Chapter 6 Doomsday Comes

Six hours before the end, Xijin University, Dormitory 6 on the fifth floor.

After knowing that time was running out, Qi Tian encouraged Jiang Hao, his best friend in this world, to go back to their dormitory nest at school together, and waited quietly.

Of course, Jiang Hao was playing computer games, while Qi Tian quietly turned on his mobile phone, watched the rebroadcast news of the meteor shower on Xijin City TV station, and checked how many meteorites fell in his province.

In the end, he didn't know it, but he was startled when he saw it. He was surprised to find that meteorite fragments, large and small, totaling 3000 yuan had fallen in Xijin City, and they were densely distributed in various areas of the city.

In addition, the East Asian Federation and the entire world also fell countless dense meteorite fragments. Although there were no casualties, Qi Tian believed that this had something to do with the upcoming doomsday.

Generally speaking, biochemical doomsday is also divided into several types, such as viruses, blood rain or black rain, and then radiation, which are common routines in the doomsday world.

As for the end of the world, according to Qi Tian's judgment, the meteorite should contain some kind of special compound, which should be something like a virus or bacteria.

So after the doomsday begins, Qi Tian doesn't mind collecting the blood of the zombies, and he will return to the Marvel world in the future so that he can extract the original virus solution inside.

"Hey, brother, why don't you play games? CF gave away artifacts today?"

Jiang Hao on the side, seeing Qi Tian's abnormal appearance, couldn't help asking him.


Qi Tian naturally didn't take Jiang Hao's words to heart, and just responded flatly.

However, when he opened the news page, his expression suddenly changed, and a sense of crisis filled his heart.

Because the headline of the news read, "After the meteorite fell, a plague suddenly broke out in the Dongcheng District of Xijin City. After being infected by an unknown virus, the infected showed violent and aggressive behavior, similar to the symptoms of rabies virus infection."

Not only that, Qi Tian kept checking the situation in other urban areas, but as Jiang Hao got to know him better, his face became more and more ugly.

At this time, Qi Tian's abnormality naturally did not escape Jiang Hao's eyes. When he found out that his friend was behaving abnormally, he just wanted to say something.

The computer and mobile phone screens suddenly changed, and an urgently interrupted news appeared directly in front of their eyes.

"This..." Jiang Hao looked at the game on the computer, which became the news, and was also taken aback, looking at the video in front of him with some surprise.

At this moment, a heavily guarded outer area of ​​Dongcheng District came into their eyes. They saw a young and beautiful hostess, leading a photographer along the path and sneaking into the blocked Dongcheng District.

"This is Xijin TV Station. I am the host Ye Qingwu. I am in the area currently in riots."

"Of course, similar situations have happened in other places, but this place is a bit more serious. Now I'm going to tell you the secret here, Wang Yu, let's go, and the live broadcast will begin."

"it is good!"

Photographer Wang Yu nodded, followed the host Ye Qingwu like a thief, and proceeded cautiously.

Almost every step of the way, there are many armed police and army soldiers in the screen, and even many doctors in white coats can be seen nearby, constantly taking blood samples from the people inside, and these people can be seen from time to time Carry and burn something.

Even at night, through the lights, Qi Tian could still see thick black smoke coming out continuously, obviously a lot of things were burned.

After focusing on capturing for a while, the picture continued to move and entered the deepest part of Xijin City.

Immediately, what was displayed in front of them was an extremely bleak picture. The Dongcheng District, which was once crowded with people, was empty, and banners were pulled up all around, which read: "Everyone, please stay at home Walk around. And wear a mask. If you find an infected person, please keep a distance in time. If you are bitten or scratched, you may also be infected. Please be careful."

"It seems that this time the matter is very serious. Who is the infected person?"

Ye Qingwu looked at the banner in front of her, frowned and said.

On the other hand, the photographer Wang Yu's expression also became serious, as if he felt a strong sense of danger.

"Qing Wu, if we go back, it might be dangerous to investigate?"

After Wang Yu felt uneasy, he asked the host beside him.

"No, we must investigate the truth and let everyone understand what happened here."

Facing the retreat of her colleagues, Ye Qingwu said firmly.

"Da da da da da!"

While they were talking, the sound of a heavy machine gun suddenly came from not far away, and with the sound of the gunshot, Ye Qingwu, who had been prepared for the incident, was startled.

"Oh, they're done. I didn't expect there to be such a responsible reporter in this world. It's a pity."

Looking at this scene, Qi Tian couldn't help but sighed, but Jiang Hao on the side fell silent, as if he was thinking about something.

"Brother Tian, ​​what do you know? From skipping class to now, you should know something!"

Feeling that things were strange, Jiang Hao raised his head and looked at him very seriously.

"Yes, of course I know this, and the end of the world is about to happen. That's why I advise you to call your family, don't waste your time, and don't try to tell other people in vain, just stay here quietly."

Having said that, Qi Tian looked at his phone, only to find that the current time is eight o'clock in the evening, which means that there are still four hours before the end.

"Oh, there are still four hours, otherwise you call your family. I believe this should help them a little bit."

As soon as the words fell, Qi Tian took out a Glock 17 pistol from the storage space, skillfully installed the silencer, and looked at him calmly.

At the same time, Qi Tian made up his mind that if this kid listened to him, then he wouldn't mind giving him a hand and saving him once. After all, what Jiang Hao said was his best friend in the parallel world.

However, if the other party is ignorant, there is no need for Qi Tian to save him, at worst, being a lone ranger is also a good choice.

And Jiang Hao looked at the pistol that suddenly appeared in Qi Tian's hand, and was also taken aback for a moment, his eyes became a little shocked, but within a minute, he returned to normal.

"Understood, brother Tian. Thank you, I blame me for not understanding what you mean."

Jiang Hao smiled bitterly at Qi Tian, ​​then turned on the phone, called his parents, and then gave a reminder to his sister in this school.

(End of this chapter)

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