice, "Forget it, I can't count on you. Little bird, what's the weakness of these guys."

"Don't call me a bird, you guys are getting more and more outrageous." Barton rolled over on the spot, using the corner to avoid the shooting from behind, "My explosive arrows are useless to them, and they didn't hurt them at all. The Hate soldiers worked together, one part charged forward to hunt down Patton, the other took up arms and fired.

This is also one of the benefits brought by a normal human-sized body. While the area of ​​injury is reduced and the number of parallel attacks increases, it can also avoid the cumbersome custom-made weapons, and can directly use weapons used by normal troops.The two-stage division of labor allowed the Abomination Troops to effectively interfere with Barton's escape while quickly approaching.

"No, Clint, you hurt them. It's just that they healed themselves too quickly, and your bomb wasn't strong enough." Bruce also said in the channel, "Sleep me, Ross!" He seemed to be Yelled at Rose, who was fighting him, trying to wake him up.

"Okay, old bird, I'll count to three, two and one later, you take something to block it, and then do your best to distance yourself from the abominations." As soon as Tony finished speaking, Barton felt the ground slightly flutter.

"I think you'd better call me Xiaoniao."


"Wait a minute, is it so fast?" Barton quickly turned around and shot an arrow backwards. When it flew a certain distance and was about to reach the abominations, the arrow exploded, revealing a huge net.There are several grapples on the edge of the net, which are precisely pierced into the walls on both sides of the passage. Even the powerful physique of the abominations can't tear the net for a while, and the quality seems to be quite good.

But the good quality of the net did not mean that Barton's move was successful. There were more than one abomination. The impact of the group's march directly pulled out the grapples inserted into the wall, and the abominations continued to rush towards Barton.However, because of the relief just now, the speed of the abominations has been slowed down a lot.

"Two!" Barton could feel the vibration under his feet getting stronger.

He took out two arrows from behind, both of which were net arrows. After shooting two arrows, Barton quickly kicked and smashed the glass of the empty laboratory, turned in through the window, and hid in the behind a desk.


The next moment, the abominations just pulled the net bag blocking the way, and the floor under their feet cracked instantly, and white occupied all of their vision.Like a volcano erupting under the sea, the abominations were engulfed by an extremely thick beam of white light.The white beam of light flashed away, followed by a big explosion.


Barton hid behind the table. Even with the double barrier of concrete walls and table boards, he could still clearly feel the horror of the impact from outside.

"Damn, Tony, what did you do!" The hum of the explosion weakened slightly, and Barton heard Chris say this, and there seemed to be the sound of water flowing in his place.

"It's amazing, it's the highest, it's a genius." Tony's voice was a little smug, "Although I haven't been able to understand the principle of the thing you gave me for the time being, I have figured out how to use it."

"The use you said is to collect the dissipated energy to make a one-time bomb?"

Barton poked his head out from behind the table and looked outside.I saw that the walls of the laboratory that had just been used as a barrier were already dilapidated, covered with traces of melting, and outside the walls, the hatred troops that had been chasing Barton before had once again met the fate of being completely wiped out.Tony was flying out of the pothole just made by the beam of light in his battle suit.Through the pothole, you can see the lower floors all the way.

"What was that just now, I'll go, it's too powerful." Barton sighed slightly.He is quite aware of how thick these abomination soldiers are. Even if an electric shock arrow that is enough to electrocute a whale is shot at them, they seem to be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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