Chapter 31 Rhinoceros
New York City, Osborne Industries.

As a military Humvee approached slowly, the door slowly opened, and Qi Tian also slowly stepped out of the vehicle.

After the tour in Afghanistan officially ended, Qitian and Tony parted ways from New York City, and returned to Osborne Industries, ready to start their next plan.

And Qi Tian's next plan is nothing else, but to use Iron Man's technology, combined with some technology of Osborne Industry, to create a set of armor that is enough for him to fight in the plane.

"Huh! What an exciting journey! But, compared to this, I'd better make a suit of armor first!"

Thinking of this, Qi Tian didn't hesitate, and walked directly into Osborne Industry.

Not long after, he came outside the chairman's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Norman inside nodded and replied casually.

And Qi Tian was not polite, he gently opened the door and walked in, which surprised Norman a bit.

In fact, he also knew about Qitian leaving Osborne Industries to go to Afghanistan, but he didn't expect to come back so soon.

"Mr. Qi Tian, ​​long time no see, I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

Norman looked at Qi Tian suspiciously, and greeted thoughtfully.

"Well, that's right, but I'm here this time because I have something to come to you."

Hearing Norman's words, Qi Tian looked at him seriously.

In an instant, Norman showed joy at Qi Tian's words, thinking that the other party would give him the medicine to treat hereditary diseases soon, so he quickly opened his mouth and said.

"Could it be the potion I need, you prepared it?"

Norman asked with surprise on his face, staring closely into his eyes.

"No, the time hasn't come yet, just give me some time!"

Qi Tian waved his hand to Norman, as if saying that he was not thinking about this matter, but it made Norman show a little disappointment.

At this moment, Norman also knew that he had acted too hastily, so he nodded slightly, and stretched out his hand to signal him to continue talking about what was going on.

"I want your glider technology, as well as the pumpkin bomb, and tell me about the place where Osborn Industry detains the rhinoceros, known as the vault. I have something to ask him."

Qi Tian did not hesitate, told Norman this request, and said without hesitation.

Soon, Norman fell into deep thought, hesitated for a moment before speaking:
"I can give you everything else, but you can't release him. Rhino has been sentenced to life imprisonment and is a dangerous person. I can't let you release him. Otherwise, in the case of Osborne Industry's internal and external troubles, we would be in a desperate situation.”

Because Rhino's real name is Alexei Mikhailovich Sisevich, a Russian who immigrated to the United States, he acted as a gangster, and became a crazy Rhino due to genetic changes caused by radiation.

With super physical endurance, he has a rhinoceros leather-like shell, which is invulnerable to the severe cold. What makes Norman even more worried is that the military once spent a huge amount of money to make a suit of armor for him in order to use the rhinoceros as a weapon. , and the place where he was held was very close.

If it is accidentally released, then New York City will be completely dangerous. If you encounter this crazy super villain, if it causes huge damage, then even Norman cannot afford such a loss.

"Okay, then let me change the way! Then give me that set of rhino armor for research, I can use it, and the others are fine. And after I get what I want, I will immediately heal your family inheritance Potion of sickness!"

"Trust me, it's all worth the money!"

After thinking about it, Qi Tian made some concessions. In fact, he wanted to recruit this rhinoceros man, but seeing Norman's objection, he had no choice.

"it is good!"

Norman also agreed without hesitation. Anyway, compared to life, it seems that there are many unacceptable things to donate your own research results.

At the same time, when Qi Tian and Norman negotiated the terms, in the office of the shareholder of Stark Industries, after receiving a call from Tony and knowing the return of the other party, Opadry's face showed anger.

"Trash, trash, Wang Qiu's gang is really trash. There are so many people, but even an unprepared businessman can't solve it."

Obadai's eyes were red, he picked up the teacup and slammed it on the ground, feeling completely unable to vent his anger.

As a veteran shareholder of Stark Industries, Obaday naturally wanted to control a cash cow like Stark Industries, so he has been doing some small tricks silently, secretly devouring the company's non-assets.

Although he thinks that he should be the owner of Stark Industries, Obaday knows that he is just a moth. If he does too many bad things, he is afraid that it will be revealed one day, so he wants to kill Tony Stark regardless of the cost.

It's a pity that the action that was [-]% sure had a problem with Wang Qiu. Not only did they fail to kill Tony Stark, but they also wiped out the entire organization.

At this moment, Obadai felt that fate had made a joke on himself, but it was a good thing for him that the guy from that organization was destroyed, and the evidence that he framed Tony could not be found.

Then, after losing his temper, Obaday went to the bodyguard at the door and shouted: "Alex, prepare the car, let's go to Tony's villa to take a good look at him first."

And after hearing Opadry's words, Alex, Opadry's confidant, nodded immediately without any hesitation.

Seeing Alex go to prepare the car, Obaday's eyes also deepened, but what is certain is that Opadry has not given up his plan to replace Tony.

As long as there is a chance, he will continue to design and cause some accidents, so that Tony Stark will die unexpectedly.

Some things are like this, the first time I feel dangerous and risky, but the second time I get used to it, and even when I do it again, I don’t think about any risks anymore.

It can be said that Obaday is such a person, a conspirator who always wants to get his hands on what he can't get.

However, what he didn't know was that as early as when Tony started to disappear, Qi Tian had already started to plot against him, and he had calculated every step of the way.

It can be expected that Obaday, who thinks he is a chess player, doesn't know that he has become a chess piece, but even if he knows, he can't leave the chessboard at all.

And Qi Tian's city is far deeper than Obadai's, and even remotely controlled him to face the end of death.

(End of this chapter)

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