Traveling through the heavens from the United States

Chapter 295 Ebony Throat VS Iron Man

Chapter 295 Ebony Throat VS Iron Man

New York City, in an area of ​​Manhattan, when the aliens came, the surrounding residents had already fled completely, as if they knew that the surrounding area was very dangerous and avoided being affected.

Anyway, the last time the aliens had descended, they knew how to escape from this area in a timely manner, so as to avoid being affected by such a powerful battle, which did not meet their requirements.

"Stupid aliens, you will still go, what do you want to do here? You want to occupy the earth, but with us superheroes, you have to pay a high price if you want to achieve this."

Iron Man looked at Ebony Throat in front of him, and started complaining, obviously he still wanted to make a final persuasion, if he could succeed in persuasion, maybe the other party could leave the earth.

Because Iron Man doesn't want to fight these aliens in his heart, otherwise, if he destroys the ground once, the residents on the earth will definitely not be willing, so if he can persuade him, it is naturally better to persuade him.

"Sorry, your request can't be met. In order to prove my ability to my father, this stop must be launched."

Ebony Throat replied blankly, his eyes were full of indifference, as if he didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

"Let me see what strength you have! If you don't have strength, although I won't listen to you, show your real combat power, otherwise, you will know what is the end of offending a superhero."

After Iron Man finished speaking, countless missiles appeared on his back, and the Ebony Throat in the distance attacked in all directions, and the powerful destructive force directly produced intense heat.

Just when Iron Man thought he could kill the opponent, the powerful flames and shock waves were indeed resisted by infinite power. Ebony Maw stood quietly in the center of the explosion, as if there was no harm at all, obviously his desire to control The power is very strong, similar to Qi Tian's.

"Not bad power, the people on Earth still make me feel a little happy, continue to show your power, otherwise the consequences will be very bad."

Ebony Throat gently raised his hand, and the buildings on the ground continued to shatter, and he also extracted countless sharp metal wires, attacking Iron Man in all directions.

It didn't take long for Iron Man's body to make tinkling sounds, and a lot of sparks appeared on his armor. Fortunately, this suit of armor is also made of super alloy, which can cause serious damage to him.

Due to the changes in this timeline, Iron Man has not developed nano-armor, so his combat power is slightly insufficient, and he can only cause some less serious damage to the black dwarf. stage of stalemate.

When fighting with them, Qi Tian also appeared in front of Iron Man with a teleportation, a storm appeared in his hand, and directly smashed towards the black dwarf in front of him.

Who knew that Darkheart could react so quickly?Directly brandishing the sickle-like weapon in his hand, he shattered the storm directly.He unstoppably slammed towards Qi Tian in front of him.

It can be seen that the opponent's combat experience is very sufficient, and they can carry out effective counterattacks in an unfavorable situation. Compared with the combat experience of superheroes on the earth, it is much richer.

It's normal to think about it. After all, Thanos is also the overlord of the galaxy, destroying those races and maintaining the balance of the universe, so the battle between them is impossible.

"People on Earth, why do you want to interfere with the battle between us? Obviously one-on-one is enough, what are you going to do after joining this battle?"

Black Dwarf is also a warrior. He likes to fight opponents one-on-one, but he didn't expect that the guy in front of him would directly interrupt her plan, which made him feel a little unbelievable, and even a little angry.

"What's strange, you are aliens, as an intruder, I naturally have the choice to help my companions, you guys naturally needless to say."

Hearing He Hexin's words, Qi Tian's face was also full of disdain, turning red as if mocking him for overreaching himself.

Because, Thanos is ready to start, meaning that half of the entire universe is destroyed, so it is naturally impossible for it to sit still. Simply put, solving the opponent is the choice they should make. In addition, there is no Other better options.

"Oh, since you chose this way, then I'm not being polite, just be careful with my strength!"

Black Dwarf also became furious, his tone became even more angry, and as soon as his speed accelerated, he chased and attacked Qi Tian in front of him.

However, Qi Tian, ​​who possessed super-speed power, was indeed a little faster than him, and a teleportation appeared in front of him, using the super shock wave hand knife, and hit the black dwarf all at once.

It was the opponent's fist, and it fell directly, hitting Qi Tian's body fiercely. The opponent's performance of exchanging injuries for injuries also wanted to eliminate this dangerous earthling.

When he felt this huge force coming, Qi Tian flew tens of meters in a row before coming to a steady stop, and relying on the powerful strength of his body, he quickly healed the wound on his body.

"Hey, brother, how do you look? It looks like you have been seriously injured. The group he just made should make you feel a little uncomfortable?"

Iron Man looked at Qi Tian with concern and asked in doubt, wanting to know whether his injury was serious or not.

"It's okay, normal attacks are completely useless to me. Besides, compared to this, they should not be my opponents."

In this regard, Qi Tian is still full of confidence. Their side has the upper hand. With the help of a dense number of superheroes, they will definitely be able to achieve the final success. Even if it is Thanos, they can turn over any cards .

"Next, let's not give in. This is the way we fight. Superheroes must have a way to solve the crisis."

Iron Man said with great certainty that he seemed to have his own plan.

Last time they let Thanos go, as long as there is a chance this time, they will naturally not give Thanos any chance. This is also a matter of decision among their superheroes.

After all, a strong man like Thanos is really too dangerous. Letting them go outside will definitely cause huge turmoil to the universe, something they can't imagine, let alone want to see.

(End of this chapter)

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