Chapter 88 Hiroshi Nakamura

Nakamura Co., Ltd., the family company where Hiroshi Nakamura works.

At this time, Hiroshi Nakamura started to go to work as usual, typing on the keyboard from time to time to complete today's tasks.

I only saw Nakamura's wide and round face, wearing a pair of glasses and looking gentle, sitting on a job that was usually boring to him.

Speaking of which, Hiroshi Nakamura's company is also one of the family businesses. Usually, according to his father's requirements, he is just working here as an ordinary employee, but others don't know that he has always had a superhero dream.

After a while, after finishing the work in hand, Hiroshi Nakamura was in a daze, staring at the surrounding clocks in front of him.

As his mind moved, the time that should have moved down by one second was actually reset by him, as if time had never stopped, which surprised Nakamura Hiroshi.

"Great, I made it!"

Hiroshi Nakamura raised his hand, and a happy child said loudly.

"What's the matter? Kuan, what did you do again? You seem to be quite happy."

Ando on the side looked at Hiroshi Nakamura and said doubtfully, obviously he was not surprised by his friend.

Because they can be regarded as his friends who have played with him since childhood, he also knows that his partner has a personality of a second-year student, but he doesn't care too much about it. After all, there are many such personalities in his country.

"I control the time, you didn't expect it, I let the time go back a second, this may be my superpower."

Nakamura Hiroshi said a little excitedly, obviously he didn't think of this matter.

"Really? You are really powerful, so you can be like those superheroes in the comics."

Hearing Nakamura Hiroshi's words, Ando thought he was joking, obviously he always thought so, he always felt nothing about his love and imaginary brother.

Then, with such a mood, Nakamura Hiroshi and Ando talked and laughed, and it was like this until the time to get off work.

Unexpectedly, just as they were about to go out for a drink in a tavern, a figure suddenly blocked their way, and they saw an Asian who was similar to them staring at him, looking at Hiroshi Nakamura with a faint smile.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?"

Ando looked at Qi Tian in front of him, and said doubtfully, maybe in his opinion, the possibility of them being stopped was quite small, but he didn't expect that on the contrary, this person had already stopped him.

"That's right, Qi Tian is from New York City, can I have a private talk with you?"

Looking at the two of them, Qi Tian also smiled and said.

And after hearing Qi Tian's words, Ando was also prepared to refuse, but before he finished speaking, a plate of dollars appeared in Qi Tian's hand, which looked like several thousand dollars.

"This is $5000. If you don't mind, let's chat for a while, and I will give you another $5000 after the chat, how about it?"

Qi Tian looked at them with a smile. He didn't think these two guys would refuse. Although Hiroshi Nakamura was also one of the heirs of this company, he didn't have that much money himself.

"Why did you give us two 1 dollars for chatting, okay, we can start anytime, and we can chat as long as we want."

Seeing what Qi Tian said, Ando also nodded, immediately took the stack of dollars in his hand, and said to him enthusiastically.

After all, as an ordinary wage earner, unlike Hiroshi Nakamura, he still has some spare money. Since he has so much money, he doesn't mind chatting with that guy from New York City.

After that, it didn't take long for them to come to a sake tavern, where Qi Tian didn't let them be polite, and asked them to throw some food to eat.

Regarding this, Ando and Nakamura Hiroshi didn't have any ideas, but they were even more confused about why they went to them in advance.

"May I ask what you want from us? Is there anything I can do for you?"

Hiroshi Nakamura looked at Qi Tian in front of him, and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, I'm also a superpower, can you give me some of your blood, I need to study it? I know you have the power to manipulate time, but it's not as easy as you think to use the power of time, and You can also travel through the future."

Qi Tian looked at Hiroshi Nakamura and said with a smile, as if he could see through his details at a glance.

And judging from this situation, Hiroshi Nakamura must have the ability to awaken, but he is not completely sure of the same now, so Qi Tian also added fire to let him know that he has a strong ability.

"What, you are also a superpower, which is really great, can you tell me what ability you have?"

Hiroshi Nakamura was a little surprised, and his eyes seemed to be full of shock when he looked at him.

"That's right, I'm also a superpower, and my power is also mind movement."

After finishing speaking, Qi Tian moved his hand a little, and the sake in his hand fell directly on his hand, and the two guys were stunned when the time came, as if they couldn't believe it.

"Great, Ando, ​​do you think super powers really exist?"

Hiroshi Nakamura's eyes were full of excitement. At first he thought he was the only one, but he didn't expect that there was another person with super powers.

"Yes! I didn't think of this either."

Ando also said with some surprise, maybe in his opinion, this is the case.

Then, after Qi Tian showed his strength, Nakamura Hiroshi's relationship with him became better and better, and without any hesitation, in a word, 500 milliliters of his own blood was drawn out.

After getting Hiroshi Nakamura's blood, Qi Tian was also very happy. In his opinion, being able to get in close contact with the other party has already copied part of his abilities, which may not be enough for him at first.

If Perfect had obtained this power and was manipulating the control of time, then his power would definitely reach a very powerful level.

"Okay, goodbye Kuan. I still have some things to do? Next, I think you should travel to the future, but I hope you can take care of everything and handle this matter quietly."

After getting what he wanted, Qi Tian smiled at Nakamura Hiroshi, then got up and left.

"Oh my god, Kuan, we are just dreaming."

Ando looked at the [-] dollars on the table, and said in surprise that the other party showed superpowers.

"Maybe, but this gentleman said that there will be a huge crisis in the future. I want to think about this matter carefully."

Hiroshi Nakamura stroked his chin and said thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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