Chapter 39 The Birth of Iron Man
New York City, Osborne Industries, Shareholders' Office.

It has been a week since he gave Obady a hard lesson again. During this time, this guy hasn't come to trouble him, and everything is calm.

Seriously speaking, Qi Tian's layout during this time has been considered very successful. Not only has the research on the biochemical virus a little bit of a clue, even his own steel armor has almost been successfully researched.

Needless to say, in a few days, he will definitely go to the world of "Underworld". It just so happens that that world is also what he needs. In addition to the perfect blood, the genes of werewolves and blood clans are also important for him. It has research value.

Thinking of this, Qi Tian also showed a smile, turned on his phone and read the news, this is something he has to do every day.

Because the superheroes in New York City have these reporters recording everything they do, and Qi Tian wants to see if Tony uses his armor to go to various places in New York City for a gorgeous show.

After a while, Qi Tian looked at the expression on the phone page in front of him, and his face became more exciting. He only saw the title on it: "The UFO suddenly descended on New York City, is it a mischief!"

At the same time, next to the news is a highly moving silhouette of a steel armor. Obviously, the performance of the high-speed camera is still very good.

While Qi Tianjin was watching the news with relish, Tony's phone call suddenly came, which made him slightly taken aback, feeling incredible.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Cao Cao was mentioned, Cao Cao would arrive, and it could be regarded as a tacit understanding with Tony.

"Hey, Tony, what do you want me to do? I just read your news? I didn't expect you to have a lot of troubles recently."

Holding the computer, Qi Tian said jokingly, as if he was particularly interested in this aspect.

"Hahaha, cool! My steel armor, compared to the first set, do you think it is much more advanced?"

Hearing Qi Tian's words, Tony laughed and said, apparently quite interested in what he said.

However, regarding Tony's words, Qi Tian understood what the other party said was right. You must know that the technological level of this armor is quite high. Even the scientists under Qi Tian couldn't make steel armor for him for a while.

"Come on, if I didn't see it in person, it definitely doesn't count."

Qi Tian said calmly, the situation in the words is also self-evident.

"Okay, come to the top of the Osborne Industries building, and I'll let you see it right away."

Tony has no objection either. In his opinion, letting his brother see his own research results seems to be no problem at all.

In the past, they shared weal and woe and lived together in Afghanistan for a period of time. In addition, Qi Tian's request was reasonable. Tony wanted to show his technological level even more, so he readily agreed.

And Qi Tian didn't hesitate, and went directly to the building of Osborne Industries, and waited quietly, as if he was looking forward to Tony's steel armor.

Then, without making him wait for a long time, only a golden-red armor in the sky and a big light bulb at the heart of the Iron Man slowly landed in front of him.

"Crack! Kick!"

Afterwards, only dense metal sounds were heard, and the steel armor was opened directly, and Tony's figure also appeared in his field of vision.

"Hahaha, how is it? Qi, surprise or not, accident or not, happy or not."

Seeing Qi Tian observing him, Tony stared at him excitedly, as if waiting for his compliment.

Unfortunately, Qi Tian's reaction was beyond his expectation, he was not overly excited, but just looked at him calmly.

"Tony, it's okay. What have you been up to lately? Why didn't I see you?"

Qi Tian looked at Tony calmly, completely ignored his inquiry, and asked him with a smile.

At this moment, Tony showed a pity expression on his face. He didn't expect Qi Tian's reaction to be too flat. It's just that, the other party has seen his steel armor long ago, so it's not surprising and there doesn't seem to be a trace of dissatisfaction. right.

"Afghanistan, I went there to experiment with the power of the steel armor. I didn't expect it to be very powerful. Even tanks can't penetrate the shell of the armor."

Tony thought about it for a while, and then said without hesitation, which made him nod his head without any doubts.

"Then congratulations Tony, or call you Iron Man."

Having said that, under his strange gaze, Qi Tian took out his mobile phone and opened up the recent news, asking him to read it carefully.

Immediately, Tony's expression became weird. Confident, happy, or excited, no matter what, being recognized by others is also a good thing, and this is where Tony feels satisfied.

"By the way, you said earlier that it is possible that my information in Afghanistan was betrayed by someone else. I investigated this and found out that this possibility is very high. In particular, Obaday is the most likely."

When Tony finished reading the news, he also frowned and said that he had obviously begun to suspect Opadry, and this was bound to happen.

In fact, when he just returned from Afghanistan, Tony had guesses in this regard, but he didn't dare to really think so.

Later, when more and more clues were discovered, Tony had already basically determined that Obady had a problem, so he explained it to Qi Tian in this way.

"That's right, I think so too, Tony, you just need to be careful. When necessary, clean up that guy."

Qi Tian thought for a while, looked at Tony seriously and said.

"Okay, I understand, don't worry!"

Tony also smiled, accepting his relationship.

Then, after chatting with Tony for another 10 minutes, he put on his armor and left, leaving Qi Tian thoughtful.

"The steel armor is really good! With this thing, I feel that the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. I don't know how far Dr. William has researched."

Qi Tian looked enviously at Tony who had disappeared, and was still very eager for his armor.

However, envy is envy, but he has no intention of continuing to take it from Tony's hands. You must know that although Tony's people are good, if you get involved in something you shouldn't be involved in, the other party may still turn his face.

Just like in the movie, the Ministry of National Defense wanted Tony's Iron Armor, but Tony refused seriously, resolutely not handing over his technological achievements to those guys, obviously he had his own considerations.

(End of this chapter)

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