Chapter 73 Showdown
When Obadai began to inject the biochemical virus according to Qitian's plan, he already knew what happened under Lucian's report.

This also made Qi Tian feel that it was quite interesting. He didn't expect that Opadry would be discovered so quickly and directly inject the virus.

Although the so-called Iron Overlord armor was not created the same as the original plot, it was quite good for him.

"Boss, when do you need me to help them?"

Lucien said while looking at Obadai in the distance, chasing Pepper continuously.

"Hehe, no need, let Tony solve it by himself! What I want is the actual combat data of virus infection, and this is what I want."

Hearing Lucian's words, Qi Tian sneered and rejected the other party's proposal, as if he couldn't wait to watch Iron Man fight against the mutated Opadry.

Because one is a high-tech black-tech armor weapon, and the other is an accidental product of a biochemical virus, he wanted to see if there would be any sparks when the two collided.

"Yes, boss."

Regarding Qi Tian's order, Lucien also nodded firmly and said, apparently also very surprised.

At the same time, Lucian also gained a new understanding of his ruthless boss. He didn't expect that the other party would actually come to trick his best friend in order to collect data.

However, he didn't say anything superfluous, no matter who the other party was, it seemed insignificant to him, so he was also performing his task well.

What I have to say is that these new werewolves and new blood races came to this world and were still attracted by this advanced world. Coupled with Qitian's financial support, they thrived.

At the same time, when Qi Tian was looking at the upcoming battle with a look of hope, Tony on the one hand rushed over, and on the way, he also connected to Pepper's Telephone.

"Potts, what's the matter with you, I heard that guy Obaday was injected with an unknown virus and mutated."

Tony asked Little Pepper in shock. At this moment, he still couldn't believe such a thing, which surprised him too much in his eyes.

"That's right, he's extremely dangerous. You have to be careful. If you're not fully prepared, don't come here."

Pepper also said quickly, his tone full of anxiety, and he didn't want Tony to worry too much.

"I know, you have to trust me. And you are my most important person. I don't want anything to happen to you. "

After Tony finished speaking, he said very seriously that the reactor that owns him now has not been taken away, so he still has a lot of energy.

And when Tony finished speaking, Pepper was quite moved. In his opinion, Tony was able to face such danger for himself. Needless to say, he should have admitted him in his heart.

However, no matter what he thought, Obaday still chased after him, looking ridiculously at the little pepper in front of him.

"Potts, I'm really sorry, I can only send you on your way. Compared to this, I will cause Tony more pain."

Faced with Potts' frightened look, Obaday became even more proud. In his opinion, he can achieve a huge victory this time, and maybe he can kill Tony.

Although he is no longer human, it is a lucky thing for him to be able to launch Latoni into the water.

Then, Obadai raised his sharp claws and was about to swipe towards the little pepper in front of him. Unfortunately, before he touched the little pepper, a particle cannon galloped towards him suddenly.

He was directly smashed and flew out by Obadai who was advancing, and he didn't have any ability to resist at all.

However, when he hit the ground fiercely, Obadai stood up again unscathed, and looked at Tony in front of him with a sneer.

"Hahaha, did you see that? Tony, this is the power I gained at the cost of human beings. Even if I can't completely solve you, it will teach you enough lessons."

Obaday laughed wildly, the huge body and scales made Tony's face look ugly.

Originally, he was also in a bad situation, how bad it could be, in fact, he didn't expect Oubadai to turn into such a ghost, not only rough skin and thick flesh, but also super strong resistance, even he can penetrate ordinary steel plates Chestnut, don't let him get hurt.

"Obaday, you should surrender! I can guarantee that the past will not be blamed, and I can let you go and give you a sum of money."

Looking at Obadi in front of him, Tony also tried to persuade him. In his opinion, the oppression of the other party was too strong, just because the particle cannon he was proud of did not cause any damage to him. So dragging you to use another method to solve this problem in a roundabout way.

"It's too late to say anything now, Tony, just fight with me!"

Hearing Tony's idea of ​​trying to change the subject, Obaday also said with disdain.

At this time, he possessed incomparably inflated power. Obaday thought that the first thing he wanted was to eliminate the person he hated most in front of him. Only for this purpose, he would never change.

While speaking, he lifted an unmanned car and threw it in Tony's direction. Looking at his relaxed look, Tony also knew that the other party should still have some strength left, and he didn't know what was going on. That's what caused this to happen.

Facing the car thrown by Obadai, Tony also quickly caught the car with steel armor, and put it down steadily.

"Jarvis, can you find that guy's weakness? I don't believe how strong this guy is."

While resisting Obaday's attack, Tony said to his artificial intelligence, obviously looking for a solution to the problem.

"Sorry, sir, his muscle density is too strong. According to my scan, I can't find where his weakness is. I can only attack tentatively first, and just wait for me to find an opportunity."

Jarvis also made his judgment through analysis, but it is not a good thing for Tony. If the enemy is too strong, it will show little to his ability to defeat.

"Well, I can only take the opportunity to find a way, I don't believe he has no weaknesses."

At this time, Tony also regretted not adding any powerful weapons to his power armor, otherwise it would not be so troublesome to deal with this situation.

Of course, while Tony was fighting with all his might, Qi Tian was also recording data.

(End of this chapter)

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