Chapter 299 The Great War Begins

Earth, New York City, Manhattan area.

S.H.I.E.L.D. detected the spacecraft, and when it was about to arrive, General Ross's military also launched an operation, scattered all around, dispatched countless troops and armored vehicles, and concentrated here, preparing for the upcoming war.

"General Ross, you may have to trouble you this time. To fight against these aliens, we can only use our full strength. No matter what power it is? We all have to rely on it."

Coulson looked at General Ross in front of him and said respectfully.

"It's nothing. I just did what I can. Now is the time when you are in the most danger. I just help everyone get through this difficulty."

Rose's performance is very sincere, he no longer has the same ambition as before, he just wants to protect the earth.

General Ross has already prepared the largest army. More than 20 troops have been deployed near New York City, and even various missiles and armored vehicles have gathered.

At the same time, they have given these superheroes the greatest convenience, hoping that they can fight the immediate crisis together, which is also an important purpose of their cooperation.

In addition, there are fighter jets and various advanced weapons, all of which are on the table. Even his super soldier troops have been gathered by others, and there is no more power left.

For the people under him, he also believed in those superheroes. Only those superheroes can fight the immediate crisis. Under various conditions, he also decided to assist these superheroes to win to the greatest extent. Just live on Earth.

At this time, when the decisive battle was about to start, Thanos' spacecraft began to slowly descend from the earth, but when it was just approaching the airspace of the earth, countless missiles had already lifted off from New York City .

Even the missiles from other places began to aim at that place, and unstoppably released missiles one after another, immediately leaving a soaring flame on Thanos' spaceship, and the flames and shock waves swept directly on it. More intense shocks were generated above, and huge flames and shock waves began to sweep across these spaceships.

At the SHIELD headquarters, they began to carefully monitor the energy changes, hoping to make various changes to help them solve some of the problems.

"Hawkeye, how much energy did they consume? Tell me directly. I hope that at least the weapons on Earth can destroy the energy of their shields. Even if it doesn't work, it's okay to consume some energy."

Nick Fury was serious, and asked the subordinates on one side, wanting to learn more about the situation here and make the best preparations for himself.

"After the missile bombed for half an hour, the opponent's energy was only digested by about 3%. It can be seen that the opponent's technology is many times greater than ours. I am still too young to see these aliens, so we must be careful Better."

Hawkeye stared at the computer in front of him tightly, and made a judgment, which still made him feel a little uncomfortable. Sure enough, it was impossible to get rid of these aliens by ordinary means.

Because, this missile is enough to blow up an area into ruins, but when facing Thanos' spaceship, the effect is indeed somewhat negligible, and it can even be said that the impact is even less, and even the opponent's protective shield has no persecution. , the energy is not exhausted.

"Really? We can only put them in and fight again, otherwise, we seem to have no other way."

Nick Fury showed helplessness on his face. He didn't want to send infantry and those little alien hands, but there was no other way, the only way was to wait for them to come in.

On the other side, when the military launched operations, the superheroes on the earth began to move in some directions, and they began to move towards designated areas respectively.

After all, in order to protect the earth, it is better for them to disperse their actions in the past, and give those aliens a ruthless attention in time.

Ten minutes later, Thanos' spaceship landed directly towards Lin Yun, and countless soldiers with laser guns also started to exchange fire with soldiers outside the earth. Under the attack of powerful firepower, the earth side also suffered a violent attack.

Even the tanks that were generally arranged were penetrated into many holes, and even turned into scrap iron. Under the powerful firepower of the opponent's infantry, their proud heavy firepower became vulnerable, and even did not There was no effective counterattack.

"Sorry, the general's opponent's firepower is too fierce. Relying on our strength, it is completely unstoppable. Even if we resist for a while, our casualties will be even more."

The chief of staff frowned as he watched the exchange of fire in the distance, and reported to General Ross in detail.

"We must hold on and wait for those superheroes to come here together. Only then can we cooperate with you. Please rest assured."

General Ross said without hesitation, his eyes were full of determination, he felt that he had to persevere in order to give the superhero some time to fight back.

When they started to defend constantly, the situation began to develop in a direction they didn't want to see. When they saw a huge alien mothership, they rushed directly into the military crowd, causing violent chaos here , the impact is also very serious.

Finally, when he saw that the members of the Avengers were about to arrive, General Ross breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that as long as these Avengers were there, there should be no problem in protecting the earth.

It is worth mentioning that the army from Asgard also assembled and set off towards the Manhattan area of ​​New York City. They also fought hard to deal with the enemy in front of them together.

Although, without the transition of Asgard, with their reminders, maybe the situation will not be so bad, and they still fully understand this.

Moreover, under the reminder of Thor, they also regard the earth as their second home. If they want to protect the peace of this area, then all the Asgardians who have a little hatred for Thanos will all share the same hatred Get up, want to eliminate the troubles in front of them, and not leave them the slightest chance, this is one thing they can understand.

Faced with such a big trouble, they still worked hard gradually, and they were ready to move towards success, have even more astonishing achievements, and realize the glory that they are proud of in Asgard, which is what they valued very much.

(End of this chapter)

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