It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 157 Longevity, can't pull it out!

Chapter 157 Longevity, can't pull it out!

Thunder Beast's spirit started an endless return from death. He would always return to the moment before death, but without any ability to resist. After a few short seconds, he went to the doomed fate of death, and then returned to the moment before death again. .He was the only one who endured the endless cycle of reincarnation, and in real time, Chris' thumb pressed the second knuckle of his index finger.

Like an office worker who loves peace and quiet, he watched the ice sculpture in front of him explode silently, completely reduced to ashes.Facing the blast air, Chris put his left hand on his right shoulder refreshedly, intending to take off the pink right arm he was wearing before.

The special props "keep one hand" can generate a special consumable every day, but without exception, in the past few days, all the consumables it generates are from "hands" in various animation and game works.It can only be said that it is indeed the house of Kira Yoshikage's wife, and it is indeed "keep a hand".

While generating the "hand", the kraft paper bag also has a huge space to store items, as long as it can pass through the bag, it can hold any object.Therefore, Chris stored a lot of sundries in it, whether it was an exaggerated length of baguette or a large number of sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs and even Coke.

Unfortunately, although the space for storing sundries can be said to be infinite, there is an upper limit to the number of "hands" it generates, and only six can be stored in it at most. Even if the "hands" are taken out, as long as the total The number is still six, then it will not continue to be generated.

Although the generation speed is very fast, one a day, but because there is an upper limit on the number, Chris intends to use these consumables a little bit more cherished, so after using up this pink arm, he intends to put it back in the bag.Another reason is that when I watched manga and animation, I felt very handsome, but after my arms really became muscular and very pink, it seemed uncoordinated no matter how I looked.

The arm that Chris used before was called Agtram.It itself is indeed from Celtic mythology, but it is not really the silver arm of Nuada, the god of war, it is just a false name.Its real owner is actually one of the most famous Celtic myths—King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, "The Violet Silver Knight" Bedivere.

In the traditional Celtic mythology, Bedivere, the knight who first followed King Arthur, has one arm from the beginning to the end, and does not have a silver arm with the same name as the arm of the god of war.And Bedivere, who has such a silver arm, does not need to think too much, it is indeed from the Xingyue world.His arm itself is actually King Arthur's holy sword that was concealed and transformed by the archmage Merlin.

In the previous battle with Thunder Beast, Chris unleashed the full power of this treasure-level silver arm at close range, but the result was empty, which made him quite regretful.After all, there are so many hands with superpowers in various works, who knows when the silver arm will be regenerated next time.

It's not the fighting power of the silver arm that makes Chris so reluctant. After all, other arms such as Kamijou Touma's Fantasy Killer Hand, Kiritani Kazuto's Shuangqiao Handleman are all very strong, mainly because of the fact that the silver arm The features are really rich.Not only can it be used for combat, the middle finger and ring finger are forks and spoons, the thumb is a Swiss army knife, the other fingers are ballpoint pens and fountain pens, the upper half of the arm is roll paper, and the back of the hand is still note paper
Shaking his head, Chris tried hard with the arm on his right shoulder, but found in horror that, unlike the previous silver arm, he couldn't take off the pink right hand at all!
After Barton collected the information in the surviving computer in the underground laboratory and all the information related to Hydera, he took the only active survivor, Dr. Lister, to the ground along the spiral staircase, but was caught by a wall of ice. The wall blocked the way.

"Chris? Chris? Chris, open the door!" Barton saw Chris pulling his shoulder through the ice wall, and shouted at him.

"Huh? Who's calling my name?" Chris heard someone shouting "Chris Obenzed", turned his head and looked around, and found Barton blocked behind the ice wall.

"It's coming, I'm sorry I forgot to defrost it." Chris hid his right hand behind his back, trying not to let Barton see it, "How is the situation below?"

"The bald head's electric shock damaged some data, but fortunately there are backups on other computers, and because the guys who have the ability to intervene and obstruct are frozen into ice sculptures by you, the work of collecting evidence is quite smooth."

Button picked up a USB flash drive and raised it, indicating that all the data has been copied.He keenly noticed Chris's arm hidden behind him: "What about you? Did you hurt your hand?"

"This, this. Ah, by the way, the sun is good today, the weather is really nice." Chris tried to change the subject.

"This is indoors, and it was snowing outside before we came in, and you did it."

Being exposed on the spot by Barton, a professional demolition worker, and changing the subject, Chris sighed helplessly, raised his right hand to show Barton, and at the same time felt annoyed: If I had known earlier, I would have worn long-sleeved clothes today, so you can rely on yourself. Wear short sleeves in the cold, Chris, you are a fool.

Barton looked at Chris's right arm, which was the same as ordinary people, and was a little puzzled: "What kind of game is this new you came up with? Should I release cloth?"

"Here, my right hand is pink now, huh? Barton, you must be color blind, can't you tell the difference between pink and flesh-colored?"

"If that's the case, the next time I go to snipe the enemy, I should hit his underwear. I have the best eyesight in A.H.I.E.L.D., so I'm colorblind? You're obviously pink." Barton said with a look on his face. "You are doubting my vision, doubting my vision is doubting my personality".

Chris suddenly remembered a setting in the world of the original owner of this arm: "Ah, yes, yes, I was just kidding you, nothing happened. Let's go, find a signal jammer or something, so that I can Message Melinda back, don't keep her waiting."

Because of Chris's usual indecency, Barton was perfunctory, walked out of the castle with a special device, and began to search for the signal jammer.Although the resistance force has been completely suppressed by the two, follow-up work such as redrawing the map, taking over the research institute, etc. cannot be handled by two people. It requires a lot of manpower to do it well, so solve the signal jammer necessary.

Walking behind Barton, Chris consciously controlled the raising of his arm alone, but the arm did not raise.Although it sounded very contradictory, his guess was successful. The pink arm was separated from his right hand and floated like a third hand growing on his shoulder.

 This red envelope must have been grabbed by a robot. I just clicked on it and was prompted to grab it. I was thinking of sending some starting point coins to everyone for subscription, but I gave it for nothing on the spot.
  The recent data can be said to be out of bounds. Subscriptions have also fallen, recommendations have also fallen, and comments have also fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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