Chapter 136 Get out of this world
Chris flew for a long way, but Tony didn't catch up.At times like this, Tony would usually use the high mobility that the Mark suits have always had to offer to pass Chris from behind.But this time, after all this time, Tony seemed to be taking too long, even if he had to look after Pepper and Happy.

But Chris didn't turn back because of this, but just continued to leave in the direction where the extraordinary dragon was escaping.It just broke through the clouds and disappeared from Chris's field of vision for a moment.

Chris wrapped himself in the cold air of the ice barrier coat of arms, followed the extraordinary dragon, and rushed into the clouds.

The essence of the so-called cloud is that a large amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is liquefied into small water droplets or condensed into small ice crystals, which are mixed to form visible polymers floating in the air.The temperature over Morocco is not too cold at the moment, so the clouds are mostly composed of small water droplets.

But Chris broke into it with the cold air, like a large warm cumulonimbus cloud meeting the strong cold air coming over the mountains, the small water droplets turned into ice crystals before they could touch Chris wearing the armor come down.

Chris flew along the passage that had just been passed by the extraordinary dragon.The clouds are self-healing under the effect of high-altitude convection. If you don't keep up, Chris may only be able to watch the clouds gather and completely lose the figure of the extraordinary dragon.

While flying upwards, Chris thought: Something might be wrong.

The Phenomenal Dragon is a character in Marvel Comics, to be exact, an alien creature of the famous Mandarin.It is huge in size and amazing in destructive power. It even had an undefeated record against all members of the Avengers. Although it was turned into a pocket dragon the size of a gecko by the ant-man who had just joined the Avengers with the magical ability of Pym particles .

As a super villain who is not very famous, but it is indeed counted, the extraordinary dragon also exists in the world view of the Marvel movie universe. In the movie "Iron Man 3", there is a scene with the poster of the extraordinary dragon as an easter egg projected on the building.

However, because the series of stories of "Iron Man" in the MCU world has ended, Fantastic Dragon may have to wait until "Getting Angry", which Chris has never seen and does not want to watch in his previous life, will have the opportunity to appear.

But these are not the key points why Chris cares so much about the extraordinary dragon. The real point is the transformation ability shown by the extraordinary dragon, the familiarity with Tony, Hapi, Hammer, Pepper and others, and the very obvious expression of himself. strangeness.

It's almost like——the extraordinary dragon in the future without Chris has come to the present.

Gu Yi once told Chris that Wade Wilson, also known as the little "Deadpool", also exists in this world.He once told Gu Yi that copyright in this world is quite chaotic.So Chris wasn't overly surprised to learn that Norman Osborn became the Green Goblin and The Incredible Hulk resurfaced in a different way.

But the extraordinary dragon is different, it is a very obvious outsider.Chris felt that it was very necessary for him to help Gu Yi deal with this visitor from another world.

The cloud layer is not very thin, but it is not too thick. Chris is already on the verge of the cloud layer and is about to break through.But as soon as he stretched out his head, a pair of ferocious big mouths seemed to be waiting at the exit, biting down.

The chill surrounding Chris isn't just for snowing the people of Morocco.The high-altitude moisture was instantly condensed into a solid ice cube, wrapping Chris inside. No matter how amazing the bite force of the extraordinary dragon's jaw was, it still failed to leave even a tooth mark on the "refrigerator".

Chris is somewhat lagging in the use of other abilities, but only in fashion moves and life-saving ability, he is full of specialization.

But Chris has a strategy, and Feilong also has a strategy.Its two arms firmly pressed the ice cube against its mouth, and the flame was called from the abdomen into the mouth, continuously burning the "refrigerator" where Chris was.

The extraordinary dragon's flame breath adopts a very scientific setting. The so-called "dragon breath" does not come from magic or the like, but from its gastric juice or the like.The flammable liquid began to burn almost as soon as it left its body and touched the air, even though Chris and Fei Feilong were in the low-temperature high altitude at the moment.

It can be seen from this that Feifeilong has a stomach problem, and it also started with gastroesophageal reflux.

The flame seemed to be attached to the ice, burning wantonly on the "refrigerator" where Chris was.Although there was no direct contact with the ice for a while, there were already some signs of melting on the outermost side of the "refrigerator".

Chris did not sit still, countless ice thorns suddenly extended from the "refrigerator" to attack the extraordinary dragon.Fei Feilong's hands were pressing the "refrigerator" to his mouth just now, before he had time to react, he was plotted against by this "sea urchin".

The Extraordinary Dragon's physique is extremely strong. Even if it pressed Chris's ice thorns to its own mouth, it still wasn't hurt by Chris' hastily made spikes.However, that icy cold air is its great enemy.

Along the esophagus, Chris shot a icy barrier force that reached the stomach of the extraordinary dragon, trying to freeze everything along the way.

The Extraordinary Dragon itself is a cosmic creature. In principle, its internal defense is equivalent to its external defense. Therefore, there is no script of "the protagonist attacks and kills the monster from the inside" like in knight novels.

However, there is a very important thing stored in the extraordinary dragon's body --- its gastric juice.The large piece of gastric juice was frozen into a lump by the extreme low temperature, which caused Fei Feilong, who still hadn't let go of Chris, a stomachache, and couldn't help letting go of the refrigerator where Chris was.

Chris broke away from the "tiger's mouth" of the extraordinary dragon, released the "refrigerator" and turned into a huge ice wing, holding two ice guns, one long and one short in his hand: "How about my move 'Sky Blue Ripple Sprint'?" Ah, Phenomenal Dragon?"

"Damn Kamen Rider! Cough!" Fei Feilong swallowed a large amount of air and forced it into the digestive tract. Because of the discomfort, it coughed violently.However, thanks to the incoming air slightly igniting some of the remaining gastric juice, the ice cubes in its stomach finally melted after the temperature rose.

But the price is that it may have a long period of time before it can use the flame attack of gastric juice.

"You guy who doesn't know where you came from, why can't you be honest and get away!" The extraordinary dragon, who had calmed down a little and lost his long-range attack ability, flew towards Chris in armor.

Chris leaned back slightly, holding Gangneel with his right hand upside down, and raised his head above his head, accumulating energy like a professional javelin thrower: "The one who wants to get out is you, Extraordinary Dragon, get out of this world for me! "

 Grandma has hypoglycemia, and the doctor has nothing to do.Even just after eating, hypoglycemia may occur, and it is difficult to prevent and avoid it.

  But it's fine
(End of this chapter)

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