Chapter 54 Lucian's Surrender
How strong are humans?
Lucian has been fully aware of this issue since he was born. In his opinion, the fighting power of human beings is very weak, and even blood races are many times stronger than human beings.

Basically, in the eyes of vampires and werewolves, human beings are synonymous with weakness, but this time the situation is different. Lucien accidentally met a powerful human being and was immediately killed.

Perhaps it was also the reason why this human being did not kill, so Lucian woke up after being in a coma for a while, and looked at Qi Tian who was smiling but not smiling.

"Are you really a human? How can a human have such power as you."

After Lucian woke up, he looked at Qi Tian in disbelief, as if he was very suspicious.

If human beings were really that powerful, then werewolves would not be so arrogant, but would hide in one place so that they would not reappear, and spend the rest of their lives well.

It can be said that this question is also what Lucian wants to be clear about, everything depends on Qi Tian's answer to determine his future plans.

Fortunately, Qi Tian did not disappoint him, as if he understood what he was worried about, he just smiled and said: "Don't worry! I am indeed a human being? However, I am the only one who is the most special. This point You can be assured."

In an instant, when he knew the answer he wanted most, Lucien heaved a sigh of relief, at least it wasn't as bad as he thought, otherwise he would have wanted to run away immediately.

You know, if it is not a case, then the rise of human beings cannot be stopped, and then the ending of werewolves and vampires will also be doomed.

"Then what is your purpose, you didn't kill me, and my men, what is your purpose?"

Lucian looked at Qi Tian seriously, he was not a fool, he looked at the trembling werewolves around him, and then at Qi Tian with playful expression, he really wanted to know this question.

"Hehe, you are so smart, I like smart people! Lucien, that's why I left you. My purpose is very simple, to control the vampires, and to avenge you, so that you can control the werewolves for me."

Qi Tian came over, patted Lucien on the shoulder, looked at him calmly, and said meaningfully.

After hearing what Qi Tian said, Lucian's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and the plan to give up revenge also came out again.

"No problem, strong man of mankind, as long as you agree to my request. I will give you everything, even my life."

When Lucian thought of taking revenge, he said excitedly, his eyes filled with terrifying murderous intent.

He hated Victor so much, if Victor hadn't killed his beloved Soria, maybe their current child would have already been born!
"Okay, you will be my subordinate from now on. Always be loyal to me, can you do it?"

Qi Tian stared at Lucien, and said with a half-smile, this is also a chance to give Lucian his allegiance, if he agrees, then it is not impossible to give him some benefits in the future.

Strangely, when the werewolf who was awake on the other side heard their conversation, he also looked at Qi Tian's side with trepidation, not daring to object, and even had a trace of fanaticism in his eyes.

After all, the werewolf world has always worshiped the strong, not to mention this person who can single-handedly kill his leader, it seems that there is no problem in front of them.

"I promise your master, as long as you are willing to help me take revenge, I am willing to serve you forever."

Lucien knelt down on the ground and said very piously that at this moment, he had completely regarded Qi Tian as the person he wanted to be loyal to.

"Well, just call me the boss from now on. The master sounds a little backward, so get up!"

Hearing what Lucian said, Qi Tian smiled and signaled him to get up.

Lucien also nodded. At this moment, he looked extremely humble, and it seemed that he was really loyal to him.

Afterwards, after reaching the blood level, Lucian also introduced their new leader to many werewolves, and stood aside respectfully, waiting for Qi Tian's order.

"By the way, boss, what are your plans? How to deal with the problem of blood race."

When Lucien dealt with the issue of the werewolf's allegiance, he also came to Qi Tian in a leisurely manner and asked thoughtfully.

"Of course, it is to control the blood race, and all those who resist will be killed. Marcus, Victor and Emilia, if they are disobedient, all will be killed."

Regarding Lucien's question, Qi Tian also sneered and said that in his opinion, it is better to control an organization when returning to the Marvel world, just like werewolves and vampires are relatively strict, which is the most suitable organizational foundation for him.

"Okay, everything is up to you, boss."

Lucien's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, especially when he heard that Qi Tian was so cruel, he felt unprecedentedly happy.

Suddenly, Qi Tian seemed to think of something, he walked in front of Michael, as if he wanted to say something.

"Michael is pumping out some perfect blood! Give it to Lucian, and then we will go to the vampire camp to find Victor and take his blood. You will wait quietly on your side to cooperate with us."

Qi Tian thought for a while, then turned his head and ordered to Michael, obviously he had his own plan.


Faced with Qi Tian's request, Michael naturally did not dare to object, so he could only agree.

"Then boss, if you want to do it, is there anyone in the blood clan who will cooperate with us? He is the current controller of Kraven's blood clan."

For Qi Tian's arrangement, Lucian was naturally [-]% willing, and he quickly proposed the matter that he wanted his subordinates to be there, which made Serena on the side vigilant.

"Who is your subordinate?"

Serena looked at Lucian, frowned and said, she wanted to see who was going to betray the blood clan.

However, Lucian, who didn't understand Serena's meaning, didn't care at all. On the contrary, he would have to know sooner or later. After thinking about it, he said softly.

"It's Kleven. He has long been loyal to me, otherwise he would not have achieved his current status. I think you may have guessed this before, Serena, but now it has become a fact."

Lucian smiled and looked at Serena, as if he wanted to see his surprised expression.

Unexpectedly, just as he thought, Serena's expression became gloomy when she heard Lucian's words, not at all the calm look she had just now.

"Okay, don't mind Serena, and I hope you don't deal with Kraven, after all, he is on our side now?"

Qi Tian looked at Michael who was drawing blood beside him, and said to Serena with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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