Chapter 150 Straker
Barton took out two wires from his body and began to fiddle with the lock on the castle gate.After clearing up the soldiers on the outside, now we only need to find a way to enter the castle.

The gate did not keep pace with the development of the times, and an extremely thick iron gate blocked the entrance.On the door is an outdated and primitive lock.When the two were dealing with patrolling soldiers before, they did not find keys or other items. After all, in such a heavily guarded base, the gate should be pupil recognition, at least a combination lock and electronic lock.Who would have thought that it would be a backward and effective physical lock.

If necessary, Barton has a way to open the lock, but that will inevitably alert the people in the castle and give them time to destroy the evidence.

"Are you still okay? I thought agents should be quite skilled in this kind of work." Chris held the brown paper bag, leaned against the edge of the city wall, and reached out to catch the snowflakes in the air.The snow that does not exist in the weather forecast is of course not a natural evolution of the weather, but Chris threw two cold air masses into the air in advance to detonate, converting the clouds and water vapor floating in the air into snow in advance.

Barton didn't raise his head, and worked hard: "I'm an agent, not a thief. Besides, which big group or organization doesn't use electronic locks these days, we just need to learn hacking techniques." This is true, Na Tasha helped Chris hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal network more than once to forge work records and modify reimbursement vouchers. Later, she even started to forge one for herself.

Chris sighed, put his hand into the paper bag, and said, "How about your hacking skills?"

"Uh, well, I can just use props to crack the hacker." Chris's words made Barton a little embarrassed. Compared with using the keyboard as a weapon on the Internet, he prefers to go directly to someone's house and point a bow and arrow at him to scold him. The head of the family guy.In other words, Barton is good at field work, and only good at field work.It's okay to let him do some practical things like murder and infiltration, but he will be caught blind if he is a commercial spy or hacking into the network.

When he was distracted, he accidentally twisted the wire spinning in Barton's hand, and the keyhole was completely blocked.

"Damn, it's over." Barton threw away the broken half of the wire, took out a folding bow from the back of his waist, and was about to draw out the explosive arrow from the quiver behind him, "We will rush in later, and go as fast as possible." faster."

Chris was unmoved, and walked towards the locked position calmly: "I told you to let me try, but you refused to show off. No, it's not just me." Barton looked at Chris , only to find that his original right arm was replaced by a silver armor.

"This is the battle suit you usually wear? It looks a bit different from the ones on the news." Barton gestured with his free hand, "It seems to be thinner and softer, with more patterns? "

"Just treat it as the original one." Chris compared his hand with a knife, slightly raised his right hand by his side, palm up, and swung horizontally towards the lock.A white light flashed across, and the thick door lock was easily cut off by Chris' knife in his hand. The heavy lock head fell downwards, and Chris, who was prepared in advance, caught it with his left hand.

Pushing open the door a crack, Barton inserted a long strand of hair inside, confirming that the door was not trapped with an explosive device or the like.The two pushed open the door and walked into the depths of the castle.

Chris knows all too well the future of the castle, and even the future of the city.In the original timeline, after the New York incident, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau confiscated Loki's scepter inlaid with the Mind Stone, and was then handed over to Baron Sterak by the inner ghost.It was in this castle that Baron Sterak studied the Mind Gem and the weapons of the Chitauri. While reproducing a large number of alien technologies, he also developed two superpowers - "Crimson Witch" and "Quick Silver". "The siblings who were removed from the mutant class by Marvel.

In the subsequent development of events, the entire town of Sokovia was used by Ultron created by Tony as a necessary weapon to "protect world peace" - a weapon that will fall from a high altitude and be destroyed like it once destroyed dinosaurs. Human meteorites.

But now, Iron Man is just beginning his experience, and Thor has not yet been honed, let alone the Chitauri and the Mind Stone who invaded New York.So Chris didn't know what was being researched in this castle.But the only thing he can be sure of is that there are two people in this castle who need his special attention, and that is Baron Strucker and Baron Zemo.

Among them, Baron Sterak's aggressiveness in the comics has been reduced, and he has almost become a fool. Not only has his combat effectiveness and intelligence dropped sharply, he was even tortured and killed by Ultron after being arrested and imprisoned by Tony, which is nothing to fear.

The main purpose of Chris's trip is the latter, Baron Zemo.In the future, Zemo single-handedly accomplished one thing that Loki and the Chitauri, Ultron and his army failed to do - disintegrate the Avengers.

"Captain America", "Falcon", "Ant-Man" and other important members were included in the wanted list, and Steve also turned against Tony.The originally unbreakable alliance fell apart, everyone went their separate ways, and the future of the earth also went on an unimagined path. This also caused Thanos' army in disguise to not gather all the members when they invaded.

The reason Zemo hates the Avengers so much is because his family died in the Sokovia incident.Before everything happened, he was just a colonel of an elite spy unit in Sokovia. Chris planned to use this clue to find and control this talented person, not for his own use, at least not with him. For the enemy.

The interior of the castle is slightly empty, and there are not too many troops arranged inside.The two walked down the long spiral staircase to the basement of the castle.The heat sensor worn by Barton showed that most of the people in the castle gathered here.Looking down from the corner, it is clearly an underground laboratory.

Researchers in white coats stood in front of their own research benches, either preparing reagents, or using computers to calculate data and record files, a busy scene.A figure with thinning hair sat on a rather luxurious chair, overlooking the staff below, with his back to Chris and Button.

A researcher who seems to have just finished something walks in his direction.The man turned his head to look at the researcher beside him, revealing a pair of monocles: "Dr. Lister, how is the research going?"

(End of this chapter)

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