Chapter 161 Where is 666 going?
After reminiscing about the past for a while, Chris said goodbye to Stan Lee, who although he wanted to say that he hadn't seen him for a long time, but actually saw him in unexpected places, went to the room where Django and Barton went to read the materials.

The doorman opened the door, and Chris immediately saw Barton bent over the documents: "How about it, did you find any clues?"

"Sokovia's spy team all use aliases, and they all gave up their real names. We haven't been able to find anyone named 'Zemo' for the time being." Django apologized.One of the main purposes of abandoning the past name is to make this person disappear and completely become a person whose past is completely fictitious.

Moreover, changing one's face and hiding one's name has another function, which is to protect one's family members. Even if one's identity as a spy is exposed, others will not be able to track down one's family members.

Chris looked at Barton: "I remember I sent you a photo? Didn't you find him even if you already knew his face?"

Barton took out the photo: "This is the problem." The photo was Baron Zemo from the movie in Chris's previous impression. "There is no one who looks like him, are you sure this guy is from Sokovia?"

"Impossible, all I know is that this guy is indeed a colonel in the Sokovia spy force, there is no reason why he can't be found?" Chris joined the search, "Are you sure this is the entire list Yet?"

"I'm pretty sure, uh," Django was about to start, remembering that he didn't even know Chris's name.

"Evans, Evans Hemsworth." Chris thought of a stitch monster name on the spot.

"Hello, Mr. Evans, my name is Django Maximoff, just call me Django." Director Django shook hands with Chris, and then said, "Although there are not many people in Sokovia. , but compared to those big countries, the number of our troops is not too much, not to mention that the spy force is still one in a hundred, with a total of 101 people, I don’t think I can remember this number wrongly.”

"Has someone complained that your name is easy to think of a lizard? However, I seem to have heard the name Maximov somewhere." Chris pulled out a few documents from the cardboard box and flipped through them, "No. 664, Ma Geta Bova; No. 665, Chilton Wizel; No. 667, Anna Martel... eh? Wait, where did No. 666 go?"

Barton looked down at the file he was looking at before: "I don't have any here. There are only numbers 600 to 663 here. Could it be that you missed one?"

"No, the rest of them seem to be from No. 668 to No. 700, and there is no No. 666." Chris looked through the remaining files, and they were arranged very neatly, one by one according to the number. , and there is no confusion of numbers.

To be on the safe side, Barton and Chris checked again from beginning to end, and found that there were only a hundred files here, and there was no missing "No. 666".

"What's going on here, Chief Django? Why, only spy No. 666 is missing. The person in charge of the files of the spy force shouldn't be a very fanatical Christian by coincidence, right?" Patton looked up at Jiang. Ge.

The number of the spy force starts from 600 to 700, a total of 101 people, and the missing 666 is very coincidental. His number is the number "666" of the enemy of God in the Bible.

Django didn’t know whether it was because he was nervous or the air conditioner in the room was turned on too high, a few drops of sweat flowed from his forehead in the winter, and he was wiping the sweat with his cuff: “I, to be honest, I don’t know what’s going on now. It’s the same thing. You must know that this file was printed out and handed over to me until today, when it was taken out for the first time.”

"Oh? Isn't this interesting? A file has never been unsealed once since it was handed over to you, and now there is one missing person." Chris picked up the photo he gave to Barton, "Excluding the possibility that God couldn't see and destroyed No. 666, I have two conjectures. The first one is that you, Director Django, did not do your job effectively in the process of keeping this document, either yourself or someone else, Take that number 666 away."

"Absolutely impossible, Mr. Evans, I have no reason or the guts to touch this list. Besides, I have been hiding this document in a place where no one knows before today, how could anyone know Where is it?" Django said in a panic.

"Don't worry, Director Django, I'm just talking about my first guess, and there's a second one." Chris patted Director Django's hands on his shoulders with a rather indifferent expression , "If it is not caused by the day after tomorrow, that is to say, the problem lies in the nature."

Patton understood what Chris meant: "Are you doubting that there were only 100 people when Chief Django got the documents?"

"It's not impossible, is it?"

"Indeed, but what is the reason for that? How could anyone think of fishing in troubled waters and giving up their new identity when the spy canceled his previous identity and fabricated a new identity from scratch?" Barton lowered his head in thought, and then he seemed to think of something, suddenly He raised his head, "Unless, he wants to use this to break up with the past and the future, so that he can do something unscrupulously without fear of being traced to his purpose."

"By the way, I remembered that there is another person who is very suspicious." Django slapped his palm on the table. In order to remove his suspicion, he was thinking hard now, but it really reminded him of one, "Today No one ever knew where I put the documents, but today I told one of my staff to fetch them for me."

"It's pretty good, isn't it? At least we now have two directions of investigation." Chris spread his hands towards Patton, "A government employee who just found out the location of the file, and the person who gave the list to Director Django, we Which one should we investigate first?"

"Compared to years and years of who knows whether the person involved will remember or not, I think it's better for us to find that employee first. What do you think, Mr. Evans?"

"Listen to you, you are more expert in this area, Mr. Luo Ning." Chris turned to look at Django, "Director, do you want to help together? If this matter can't be resolved, you may have to take the blame and lose this position. "

Although it may not be the same as Chris's previous life, the status of soldiers is sacred, but if Django loses the spy list and is exposed, he will not have any good fruit to eat.

Imagining that he lost his job and lived in poverty and was forced to steal things, and even his children didn’t want to recognize him as a father. Jiang Ge shook his head to forget this fantasy, and said righteously: "For the sake of world peace, I am obliged to do so."

 Captain America, Chris Evans
  Thor actor, Chris Hemsworth
  In addition to the protagonist, there are three "Chris" in the main characters alone, and the protagonist's pseudonym is also stitched from the above two people

  In addition, the names of the few agents that appeared were not taken randomly, all of them were stitched from the characters that appeared in the life trajectory of a certain superhero in Marvel
(End of this chapter)

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